Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gut Feelings

Feeling your way along the path to higher consciousness is one way to exercise your muscles of discernment.  If you paused when faced with a dilemma in your life and check in with the gut feelings your body is conveying to you, you will come closer to the reality of the situation than listening to that old trickster, the ego.  Your body can sense the vibratory frequency of Truth. It is up to you to get out of your own way and out of your head in order to perceive this inner messenger.

Just because something has not been proven using “scientific methods” does not mean that it is not true. Since your science may not take into consideration  Truths of a higher frequency that have yet to be “proven”, that may not be the best frame of reference to use when deciding whether something is True or not. If something does not feel right, there is a very good chance that some of the parts are missing or the conclusions are not supported by the facts. A second look is certainly in order.

While everyone certainly tries to put their best foot forward, this may not in fact, be the entire story. Leaving out important pieces in order to get a favorable outcome is an unfortunate aspect of the criminal “justice” system. If the intention were to truly to get together and everyone tell what they believe to be true without having to make the other wrong and only present the corroborating “facts” that support your side of the story the verdicts awarded by juries might be quite different.

So how do you go about ascertaining the path of Truth in your life. We do have a few suggestions:

First, it is important to be a s objective as possible with no attachment to the outcome. This may be the hardest part because we would all like to believe that we can tell the truth from a falsehood and bring with us all of our own prejudices and preconceived notions.

Second, be willing to listen objectively to both sides of a story and to ask questions when things seem ambiguous or contrary to “facts” or beliefs. It is important that you take a neutral position and attempt to draw out the things that color all of the salient facts being presented.

Third, learn to cull the significant from the insignificant facts surrounding the premise. What is a “red herring” and what is a vital bit of information being hidden amongst the minutia being presented? Learn to steer the conversation along a directed path to allow only the most pertinent information to come forth, devoid of the biases and suppositions that have been thrown in to muddy the waters.

What does your “gut” tell you is true and is this supported by the facts presented? If not, what might be missing that might supply the missing pieces that could cast an entirely different light on the situation? Do not downplay your negative feelings and allow others to persuade you, based upon suspect evidence. Your body energy may be reacting to something that does not ring true as presented. Delving deeper and asking questions in different ways while allowing alternate scenarios to float on the unsettled waters until one becomes more seaworthy than the next is another way of discerning truth when there are many worthy possibilities. Generally there will be one option that, unlikely as it may have seemed at first, just happens to fill all of the criteria for Truth and passes the “gut test”.

 This is not a process for the judicial system but is something that is dealt with on a daily basis. Before making “logical” assumptions and decisions in our lives, it might be advisable to get a second opinion on things that seem out of alignment with a higher vision. Is it kind? Is it necessary? Does it benefit all concerned in ways that may not be apparent at first glance? Does it call us to move past our comfort zone and tap resources that are more in alignment with our higher purpose of universal Love? Does this bring people together in Loving ways rather than separate? The higher the vibration of something, the more it will align with these objectives.  If this is a new paradigm unfolding, perhaps these need to be the new ground rules for negotiating the sticky points. All together…

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