Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Patterns of Authenticity

As you begin to come into resonance with your authentic, divine self we have a few suggestions that might shed Light on the process.

First, do nothing because others say you should. For one to be truly aligned with one’s higher purpose, one must be able to hear your own inner wisdom and feel the resonance with that. You instinctively know something at the gut level and whether it feels aligned with this inner barometer of Truth and wisdom. Do not default to the illusions of the world that tell you otherwise.
Second, know that all is in divine order even if you do not understand at the present how the elements fit together. This is indeed a group process which means that you do not have all of the pieces in front of you. Be willing to step out onto the limb of possibilities and Know that all of the others will form around you, fully supporting your growth and understanding.

Third, allow others to be part of the process. The more people you empower in life with your wisdom and support, the greater will be the probability that you will be joined by a family of Love and devotion. These are your “peeps” and those that have signed on for the accelerated process of personal growth and understanding. Doesn’t it seem logical that you have pieces to share with each other for growth and understanding?
Allow those who do not resonate with this frequency of understanding to catch the next train Home. Not all are ready to let go of the guard rails of life. Though all will eventually make the passage, your journey is not contingent upon others who may have a few side trips to make first. Plant seeds but allow growth to happen at the appropriate time and rate for maturation. While all are indeed One, there are many specialized cells in the body of God that need to grow into their own unique pattern of specialization in order to mature into fruition. Allow this to happen without attachment to time and frequency.

Destiny does not necessitate that any one path must conform to the blueprints of another. There is an uniqueness inherent in the manifestation of all form that demonstrates the diversity of God’s patterns. The holographic image of life in form is contingent upon these patterns interconnecting into new forms and structures that relate to each other in new ways. Do not be limited by past conventions in demonstration of previous patterns. All is in the process of morphing into new vibrational frequency. In order to flow with this patterning, it is necessary to dissolve the docking patterns that locked one safely into resonance and open yourself to new possibilities of association.

Help others to find their place in this new order. If we are to transmute fear into Love, we must be willing to demonstrate this pattern to others in our life. The new purpose in life is not any of the old third-dimensional patterns of association but requires finding ways of showing up in new ways in the lives of others. There no longer needs to be an agenda other than demonstrating Loving awareness for any of the activities in our life. We do not “need” anyone in our life but choose to join together since this is our greatest opportunity for demonstration of this Truth. All else will fall into place if this is the organizing pattern of the new earth.

The freedom one experiences in this new paradigm is contingent upon cutting the cords of attachment to previous conventions of being. While the structures of society will be there as crutches until all learn to walk in the new energy, they are merely vestiges of the past and not necessary for those that exist in a new body of Light energy. Begin by examining all of the things of your life energetically and see what resonates to the frequency of Truth and Love. Anything that fails to measure up will soon become obsolete and destined for destruction. Welcome to the new earth…


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