Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Frequency of Extraordinary Light

As you are finding, the frequency of Light is permeating everything in your life. This either reveals the flaws in the underlying structure of the object or the premise or allows the higher frequency idea or institution to stand out in a crowd of mediocrity. The choices in your life are becoming clearer and easier to recognize as to whether they are keepers in the new paradigm, or not.

As to what you might wish to do with this increased ability of discernment, we have a few suggestions. Bring home only those things that resonate with this higher vibration. The more that you clutter up your life with relics of past assumptions and beliefs, the more difficult it will be to see the treasures amongst the trash. Look at everything in your environment with new eyes. What is serving a higher purpose and what is merely occupying space? If something is not relevant and supporting of your intention and purpose, it is taking away energy from it. Begin to do your own spring cleaning of that which does not support your new vision of growth and understanding.

Second, begin to evaluate the other things in your life that drain energy and focus. Who do you allow in your life that wastes more of your most precious resource, time? If you were to put a price tag on each friendship, acquaintance, and disruption, which would be the most valuable and which are the biggest drain on your resources? Given that time is your most valuable resource, where do you bank the most credits by a wise use of your time? Conversely, what causes you a great expenditure of this resource without adding significantly to your physical or emotional well-being? Where do you find yourself repeating things again and again without significant results or progress? How much of this is out of habit or lack of defined purpose? Which efforts are supportive of your growth and understanding and which are merely ways to “kill time”? Honest introspection should give you a better idea as to whether the things you choose to engage in and support are truly in your best interest or merely things you are using to deter you from your more significant areas of endeavor.

Given that each day is a blank slate, what might you to furnish your life with that are the most beautiful, loving aspects of life you can imagine? Are you willing to set aside the activities that you have mastered and venture forth into a new path where your soul is pointing? What are your fears and trepidations that are keeping you housebound and afraid to venture into the party of life? Are you willing to confront your fears and imaginings that have prevented this from being realized in the past? What is different now that makes a new different journey possible? Who might you enlist to help you move together past the rough spots in life and help you up when you stumble? The new paradigm calls for more and more to form alliances to help each other master the more difficult obstacles of life and assist those who might have more need of our wisdom.

What can you provide in the way of assistance that will help make the world a kinder, more Loving place and begin to plant this seed in the garden of your life? What if everyone planted an extra row of acts of kindness to share with those least expecting it?  If the world is to be transformed, it will be the unexpected things that get our attention that will have the greatest impact by bringing our awareness to new ways of being together that nurture and delight the divine being we are. We cause ripples in life when we break the flow of energy of the old and shake up and redefine the expected into the extraordinary. What will you do today that will demonstrate to yourself and others that this is not your father’s world and life has been changed in the frequency of Loving awareness. In addition to random acts of kindness, just for today, BE what you long to see around you. You are a lighthouse if you will but remove the coverings that keep you hidden from those in the dark. Beam on…



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