Sunday, April 21, 2013


As spring is a time of renewal, it is also a time of blossoming forth. We wish to share with you a few ideas about what is required in order to produce the blossoms of our life.

First there is the seed…dark and hard, protected by an outer shell of separation from the outside world. It is deep within that ideas find inspiration. There needs to be a period of gestation where you will assimilate all that you require to “make it” in the outside world. Things that try to come into being before they have the necessary resources to sustain them usually wither before they can be birthed. Any idea, project or invention requires a period of gestation to “work out the bugs”, anticipate challenges and refine the intention before it will be ready to launch.

Finding the divine purpose or higher reason for the creation can be important in order to align it in a frequency of movement. If something is attuned a frequency of say 800, it would be counterproductive to launch it in a track that is only capable of supporting an idea with the frequency of say 200. Pre-planning and examination from all sides will get it up and running. If you plant a garden, it entails supplying the environment, nurturance, and maintenance in order to assure success of something. Any project that is to succeed, be it a garden or an idea, requires coordination to get all of the elements working together.

The growth of any organism requires all of its the needs be fulfilled. If this function is not sustained or abandoned, growth is inhibited and restricted. The more conscious and consistent the process of care and protection, the more luxuriant will be the growth. An abundance of resources coupled with the loving hands to see that all are utilized in the most efficient matter assures that all will come into flower in perfection. If any are missing or sporadic in their flow, this will be reflected in the form of the organism. There may not be a total loss of functionality but it may not be something that totally meets the requirements for which it was intended.

Nurturance is an important step in the process. You might wish to think of this as Love made manifest in action. When we nurture those we Love, things we Love, and ourselves we allow this Love to flow unimpeded into form. It means noting and anticipating what is necessary for growth and sustance. It also implies a willingness on our part to step out of our isolated selves and merge with the other, anticipating and providing for growth on many levels. It is caring and feeling for the needs and requirements on an intuitive level and providing the assistance to make it happen. It also requires a commitment to see that this is carried out to fruition. And it requires our knowing when it is appropriate to cut back our support and feeding in order to enable the organism to toughen up and take over the process of sustance on its own.

The blossoming of achievement contains the seeds of future rebirth. If we are diligent, supportive and nurturing, we will realize that this is the culmination of our efforts into maturity and revelation. The petals are the attractors that bring to us those who will be receptive to the fruits of our labors. This is an offspring of our vision, debuting in the world of form. The ideas, have become manifest through our diligence, caring and Love. The fruits of regeneration are made possible by bringing together those who can take this to the next generation of growth. It is in the cross-pollination of ideas that genetics are strengthened and resistance to detractors insured. The symbiotic journey of growth and refinement happens when we attract to us the complimentary parts of ourselves, waiting to engage with us on a level of creation. It is a dance of opposites that complete the One.

The blossoming of life is the renewal of the dance of creation. That which is to be sustained is entreated and necessitated by the cooperation of others. The fruit of promise is completed by merging of the opposites and the allowing of a new form to be born, containing the genetic patterning of the participants. All form is being reborn with the ideas and input of those that are coming together as One. New forms, new ideas and new species are being born with the genetic makeup of the patterns of the creators. It is not just the two, but the many that are participating in the creation process as many points of light are merging as One. This is the flowering of a new age of existence. Allow yourself to dance in the breeze of creation as we rebirth with each other into the Beauty of the One. Ah Spring…


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