Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Creating New Realities

The mysteries of life are not revealed to those who are content to sit on the sidelines and accept the reality of others. It is in challenging and delving into the inconsistencies of the conclusions drawn by others that the full Truth will be revealed. Now we say the full truth even though this is a constantly evolving process. As circumstances change, so do realities. When examined under the Light of consciousness, the Truth of the moment is revealed, relative to the capacity of the seeker and their level of understanding.

Take the well known example of Columbus’s ships that were invisible to the natives because they did not have the background knowledge to process the information. .. It takes the capacity to categorize information into areas of fundamental Truth in order to process input, be it visual or auditory. It may be hard to believe something that flies against all that you have come to know and believe. In sharing your Truth with others, you must first establish a chain of commonality of experience to gently lead them across the threshold of expanded possibilities. This is where we wish to begin our chain of thought…

If all Truth is relative to the understanding of the experiencer, it requires that you open your self to expanded possibilities if you are to move past the threshold of higher understanding. Remaining closed to the limitations of your current belief system negates the possibility of moving into new realms of being. When the doors and windows are all open, there is a higher probability for new ideas and inspiration to blow in. How closed are you to the limitations of your present world and what limitations are you willing to surrender in order to expand your understanding?

If the sky is no longer the limit, how might you move your thinking into new ways of understanding in your dance with the divine? Where do you resonate that is beckoning and is leading you out of the mundane aspects of your life and into areas that may have seemed “airy-fairy to the unbelieving world? We are all being called to move out of our comfort zone and to see the world with greater depth of perception.

As you ascend up the ladder of initiation into the mysteries of the universe, there are new possibilities of experience that are calling for exploration. Where are you drawn and to whom do you relate that calls to you in subtle ways. The roadmaps in life are not adorned with flashing red and green lights to make sure that you recognize them. The higher passages instead are marked with the subtle doors of feeling that often go unrecognized by those not ready to awaken to the possibilities. Passages into the hidden paths of discovery often blend in with the scenery until we focus more clearly and find that they have been there all along and we were too preoccupied with the distractions in our lives to take notice.

Time is morphing rapidly and we are being given the opportunity to step forward or backward and move in concert with the reality that we choose. There is an opportunity to feel our way with eyes shut along the familiar path or into a world of wonder. Choosing the level of your experience will determine how you perceive this new environment. Do you intend to remain grounded in the present of your third-dimensional world or leapfrog past others on the path and create your own reality out of the possibilities? The choice is yours…


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