Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Soul Soup

The feelings of awe and wonder will become a daily occurrence if you are willing to let go of preconceived notions of what experience should feel, smell, look, and taste like. If your sensory experiences were being recalibrated, you might have a different perception of many things in your life. So it is with the new environment that you are birthing in and around you. While some experiences may be familiar, it is as if you are operating in an entirely different world when those who share the experience also have the same elevated, conscience awareness and are operating in tandem as different hands of the same body. In the new world, it will be a mutually beneficial experience when those around you have removed their filters of separation and come together in one accord with common purpose.

You may get a fleeting glance of this if you surround yourself with others who share a common vision of awareness. Though each may have vastly different experiences and opinions, the fact that the common goal of understanding is shared and that none are attached to the outcome allows the free-flow exchange of perceptions, free from attachment to the outcome. In such, the higher purpose is served and a shared vision of Truth will emerge.

How different is this from your everyday interactions with others where personal agendas attached to egos are pushed forward, with little regard for the collective need? When you are able to stand back and observe what “business as usual” really looks like, you are able to sense the difference in what is and what you wish it to be.

Undoubtedly those in your interaction have never though there was a different way of coming to consensus. What if just for today all were encouraged to merely state their perceptions of an event or an idea, without though to outcome or personal benefit? How different might the interaction of the participants be if they were not invested in “selling” others on their proposal? How different might be the common experience if all illusion of separation was removed and the divine plan was allowed to reveal itself to the benefit of all?

As the walls of separation disappear, you are finding yourselves immersed in a soup of common experience. Though indivuated in taste, all are melding together in synergy with others who share the experience. By bringing the best, most wholesome, untainted ingredients to the mix, the highest quality of expression will be achieved. Spoiled or worn-out ideas and fears have no place in the repast that is being assembled. The seasoning of new inspirations and fresh ideas enhance the soup that is forming for the enjoyment of all.

What ingredients do you bring to the table of life that harmonizes with those around you? How can you prepare yourself in order to enhance the energetic environment with those also in attendance? What ingredients should be discarded because they do not enhance the flavor or nutrition of the preparation? Which are known to react unfavorably with the others and should not be brought into consideration?

The soup of experience is an on-going process that is taking place in lives of us all. You are being asked to begin anew with new ideas and fresh ingredients that will assure that the batch that is forming will be a masterpiece of exquisite flavors, blended in a Loving preparation to nourish the newly forming society.

Do not let those who would contaminate this with spoiled ideas and beliefs that taint the process or the product. Scrupulous attention to overseeing the cooperative venture will assure that all are not only fed, but transformed by the nourishment of the soul that is being provided. Food for thought…


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