Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Joy and Wonder

If you choose to tread a path of Joy and wonder, you must be willing to take on the other accoutrements of the journey. What if you no longer possessed any burdens that would keep you tethered to the illusionary “reality” around you? What if this set you apart from those who were behind the glass of the perceived world? What if all of your aquaintenances thought you “a little strange” because you no longer subscribed to their illusionary distractions and fears? How might you reorganize your world to find true meaning and appreciation for life outside the bounds of the present?

The first thing you might wish to examine might be where you choose to make your stand for creating this new world. Does your area and environment support the activity to which you aspire? It is hard to grow a crop of great nutritional value in a barren and rocky soil. How might you improve your current situation to make it more receptive to the world you wish to create? If this is impossible or impractical, how and where might you move your growing ground where conditions are more favorable to the process at hand? People and plants all prosper and thrive where the conditions for growth are present and appreciated.

As for appreciation…what is your attitude about the process taking place? Are you grateful to have the opportunity to spread your wings and soar above the constraints of society and your present situation? Appreciation gives you wings to soar past the limiting, while resentment is a leak in the fuel line that will ultimately lead to disaster…

Excitement about the possibilities keeps the lights turned on so that “luck” can find you in the dark. If you are not enthusiastic about your journey, how do you hope to attract others to join you as well? Now this does not necessarily mean that you must shout from the rooftops about what you are doing and how you feel, but it is more about the cheerful, determined process that leaves you with a sense of peace that those around you will notice and come to ask you your “secret” to life lived in concert with the Divine. Inner peace and tranquility are such a rare commodity these days that those that have found the secret elixir stand out in a crowd and can’t help but draw the attention of the frantic and disenfranchised.

As to what you might do when you awaken in your new home , surrounded by others who have flocked together in resonance, we might suggest, whatever your heart’s desire. You will find that synchronicity is the norm in the land that time forgot. When the rules of the old earth no longer apply, you are free to create the reality that nourishes your soul.

Love and caring are the glue that binds you one to another. Finding ways to create communities that honor and empower each other in unconditional Love becomes the imperative, while matters of the flesh take a backseat to the process. If the devil is in the details than the divinity must be in letting go and letting God work out the rest. In an ego-balanced environment, where gender roles are obsolete, all are free to find the areas where they can plug in their talents and abilities in great exuberance, without the fetters of expectation. What if you were to spend your days, doing the things that feed your soul and bring Joy to yourself and others? How magical might be the experience.

Time has come to face the challenges of turning your world into such a utopia. What are the roadblocks in your life that prevent you from stepping across the threshold into this expanded experience? The only real barriers are the ones we create for ourselves through the limiting thought forms of the present. All blocks are there because we believe them to be real. Perhaps the real value of our journey is that we are now able to dissolve them with our new awareness of the nature of reality. Solutions and answers surround us if we are willing to think “outside the box” and call in the angelic helpers that can help us dissolve the illusionary mountains that are keeping us immobilized.

You are not alone in this process. Those around you are also having trouble seeing the forest for the trees. Listen for the cries of “Eureka, I have found it that echo in the darkness and you will be guided forward to join hands with your partners in locating the hidden passages into the Light-filled reality. This is not a solo journey and the more others are willing to release their fears join hands and hearts, the easier the journey will become. Leaping off the precipice into a world of Joy and wonder, locked arm and arm, is the first step in entering this new reality. Bon Voyage…


Thursday, June 9, 2011


When one emerges from the fog of self-deception, one begins to comprehend the enormous possibilities each soul has to transform not only themselves, but the planet through their choices in life. As you trod the upward path, there are many who would lead you astray in favor of things that gratify the ego or less lofty pursuits. It is through constant reevaluation of what resonates with your higher purpose and what feels right that you are able to ascend vibrationally and access the higher dimensions of existence.

Turmoil that rips apart the foundations of life is an opportunity for those in the maelstrom to begin anew to create lives with greater meaning and purpose. Frequently it is not until we have lost everything that we have believed to be important that we break through the false images of life and get the core meaning of associations and material wealth that have eluded us in the past. While no one likes to see others suffer, we can be of most help to our loved ones by being there to support and reflect the things they need to see, hear, and feel in the process.

Life is not predictable other than being what we require for our growth and awareness. Learning to ride with the tide of possibilities and detaching ourselves from the trappings of permanence allows us to flow effortlessly on the tide of change. This is a period of much turmoil because there are those who are grasping at passing branches of the old world. Though the current may be running swiftly, the calmer water is near the center where the channels are deeper and there is less turbulence from hidden boulders that could threaten to overturn the process. Surrender allows us to move into those deeper waters. The seaworthiness of your vessel of life is contingent upon your ability to remain calm and centered in the illusionary world, knowing that this too shall pass and that you are held in the hand of a Loving God. All else is smoke and mirrors.

Now some may look upon this as naivety. This is none of your concern. You can best demonstrate the breadth and depth of your Faith by being true to your own wisdom and following through on what you know to be the True path to enlightenment, regardless of the maelstrom and differing opinions of those around you. Turmoil calls into being the best and the brightest to step up to the plate of possibilities. When those who have been in charge have failed to protect and defend those who have entrusted them with their welfare, it is time to shift leadership to those who would do things differently. As institutions and governments fall apart, burdened by their own weight and misdeeds, there will be ample opportunity for the enlightened leaders of tomorrow to step forward.

You are not the only ones to see through the fog of deception. More and more are waking up to the fact that this is no longer business as usual and that out of the ashes will be reborn new societies with fresh ideas, evolved values and greater purpose. Look at the areas of devastation from the past and see the opportunities nature provided to rebuild societies into shining examples of how we are drawn together in achievement by diversity and the cells of light are drawn together to heal the wounds of tragedy. This is the fractal experience of nature playing out in the body of the planet. Though it may seem tragic on the surface, it is in fact the sweeping away of the old, worn out, in order to make room for the new.

All is indeed perfect and it sometimes takes the perspective of our higher vision to see into tragedy and embrace the opportunity that is being revealed. Nature is stirring up the waters of change and soon the impurities will be cast aside and streams will run clear with new energy and Light. You can weather the storms of change by remaining centered in your higher vision and Knowing that all is good, all is God, despite the illusion. Carry on…


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Creating New Realities

The mysteries of life are not revealed to those who are content to sit on the sidelines and accept the reality of others. It is in challenging and delving into the inconsistencies of the conclusions drawn by others that the full Truth will be revealed. Now we say the full truth even though this is a constantly evolving process. As circumstances change, so do realities. When examined under the Light of consciousness, the Truth of the moment is revealed, relative to the capacity of the seeker and their level of understanding.

Take the well known example of Columbus’s ships that were invisible to the natives because they did not have the background knowledge to process the information. .. It takes the capacity to categorize information into areas of fundamental Truth in order to process input, be it visual or auditory. It may be hard to believe something that flies against all that you have come to know and believe. In sharing your Truth with others, you must first establish a chain of commonality of experience to gently lead them across the threshold of expanded possibilities. This is where we wish to begin our chain of thought…

If all Truth is relative to the understanding of the experiencer, it requires that you open your self to expanded possibilities if you are to move past the threshold of higher understanding. Remaining closed to the limitations of your current belief system negates the possibility of moving into new realms of being. When the doors and windows are all open, there is a higher probability for new ideas and inspiration to blow in. How closed are you to the limitations of your present world and what limitations are you willing to surrender in order to expand your understanding?

If the sky is no longer the limit, how might you move your thinking into new ways of understanding in your dance with the divine? Where do you resonate that is beckoning and is leading you out of the mundane aspects of your life and into areas that may have seemed “airy-fairy to the unbelieving world? We are all being called to move out of our comfort zone and to see the world with greater depth of perception.

As you ascend up the ladder of initiation into the mysteries of the universe, there are new possibilities of experience that are calling for exploration. Where are you drawn and to whom do you relate that calls to you in subtle ways. The roadmaps in life are not adorned with flashing red and green lights to make sure that you recognize them. The higher passages instead are marked with the subtle doors of feeling that often go unrecognized by those not ready to awaken to the possibilities. Passages into the hidden paths of discovery often blend in with the scenery until we focus more clearly and find that they have been there all along and we were too preoccupied with the distractions in our lives to take notice.

Time is morphing rapidly and we are being given the opportunity to step forward or backward and move in concert with the reality that we choose. There is an opportunity to feel our way with eyes shut along the familiar path or into a world of wonder. Choosing the level of your experience will determine how you perceive this new environment. Do you intend to remain grounded in the present of your third-dimensional world or leapfrog past others on the path and create your own reality out of the possibilities? The choice is yours…