Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Systems Upgrade

When you feel that your energetic template is being rewired, perhaps this is an indicator that all is moving higher up the vibrational ladder. As you refine the process or understanding, there are shifts in consciousness that take place in order to allow the flow of higher information. If one were to try running current of a high frequency through a system without sufficient capacity, there would obviously be a system overload.

As souls are gearing up for the dimensional shift, there are those who are feeling unexplained sleepiness as well as incongruities in their energetic bodies as new circuits come on line. Be gentle and allow the systems to adjust. The tingling sensations are merely a higher frequency that is being integrated into the molecular body. All is well and according to plan.

You will also find that your perception is being altered accordingly. While not obvious to the outside world, you are beginning to think more globally and less egocentrically. As the focus moves from the micro to the macro, you are beginning to see patterns that allow you to step up and realize the interaction, cause and affect of actions and reactions. The third-dimensional, egocentric dramas of your world pale in comparisons with the higher awareness that is shining forth and becoming one with your experience. You Know what is True and significant and allow the dramas of others to melt away into obscurity. You are truly evolving into a celestial being with a foot in each world. Time is fast approaching when all will be called to commit to which side of the widening divide to shift their weight and venture forth.

Given the significance of the choices one makes in life, it is vitally important how you communicate your Truth and intentions with others. It as if you are moving deeper into a foreign land and not only the words but the actions of the new are no longer understood by those around you. Those still operating in the realm of third-dimensional drama will be unable to understand the higher level of awareness that is now part of your being. You may choose to help them into their own higher level of perception or if they are unwilling to make this leap, step up and join hands with those already on the upward climb. This is a group process and many are choosing to be on the front-lines of altering awareness. Your adjustment to the higher frequencies has begun and these are merely symptoms of the deeper shift that is in process.

The elevated perspective can also provide an advantaged view of life gone wrong on many levels. Do you feel called to stay and help rewire the worn-out mechanisms of society or to move forward unencumbered, knowing that in the New World you will be given the opportunity to reframe life in a whole new way? Again, choices and observations that are leading you in new directions.

The forming vestiges of society are reshaping into ones of a more communal nature. We are being called into service to extend the mantle of Love to those around us on the path. It is also becoming readily apparent that we are our brothers keeper and he ours. As the oneness of the various cells in the body of God struggle to revision their divinity we are called to come together in that quest. To heal the dis-ease of ignorance and illusion will require that we offer our assistance to those in need of Love and comfort. The Love and acceptance of those around us may be the rising tide that will lift all ships over the dam of disharmony and despair. How you show up Lovingly in the lives of others is indicative of the commitment you have made to the process of enlightenment. The difference is merely a matter of releasing the old patterns and accepting the new possibilities of growth and awareness. The pain that one suffers is mitigated by the Love one is willing to accept for themselves and reflect to others. All else is smoke and mirrors.

While this may sound like a smoke screen that is obscuring the “faults” of society, it is in fact an opportunity to grow and create a greater vision of a world of possibilities. In unlocking the door of negativity and allowing the stagnant fumes to escape, one is able to breathe fresh air into prospects that have been sidelined as “impractical” or too anything that dampens enthusiasm. This is a time of possibilities and magic unfolding for those who are upgrading their perceptions.

How do you wish to feel when the dust has settled and the battles are over? If Love is the goal, how do you go about preparing for and allowing this to become the focus of your life? If this is the substance of life, how do you use Love as a building block for all of creation. What in your life is worn out and does not have the patina of the new energetic body? You are being called into the darkness with the Light-vision goggles of inner Knowing. As long as you carry a torch of Love, you are not only protected but assured of a safe arrival. This is truly the substance of God and you are the way-showers. Carry on…


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