Sunday, May 5, 2013


You world is coming into balance and integrity but it is not always pretty. Things that you have believed to be True may have fuzzy edges. Unless you have the vantage point of God, things are never entirely as they seem because they are part of and integrated into a much greater whole. This is why judgment is futile because you never have all of the affected parts. This is a time for observance and allowing.  The many pieces of your world are in motion and it is all good. There must be a loosening of the bonds of attachment to the old in order for the new to take form. And in this agitation, the untruths and manipulations are being dislodged and coming to the surface. Allow this to happen for it is a necessary part of the restructuring.

Those who are not willing to address their shadow will probably move on to a different venue only to repeat this futile attempt to evade this soul lesson. So be it. Again, we say this is a time of stepping back and allowing each to choose their own path of discovery. We are tempted to intervene because we know that “if only…” things could be different but this is their lesson to learn and ours as well.  We are there to mirror God’s Love which is all encompassing because it allows us the free will to choose wisely or not and get another chance to try things differently.

As to how you might wish to weather the flow of uncertainty, we would remind you that you are held safely in the hand of God and the only journey is the one Home. Even if you dream of falling overboard, this is but an illusion brought on by forgetfulness of your divine nature. Stand up to what you Know to be True which is Love. The water is shallow and you can easily walk back to the safety and shelter of Loving awareness. All else is part of the illusion.

The process of growth and healing requires that we continually venture into the stream of life and dodge the flotsam and jetsam of others that may not have learned to swim in these faster currents. We are reminded that lighthouses are never built in safe places but are there to help others avoid the impediments of life that would tear their reality asunder. Be there to help each other over the rough spots in life. Grow together in awareness of the new currents. Help each other heal the woundedness of the past so that all may step forward into the Light of the Oneness of creation. Allow…


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