Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting Real

As the process of ascension into a higher frequency continues, we have a few suggestions as to how you might wish to “surf the dimensional shift”.

First it is good to remember that all form is but an illusion and your real body is part of the infinite presence of God. Things that may be occurring in the physical body are manifestations of the blockages in the energetic field that reinforce the belief in separation of the two. If you perceive yourself to be anything less than the perfection of the divine in form then you still have work to do in clearing this impediment in your inner vision.

Second, it might be beneficial to look inward to discover why you may not be experiencing the inner vision that confirms your presence as a magnificent being of Light. What might you do to fan this spark into greater brilliance? What do you feel is lacking in your life or hidden that is preventing the full-flowering of your divine self? What can you do to adjust your perceptions or circumstances to allow the brilliance of your countenance to shine forth?

If you were to sit down and list all of the things in your life that give you joy and those that bring you sorrow, which would be longer? What can you do each day to move things from the second list to the first? Those on the second list are lessons waiting to be completed. There is a gift in each one that can bring you tremendous satisfaction and joy if resolved and reclassified.

If you were to write an epitaph for your life up to this moment, what would others have to say about you and your journey? Does the outward vision you present to the world reflect the real you, longing to be exposed. Which is the “real” you? Which do you wish others to know? What is required to bring both into resonance with your divine blueprint? Is there a missing part or “phantom limb” that needs to be reattached in order to complete the holographic image of wholeness.

Before you leave this mortal coil it behooves you to take stock of where you have been, what was your destination and if you have arrived there? How has your journey morphed into something quite different from what you previously envisioned? Have you grown and blossomed in ways that far surpass anything you might have envisioned from the beginning? If you are not ready to complete the process, what side journeys might you take or course correction can you make that will re-chart your path to more lofty areas? It is never over until it is over so how do you intend to spend your reminding time, whether it be a minute or a millennium in completing your “bucket list” of divine aspirations? The scavenger hunt continues. How are you doing?


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