Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Energetic Shift

The field of interdimensional travel is not limited to those who have origins in other worlds. You in fact are traveling through dimensions as we speak. The world of your experience is being reprogramed to accommodate the shift that is taking place.  At times it may feel as if you are out of sync with the physical body you are occupying. The energy shifts for many are manifesting in tingling and sensation of electric currents being amped up within all of the cells of the physical body. This is to be expected as you come into resonance with the frequency of the higher dimensions.

While fifth dimensional frequency may be unfamiliar to those who have been stuck in third dimensionality, it is becoming something your new reality as more and more are visiting, if only for brief periods of time. The world you are experiencing now is morphing from one dimension into the next as all form is being elevated along with the planet. Rather than one giant leap, this is happening in waves with each wave moving higher up the scale.

It is no surprise that this is causing uneasiness and disorientation to many. While change is seldom an easy process, it is doubly difficult to those who cling rigidly to the dogma of outmoded concepts and teachings. It is as if you find yourself in new territory and are still using a map of the previous place.

That said, we would like to make a few suggestions for the transition:

First, Chill. That is to say, slow down and allow the body and the perceptions to adjust. The frequency of your body is being tuned to the environment where you are living as well as synchronized with those around you. It is no accident that you are finding yourself in the company of those with a similar understanding and frequency. It is a matter of resonance. Those who understand and resonate will be drawn to others of a similar frequency and be repelled by those of a lower vibration.

Second. Allow the things that do not vibrate at this higher frequency, slip out of your life. Entertainment and distractions that are not reflective of a positive, loving, uplifting nature will cease to be attractive to you once you have mastered the higher vibrational field. Allow those who are not attuned to this higher frequency fade into the background as you will be drawn to others with similar tastes.

Speaking of tastes, your diet will undoubtedly going through changes as well. Foods with a higher vibrational frequency, especially organically raised fruits and vegetables, will undoubtedly become a greater part of your diet. Things that are artificially produced or manipulated will become repellant to the new configuration of the physical body.

You can expect that as you raise your frequency/vibration your body will be less reflective of the degradation of age. If one is living in a timeless universe, the physical body will begin to reflect the condition of the inner self, rather than the societal concepts of age and aging. If you had no mirror, what would you think of your status? Begin to adjust your attitude accordingly and you will only be as young as you feel.

Health will have a direct correlation to vibrational frequency. Those who have moved into the higher vibrational frequencies have also discarded the thought patterns and illusions that attract disease. Those who have worked through the karmic lessons they came here to master will have no reason to carry those woundings from the past that have manifested in the physical body. As we become Lighter, our new bodies will not support these vestiges of past lessons and we will be renewed in energy and Light .

Welcome the changes that are taking place in your body and in your world as there is much healing going on on many levels. The world is shaking loose but also shaking free many of the impediments of growth and understanding. Healing is about applying Love to the hurts of the old so that you are able to move effortlessly into the new. Breathe deeply and allow the frequency of change to move through you and your world for this is a tide of transformation that is moving mountains. Welcome to the frequency Light manifested in form. Evolve…


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