Thursday, March 21, 2013

In Sync With The New Paradigm

Feeling you are out of sync with the world around you might be an expression of your reality at this time.  You might think of this as shifting gears into an accelerated experience while the road beneath your feet remains static and unmoved. You are creating a more intense experience that others may not be able to perceive unless they are traveling in the same band width.

As for how this may be revealing itself in your life, we do have a few suggestions.

1.        Accept nothing you see, hear, feel hear, smell or taste as reality unless it is also confirmed with an inner Knowing. The illusions of the material world are many and just because the consensus of those around you seem to be indicating that something is one way does not mean that it is not a holographic pattern of the illusion conceived by the masses.

2.       You have within you, reinforced by your inner Knowing, sensors that can help you distinguish reality on a higher level if only you are able and willing to tune into the higher frequency channel. There is an inner alarm system that signals when something does “not feel right” that is an energetic early warning system of Truth and falsehood. Be willing to trust your inner guidance and hone these skills that will come in handy in the coming months.

3.       Allow yourself to move freely in the pool of experience without attaching to any of the drifting pieces. All is in a process of reformation. There has been a process of disintegration of the past but the reintegration of the pieces is not complete.  Allow the new structures to come together in the frequency of Loving awareness and it will be self-evident as to which are part of the new paradigm.

4.       Trust that you are in process as well. As you attune your vehicle to a higher frequency you will become aware of the pieces that do not resonate with the new paradigm. What, thoughts, actions or structures are not Loving, caring, supportive and in tune with the new frequency? Time to let go in order for them to be reborn in the frequency of Love.

5.       Open yourself to receive all of the gifts life is offering you that you have been holding at bay by your requirements as to how they must look. Frequently it is our most beautiful, soul enhancing lessons that come wrapped in packages that do not match our expectations. Allow yourself to receive these oddities that your soul has packaged in camouflage for your delight.

6.       Speaking of receiving, we might suggest that it is not always more blessed to give than to receive. Those upon a spiritual track have mastered the giving part. Now it is time to move into self-acceptance and self-worthiness and allow others to minister to you and receive their gifts given in Love.

As all comes into form in the new reality you will have numerous chances to redefine what you wish to call into form.  Be willing to suspend belief in the old in order to recreate the vision of the new. As long as you remain firmly attached to the old, there will be no crack for the new to emerge. To step through the looking glass, one must believe that this is a permeable substance in order to overcome the illusion of the visible. Worlds are morphing but only to the extent that we are able to create the framework and substance of the new forms. It is through your intentions that this will take place.

Gather to you those with similar beliefs and vision and you will see the transformation taking place. Allow for the possibility that what you perceive might be just a projection of your beliefs and you will find that you are creating the seamless reality of the new earth. How fun…


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