Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Patterns of Manifestation

The fulfillment of one’s dreams can best be accomplished by focusing on that dream, not on what is preventing its manifestation. Since energy is the spark that ignites the fire of manifestation, which do you wish to encourage? Now we are not saying one should be oblivious to challenges; merely that obsessing on why something is not going the way one would like may be counterproductive to the professed goal.

So what is the best way of approaching goals and aspirations? Certainly it helps to have fixed intentions about what one wants to achieve. Along with that it would be wise to have thought through the objectives of the endeavor including how you wish to feel as a result of it. What is the purpose and to what end do you wish to accomplish?

Is the achievement of your goals in alignment and as a compliment with others in your association or are you at odds or in competition with each other? In the new paradigm there will be a dovetailing of intentions and purposes as all swim together to the higher, deeper waters. Those swimming against the tide should examine the deeper motives and intentions for alignment with the higher purpose to see if they are scouts in the new paradigm or if they have failed to head some directional course correction along the way. In either case, we would advise to stop and adjust the inner navigation to zero in on the higher aspect of growth and understanding.

Once the navigation is in place, what do you hope to achieve by your efforts?  What new information or understanding do you possess that makes this possible now that wasn’t there before? This is a key to the lock of progress that was missing in your previous efforts to gain entrance. More and more are being given passage to higher realms because they have mastered many struggles with the ego. These gatekeepers have kept most from entering the higher passages until they are willing to drop their arms and move fearlessly forward, in the protection of Love. How have you accomplished this tricky maneuver and are all of the vestiges of this previous existence shed and free of the attachments that go with it?

The retooling of the Light body for the coming age requires that we also put aside our notions of separateness. Realize that our cloak of many colors has many armholes for those in the body of Love that are joining together in higher purpose. Gone is the notion that we must have to carry the burden alone. We are given the opportunity to honor each other with the sharing of the burden/gift of common experience. As we come to terms with what our gifts are in this process, we will see how they fit seamlessly together with others that are part of our soul group. It is not necessary that we be able to demonstrate all of the functions of a body when in fact we are each a specific organ that, when joined with the other complimentary parts, become the holographic pattern of the body of God.

As more and more come into resonance with this radical way of viewing the world, there will be a dropping away of the armaments that keep us separate and in an illusion of fear. If we each having the missing piece that will complete or compliment the other, it behooves us to begin looking for ways to fit these corresponding pieces together. Love is the glue that will hold them steadfast. The mosaic is taking form with each piece that comes together. This is the challenge/promise of the world in transition that is reforming the image of God as expressed in the form of man. Allow your pieces of life to move in synchronicity with others and you will see how the pieces fit together effortlessly.  It is so…



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