Tuesday, May 24, 2011


When most people hear the word intimacy, they associate this with sexuality. This is only one aspect of the connection one soul makes with the other. True intimacy might be thought of the melding of one soul to another on a heartfelt level. This requires the stripping away of the “clothes” of illusion and pretense that separate one from another and sharing the truth and essence of who we are.

If one is to open to the merging with another soul on the physical, mental or emotional level, one must be prepared to open themselves to the truth of their own being. True intimacy is achieved when we remove the clothes that prevent others from seeing us as we really are and stand naked for our partner to embrace. The partnership of spirit is able to recognize in the presence of the other the true magnificence of their own soul’s longing being reflected back to them in the divine light of the other. It is not so much about becoming free of the physical that separates us but of freeing the obstacles that inhibit the coming together of soul next to soul.

How this takes place and evolves can take many forms. Physical intimacy allows the merging of the essence of the other and becoming one with the matter of creation of the divine. True physical intimacy is different from the mere act of physical union in that there is a shared coming together of mind, body, and spirit that transcends the physical act. When we allow the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of physical union to unite the creative forces of physical union, it becomes a fully realized aspect of one’s godhood.

There are many other ways we share an intimate moment other than the physical. Everyday intimacy brings us together in minute ways that connect us at the level of the soul. This may be as simple as an exchange at the grocery check out where both parties recognize and exchange some truth that connects them in awareness. Or it might be a profound outpouring of deeply held beliefs and truths that have been long buried in the heart that one brings forth and offers as a gift to another for healing. Surely the most intimate things we share have deep soul significance and help us grow into our divine nature in Love.

As to the role of Love in all of this, we might suggest that is what the lesson of intimacy is all about. It is when we strip away the surface distractions that keep us from expressing our true, authentic, most Loving selves that we cross the line from aquaintenances to intimate partner. There is a bonding when two share an intimate moment that reconnects them on the grid of humanity and helps create the Loving cloth that enfolds us and brings us back into the divine pattern. It is Love weaving together soul to soul as each surrenders to the other and relinquishes the illusion in order to merge with the divine. It is oneness being made manifest in the intimate relationships of form that is creating the divine tapestry of life for all to experience the pattern of perfection of body, mind, and spirit made one in completeness. It is a glimpse of divine union. It is yours for the asking if you are willing to lay down your defenses and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of true intimacy. It is the gift and grace of Love made manifest in form to be cherished and protected as we offer our heart to another. It is divine…


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