Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Joyful Expression

The world is fraught with those who see the surface of experience but refuse, or are afraid to scratch beneath the surface and reveal the underlying drama that is taking place. As the intensity of experience is playing out, there are those who see through the glass darkly but also those who have removed the scales from their awareness and are able to delve beneath the surface into the underlying meaning and purpose of experience. We would you encourage you to be amongst the latter.

As for the everyday experiences of life, there is nothing “wrong” with enjoying and being caught up in the moment of frivolity and joviality. In fact as we have pointed out Joy is the signature of alignment with the divine. However it behooves you to look beneath the surface to ascertain the source of this divine expression of emotion. What in your life causes you to connect with this deep expression of divine Love?

Do you feel alignment with others on a similar path of discovery? There is a recognition of connection when two or more souls find their tribal experience and are able to share from a deep level of awareness with some one who “gets it” at a deeper, more profound level. There is a spark of recognition that perhaps this other soul has the key to unlock the treasure of understanding that we carry deep within our soul. To be seen and understood at our most authentic soul level is indeed a cause of great Joy.

Joy is frequently an outgrowth of expression when we are able to share our soul gifts with others who are also part of the orchestra of life. The full expression of what we came here to explore, share, and express is indeed a cause for great Joy as we feel acknowledged, connected and understood by others that matter in our lives. We may frequently feel as if we are “casting pearls before swine” but when we finally connect with those who not only appreciate but are looking for the pearls of wisdom and understanding that we have been collecting, it is indeed a cause for expression of great Joy.

Full expression of the gifts we hold within frequently comes with the dictum to pass them on to others. To be Loved and appreciated for who we are and what we hold most dear is indeed a cause for joyous celebration. What greater gift can you give another than to truly see them for who they are and find the perfection in their expression? We are mirrors to each other in this process. To be able to affirm and encourage our partners in life and allow them to dance with the divine in their unique way without reservation or admonishment is a gift you can share that is sure to elicit heartfelt Joy.

It is through the eyes of others that we are able to see more clearly the power and presence we experience in the expression of our life’s journey. We may feel drawn to frivolous activities that are like cotton candy, tasty but unfulfilling and leaving us with a deep longing for satiation at a deeper level. Other experiences satisfy us for they quench a deeper longing for enrichment and nourishment of the soul body. Certainly our soul is hungering for something that allows it to grow and expand ever higher into its own magnificence. Anything that allows us to step up and realize more fully our divine potential is cause for much Joy and appreciation.

In choosing a Joyful path, it might be wise to examine the deeper meaning of the opportunities that present themselves. If you were to step back and examine the situation with the perspective of an outsider, devoid of the emotional ties that cloud the vista, what might be the lesson that is longing to be expressed? How can you create the most Loving expression without buying in to egocentric concerns and illusionary suppositions?

Separating the things that benefit ourselves at the expense of others is a major pitfall in the road to self awareness. We are only a component of the whole as is our neighbor. It is impossible to disengage one without affecting the other. This can be either a positive or negative experience for the whole. Things that may seem more Loving on the surface may prove to less so if they do not lead to growth and understanding and point all parties on higher paths of attainment. Seeing the larger picture and witnessing all of the parts falling finally into place in the perfection of the whole is indeed a cause for expression of profound Joy.

This is a time of creation and fulfillment. What do you wish to experience in your life and how does this begin to plant the seeds of Joy that will be harvested in the coming months. If Joy is the experience of Love enfolding, how do you fulfill your divine potential by sharing this wisdom with those around you? The seeds of Joy are being planted and nurtured in your life. Sometimes it is the forest of experience that is obscuring the trees of Joy in our life. Look carefully for you are part of the Joyful experience if you choose to make it so.

Joyful, joyful…


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