Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Joy and Wonder

If you choose to tread a path of Joy and wonder, you must be willing to take on the other accoutrements of the journey. What if you no longer possessed any burdens that would keep you tethered to the illusionary “reality” around you? What if this set you apart from those who were behind the glass of the perceived world? What if all of your aquaintenances thought you “a little strange” because you no longer subscribed to their illusionary distractions and fears? How might you reorganize your world to find true meaning and appreciation for life outside the bounds of the present?

The first thing you might wish to examine might be where you choose to make your stand for creating this new world. Does your area and environment support the activity to which you aspire? It is hard to grow a crop of great nutritional value in a barren and rocky soil. How might you improve your current situation to make it more receptive to the world you wish to create? If this is impossible or impractical, how and where might you move your growing ground where conditions are more favorable to the process at hand? People and plants all prosper and thrive where the conditions for growth are present and appreciated.

As for appreciation…what is your attitude about the process taking place? Are you grateful to have the opportunity to spread your wings and soar above the constraints of society and your present situation? Appreciation gives you wings to soar past the limiting, while resentment is a leak in the fuel line that will ultimately lead to disaster…

Excitement about the possibilities keeps the lights turned on so that “luck” can find you in the dark. If you are not enthusiastic about your journey, how do you hope to attract others to join you as well? Now this does not necessarily mean that you must shout from the rooftops about what you are doing and how you feel, but it is more about the cheerful, determined process that leaves you with a sense of peace that those around you will notice and come to ask you your “secret” to life lived in concert with the Divine. Inner peace and tranquility are such a rare commodity these days that those that have found the secret elixir stand out in a crowd and can’t help but draw the attention of the frantic and disenfranchised.

As to what you might do when you awaken in your new home , surrounded by others who have flocked together in resonance, we might suggest, whatever your heart’s desire. You will find that synchronicity is the norm in the land that time forgot. When the rules of the old earth no longer apply, you are free to create the reality that nourishes your soul.

Love and caring are the glue that binds you one to another. Finding ways to create communities that honor and empower each other in unconditional Love becomes the imperative, while matters of the flesh take a backseat to the process. If the devil is in the details than the divinity must be in letting go and letting God work out the rest. In an ego-balanced environment, where gender roles are obsolete, all are free to find the areas where they can plug in their talents and abilities in great exuberance, without the fetters of expectation. What if you were to spend your days, doing the things that feed your soul and bring Joy to yourself and others? How magical might be the experience.

Time has come to face the challenges of turning your world into such a utopia. What are the roadblocks in your life that prevent you from stepping across the threshold into this expanded experience? The only real barriers are the ones we create for ourselves through the limiting thought forms of the present. All blocks are there because we believe them to be real. Perhaps the real value of our journey is that we are now able to dissolve them with our new awareness of the nature of reality. Solutions and answers surround us if we are willing to think “outside the box” and call in the angelic helpers that can help us dissolve the illusionary mountains that are keeping us immobilized.

You are not alone in this process. Those around you are also having trouble seeing the forest for the trees. Listen for the cries of “Eureka, I have found it that echo in the darkness and you will be guided forward to join hands with your partners in locating the hidden passages into the Light-filled reality. This is not a solo journey and the more others are willing to release their fears join hands and hearts, the easier the journey will become. Leaping off the precipice into a world of Joy and wonder, locked arm and arm, is the first step in entering this new reality. Bon Voyage…


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