Thursday, June 9, 2011


When one emerges from the fog of self-deception, one begins to comprehend the enormous possibilities each soul has to transform not only themselves, but the planet through their choices in life. As you trod the upward path, there are many who would lead you astray in favor of things that gratify the ego or less lofty pursuits. It is through constant reevaluation of what resonates with your higher purpose and what feels right that you are able to ascend vibrationally and access the higher dimensions of existence.

Turmoil that rips apart the foundations of life is an opportunity for those in the maelstrom to begin anew to create lives with greater meaning and purpose. Frequently it is not until we have lost everything that we have believed to be important that we break through the false images of life and get the core meaning of associations and material wealth that have eluded us in the past. While no one likes to see others suffer, we can be of most help to our loved ones by being there to support and reflect the things they need to see, hear, and feel in the process.

Life is not predictable other than being what we require for our growth and awareness. Learning to ride with the tide of possibilities and detaching ourselves from the trappings of permanence allows us to flow effortlessly on the tide of change. This is a period of much turmoil because there are those who are grasping at passing branches of the old world. Though the current may be running swiftly, the calmer water is near the center where the channels are deeper and there is less turbulence from hidden boulders that could threaten to overturn the process. Surrender allows us to move into those deeper waters. The seaworthiness of your vessel of life is contingent upon your ability to remain calm and centered in the illusionary world, knowing that this too shall pass and that you are held in the hand of a Loving God. All else is smoke and mirrors.

Now some may look upon this as naivety. This is none of your concern. You can best demonstrate the breadth and depth of your Faith by being true to your own wisdom and following through on what you know to be the True path to enlightenment, regardless of the maelstrom and differing opinions of those around you. Turmoil calls into being the best and the brightest to step up to the plate of possibilities. When those who have been in charge have failed to protect and defend those who have entrusted them with their welfare, it is time to shift leadership to those who would do things differently. As institutions and governments fall apart, burdened by their own weight and misdeeds, there will be ample opportunity for the enlightened leaders of tomorrow to step forward.

You are not the only ones to see through the fog of deception. More and more are waking up to the fact that this is no longer business as usual and that out of the ashes will be reborn new societies with fresh ideas, evolved values and greater purpose. Look at the areas of devastation from the past and see the opportunities nature provided to rebuild societies into shining examples of how we are drawn together in achievement by diversity and the cells of light are drawn together to heal the wounds of tragedy. This is the fractal experience of nature playing out in the body of the planet. Though it may seem tragic on the surface, it is in fact the sweeping away of the old, worn out, in order to make room for the new.

All is indeed perfect and it sometimes takes the perspective of our higher vision to see into tragedy and embrace the opportunity that is being revealed. Nature is stirring up the waters of change and soon the impurities will be cast aside and streams will run clear with new energy and Light. You can weather the storms of change by remaining centered in your higher vision and Knowing that all is good, all is God, despite the illusion. Carry on…


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