Tuesday, February 26, 2013


In the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, it behooves all to stop and connect with the God within for guidance. When all is dark, where is Light to be found? We have within us the spark to kindle all understanding if only we are able to quiet the ego that is shouting otherwise.

 In the midst of uncertainty, it is easy to look for the “quick fix” to relieve the pain. If we liken this to a dislocated joint, the pain will continue indefinitely until we readjust the alignment to coincide with the divine blueprint. Any momentary discomfort will be justified if realignment is achieved and health is restored.

So it is with the spiritual body…If pain and uncertainty is a constant source of irritation, doesn’t it seem self-evident that an adjustment of attitude and perception might be in order? Does holding on to outmoded fears, perceptions, and beliefs that cause pain serve your soul development? Perhaps it is time to “bite the bullet” and readjust your perceptions and attitudes.

What areas of your life are most painful to experience? Is this a result of an external irritant that must be removed or an internal shift that is necessary because it is not in alignment with your soul purpose? Identifying the source of the pain and discomfort is the first step that is required in order for healing to commence. If you are to be pain-free, it will be important to probe and examine the site of the current discomfort in order to begin the process of restoration.

If the discomfort is imagined to be from without, what adjustments can you make to remove this source of irritation from your environment or you from its? Is this someone that you are repeatedly allowing to destroy the homeostasis of mental, emotional and physical health or is it possible to remove the source of irritation? What is the deeper lesson that is being learned or resisted from this continued encounter? What might happen if you were to “get the message” and adjust either your attitude or remove yourself from the experience? Perhaps the ramifications of the encounter are worth examining with the offending party to see if a mutually desirable outcome can be achieved since this is clearly not working in its present form.

Since it is not what is done “to us” but how we choose to respond to the situation that tests us and allows us to grow into understanding, what is the deeper meaning of our discomfort and what are we learning from the experience? How does continuing to allow this to erode our mental, emotional or physical self give acquiesce to the problem and allow it to perpetuate? Would a quick jerk back into reality correct misalignment and allow the injury to begin to heal and the pain to subside? Given the example of the misaligned limb, would we not be better correcting the imbalance quickly before this becomes an irreparable obstacle to health and function?

Once we have “jerked ourselves back into reality” there will be a period of numbing as nerves and emotions begin to heal. The application of Love and Forgiveness to ourselves and others is the balm that will heal all wounds.  Retribution, regret, and blame are caustic emotions that can only fester and prolong the suffering and make it worse. Allow yourself to move in the flow of Love and Forgiveness of yourself and others and you will move swiftly into the calmer waters of Grace. The beauty of Love expressed is the bandage that heals all wounds if it truly comes from the heart. Allow the fresh air of Truth to be your healing agent and you will begin to heal your world….It is so…


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