Tuesday, April 23, 2013


If you feel that you are living on the cusp between worlds, that is exactly what is happening. As you transition to a higher frequency, there is a time where there is an overlapping and morphing from one to another as your physical body comes into resonance with the higher frequencies. There is a period of adjustment that is required before you are firmly entrained in the new frequency. As to how you might wish to navigate this period of flux, we have a few suggestions.

First, do not take any situation in your life too seriously. It will be helpful to take an observer stance to see whether it will retain the frequency of the new or if it is merely a shadow of the past reality flickering out. There are forms and ideas that may seem to hold the higher frequencies that cannot maintain this vibration and will fade from view as the more stable forms emerge.

Secondly, allow the people in your life to find their own “sea legs”. Each must come into resonance with their inner Truth to see whether they can make the transition as well. Having one foot on the dock and one in the boat does not bode well for future events. Allow them to either step aboard or take the next conveyance.

Third, Begin to examine all of the things in your life for their sea-worthiness. Unless the pieces of your life are able to weather future storms and disturbances, they should be discarded now so not as to clutter the decks with excess baggage. What is critical to your growth and understanding and what is merely a reminder of past levels of mastery that you have long outgrown? Growth is the operative word here. You will be growing and expanding in so many ways that there will no longer be room for excess baggage. Claim only the over-night bags you require for sustenance moment by moment. All else will be provided for you.

Allow the rocking of the boat of Change to be a reassurance that indeed progress is being made and you are not becalmed in mid-stream. You are moving in perfect timing in order for all to reach the desired destination. If you feel your body going through changes that are unfamiliar, this is part of the process as well. Upping the vibration will be experienced differently by individual expressions of the God spirit. It is the tuning of the instruments in the symphony of life that is taking place. Center in and Know that there are others that are tuning up as well for the crescendo to come.

As to how this is manifesting in your life, it may sound as if all are out of tune and there is no harmony within the all. This is part of the illusion of separation. It is merely a process of attunement. All are coming into resonance with their divine part. As others perfect their piece as well, there will become an attunement with the higher frequencies that will bring all into resonance. Begin to hear the harmonies that are playing out as more and more perfect their pieces. The symphony of the spheres is tuning up and you are part of the chorus of life. Maestro please…


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