Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Patterns of Growth

If you were to step back and look at the patterns of growth you have mastered throughout your life experience you would begin to see the interconnection between experiences that have been woven from a continuous thread fed from your soul.  Everyone you met and connected with came at exactly the right time to teach you the steps you needed for the next dance. As you build your muscles of understanding, new challenges and opportunities arrive to prepare you for the next adventure. Missteps and stumbles give you the opportunity to learn the lessons from different teachers until the dance is mastered and you are able to move on.

What you are doing now is entering the master’s class where all around you have been preparing for this recital of life. You have been preparing in private and now it is time to bring the pieces together. The master’s classes have begun.

Many are finding that the music has changed and the tempo is different. Instead of a few in the lead roles and the rest forming the chorus, this is a line where all are shining in their brilliance from different angles. The lead players take turns sharing their steps in the dance of excellence and each addition brings the vibration a note higher until all are singing in the octave of One.

As to how this is playing out in the world of form, you may have noticed how your relationships are morphing into a different frequency as well. As more and more soulmates find each other they are able to help each other remove the shackles of limited perception that have tethered them to the past ways of being together. You are finding that old conventions such as marriage are no longer the limiting forms they once were, based on scarcity and competition. In a society based upon love, there are many ways that we can love each other that are not bound by the tethers and restrictions of conventional marriage.

As your world becomes more complex, there will be more freedom to find the pieces of relationships that nourishes your soul and perhaps join with others in community to complete your missing parts. While there will always be partnerships based upon procreation, that need not be the only purpose in coming together with complimentary souls. There are many ways of forming intimate unions, and many of them do not include physical intimacy. How intimate a journey is it with another that shares ones deepest soul longings and experiences? How does this compare with physical couplings based merely upon physical attraction? You are redefining the pieces of your world and honoring the deeper intentions of your purpose together which may be quite different from the old paradigm of marriage.

So how do you go about assessing the relationships in your life and what you contribute to the growth and understanding of each other? We might suggest that it is a process of wholeness. If both parties are whole and complete they are likely to be able to live together harmoniously but there may be few challenges that would be a catalyst to growth.  If such is the case, perhaps the purpose of their journey together is to mirror and teach and hold the light for others on how to achieve balance and understanding in our journey together.

If prospective partners are experiencing voids in some area of their wholeness, they will naturally attract those who can irritate these raw edges and precipitate a healing response. This assumes that both are committed to the process of growth and understanding.  Realize that this can also create a site of trauma if healing is not a common goal. It will take repeated woundings and healing to overcome the past hurts unless the balm of forgiveness is part of the process. This is an opportunity to cut through the old processing and go directly to the grace of Forgiveness to circumvent the traumas of the past.

Growth is happening at warp speed for those that have raised their frequency in concert with the new energetic template. Issues that may have taken years in the past are being healed in “miraculous time”. You may wish to check in with your Higher Self to see what issues are still outstanding only to find that many an old nemesis is no longer there.

The shift is subtle but powerful. It requires constantly checking in to see what is True and what may have dissolved and been replaced with a new version of life on earth. As you upgrade operating systems, be willing to learn new skills that correspond to a paradigm of Loving Awareness. Your old programming may need to be upgraded if you are to grow seamlessly and communicate with others around you. 

Relationships may take on a whole new configuration as we step into the concept of One.  Be open and discerning so that is the higher purpose. Ask – Is it Loving? Is it respectful? Does it support growth and understanding? Is it based upon fear or competition? Is it hurtful? This should give you a clearer sense of direction of the structures emerging in the firmament of the new world. Those that do not measure up will undoubtedly replaced with the newer model that is crafted in the vibration of Love. All else is illusion.  Is it ever so?


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