Saturday, February 23, 2013

Retooling Your World

The sands of time are shifting as you move into a new period of growth and expansion. Gone are the constructs of your old world of form, despite the illusions around you. All that remains is the disintegration of the physical shells that give the illusion of permanence.

You may be skeptical that this has indeed taken place until you begin to examine the attitudes and beliefs that you hold that support the old. How well do you see things working that support the illusion? Are the fear-based elements of your society strong and viable or do you see cracks and crumbling as they move out of the old into the new?  Are new ideas materializing that are transforming your world into a more loving society? If you look carefully at the people around you, are they more loving and compassionate?

If none of these things are true, perhaps it is you that has not removed your dark glasses of fear and negativity. This is a new world being created from the rubble of the past. As to how you might wade through this in order to find a clear place for creation, we might suggest:

First Take time to assess what is working in your life and what is not. If you were to evaluate the areas of your life and grade them as being in alignment with the new paradigm, on a scale of 1-5, how would they rate?

Second, what in your life is calling to you that has not come into fruition in the past because it did not resonate with the old. How does this now seem possible given the new environment in which we are moving?

Third, what needs to be altered or adjusted, given what you now know to be true in order to make this possible? It is difficult to build something in the future until all of the pieces of the required structure come into form. If you examine your visions that have been ahead of their time, it just may be that the world has now caught up and there are now ears to hear and minds to accept.
The time has come for recalibration of dreams and visions that may have seemed unfeasible or impractical in the past. Time has changed and minds are being opened to embrace the building blocks of a new world. As we step across the threshold of possibilities, it behooves you to take a second look at past “failures” and see why they were out of sync with time and space and requirements of the material world. Perhaps all of the elements were not in sequence with the needs of the whole because they had not presented themselves yet.

Given the vision of hindsight, what has changed that make these old dreams possible if retooled in the new format of cooperation and teamwork? What would the collaboration of those who might have been your adversaries bring to the venture? How might you combine your efforts with those with similar interests and insights to reorder your world in concert with the divine?

Things that do not subscribe to this new dynamic will become obsolete if they do not adjust their guiding premise to this new energy. Begin to evaluate all of the things in your life to find ways of coming into alignment . This is a time of great movement. Use your inner guidance to help move you into the flow of cooperation and compassion which is the dynamic of enlightenment. How can you retool your world in order to be ahead of the crowd and lead others into a future of Light energy? Move..


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