Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tough Love

Feelings of inadequacy belie the fact that as a cell in the body of God, you are a divine component off the whole, whether you realize it or not. Now this is not to say that you always act in total alignment with your divine nature for the element of free-will is still in play. It merely means that at some point you will be able to come back into resonance with this and step forward in total accord and magnificence with your true self.

So what about your life right now does not reflect this hidden nature? How do your actions sometimes seem at odds with your true sense of being? What about your interaction with others fails to live up to the frequency of Loving awareness? Perhaps this is the area of your life that is crying out for attention right now.

Given the focus of your intentions, is there anything you might wish to do differently, knowing that you are a truly divine being? How might your actions come back into alignment with this higher nature? What fails to measure up when held against this higher yardstick? These are times for refinement and recalibration. Things that fall outside the specifications of divine potential are quickly being called into accountability in the physical experience. You may feel urgency for compliance. Things that fall outside the range of Loving experience are being quickly shaken loose because there is urgency for completion and realignment. Look for this to become even more apparent in the coming months as time shortens and becomes more intense.

So how do you ride these gigantic waves and “surf the dimensional shift”? We might suggest that your tools are apparent, even if you do not always use them. Within the parameters of the Loving experience there are many factors that one is called into motion. What does one do when those we Love seem stuck in their own vision of false reality? In the delusionary state, there are those who refuse to adjust their perspective in order to ease the resistance they are creating that prevents their seeing clearly the path before them. The steadfast refusal to move past the impediments life has placed in one’s path means that there is an impasse for them and those in their association that cannot be surmounted. Until they are willing to let go of the illusionary beliefs and float free in the tide of life, it will merely create a log jam that those around the beloved will find stifling for growth and understanding.

When faced with an immovable object, whether it be a person or a mountain, it behooves the traveler to try an alternate route to circumvent the obstacle if it is preventing reaching the desired goal. Sometimes the most Loving response is to give the challenged space to find their own safe passage and empower them to rise to the occasion in Love. Tough Love is holding the greater goal in focus and holding others accountable for their actions so that they are able to reach, grow, and extricate themselves from the quagmire of self-imprisonment. It empowers the beloved to find their own strength and not depend on others for their substance. Not easy when you can see clearly the illusion and they do not “get it”, but what is necessary to help our beloved extricate and empower themselves to a brighter future.

But what of those who refuse to let go and move forward past life’s impediments? Perhaps the most Loving solution is to step back and allow them to falter. It is frequently by being forced into a non-participatory role that we remove the training wheels of life and allow our partners to soar free from our “protective” stance. Things we frequently think of as caring and Loving may in fact be detrimental for they prevent the growth of the individual and achieving their own mastery and accomplishment.

Perhaps it is our own ego that is disempowering them because we have a fixed vision of how and on what terms they “need” to move forward in order to achieve and deserve our Love. Perhaps it is our requirements that are keeping our partner small and preventing their growth into their own magnificence.

Time for self examination and soul searching when the impediments of life force us into realignment. The cauldron of relationship is the crucible where the soup of Loving expression is prepared. It is our willingness to go deeper and become more “real” with our partners that will find the recipe for completion. Some elements may not fit, no matter how diligently the key is forced. There must be receptivity before the key of Love will be welcomed. It is all Love, but the Love must honor the giver as well as the receiver in ways that reveal their inner vulnerability as well as the outer manifestation. The more layers that are peeled off in order to reveal the inner core of the impasse, the higher the likelihood of getting to the heart of the situation.

How willing are you to let go of your need to follow a prescribed path and forge a new road together into the unknown? It is in such realignment and commitment to stepping into the thin air or possibilities that the world of tomorrow is being born in Love. You are the divine beings that will inhabit the New Earth. Time to let go of the baggage that is keeping you stuck in past patterns of association and recreate a life on the higher planes. This is your opportunity to reform your life out of the ashes. Make it so…


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