Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Stop, Look and Listen

Stop, Look and Listen

Though the way before you and behind you may be murky, rest assured that you are traveling in a bubble of Light energy that glides effortlessly upon your chosen path. Though you may not remember the prime directive you made for this journey before incarnating, there nevertheless remains a GPS hardwired in that is directing you to the experiences you require in order to reach the predetermined destination. Though there will be unforeseen detours along the way that are set into place by free will, the programming remains the overriding purpose of your journey in self-discovery.

As for the significance of this, we might suggest that while individual choices help fuel the progress, there is a navigational system in place that directs you ever forward Home on  a “tractor beam” that you installed prior to incarnation. As to how you might use this knowledge in your journey forward, we might also suggest that you let go of your tight grip on the directional wheel of your life. Allow the free-play of the navigational system for a while and see where this journey takes you. All that seems to be aligned with a higher path may in fact be a false journey that involves switchbacks and detours before getting to the final destination.

If you feel yourself being drawn down a path that seems bumpy at first, slow down and examine the higher purpose of the route. This may just be the shakedown part where the things that are no longer relevant or necessary are discarded, streamlining your vehicle for the smoother road ahead. Or if something feels wrong in the choice you have made, be willing to stop and ask directions. Perhaps you misread the roadmap or perhaps events have changed that make the journey unnecessary or are counterproductive to the new mission. Stop, Look, and Listen…

There are many new possibilities and destinations that are forming on the radar screen. Some are divinely inspired and others are not. How do you choose which to follow and which to avoid? We might suggest that it is time to turn on the internal navigation system. Your Higher Self Knows vibrationally what is congruent with your divine roadmap and what is not. Take time to go within and asked to be shown more details on the process before setting out unprepared on a fools journey.

You have an inner navigational tool installed if only you are willing to use it. Like anything in life, it will take practice until it becomes second nature. Learn to read the frequencies your body is conveying to you and let go of the “shoulds” and other admonitions that might tell you that you do not have this ability to chart your own course in alignment with your divine self. Believe, Know and step forward into this Light of awareness and you are on your way to a new world of partnership with your divine nature. You Know how…


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Being One

Being One

The field of play in the third-dimensional world is strewn with the debris of the old and worn out. It behooves you to walk carefully around these impediments to growth and understanding. While the vestiges of the old have been eviscerated, there still remains the carcasses that continue to pollute the landscape. Be aware and therefore forewarned.

As for how you might navigate this hall of mirrors, we have a few suggestions...

This is a time of much change and much in the way of transfer of power. There are those that will try to deceive you that it is “business as usual” but you know better. It behooves you to look deeper at all of the elements in your life and to see whether they are merely holographs of the old or whether they vibrate at the frequency of Love.

First, do not be fearful of questioning even believed aspects of the present. Perhaps things are so because no one had the courage to do so before. Be courageous.

Second, go boldly, wrapped in the cloak of inner Knowing. You have insight and discernment if you choose to embrace it. You Know the right moves to make. Do not allow past programming to convince you otherwise. Embrace your boldness. The new paradigm is being created with a boldness that comes from casting off chains of oppression and refusing to allow the “should” and “musts” of the past enslave you in mediocrity. Be Bold.

Also, be Loving in all that you do. If we are to live in a frequency of Love, we must examine the things in our life that do not share that frequency. If you do not truly Love the “least of these” (even though you might not appreciate their actions) how can you create that reality in your world? Be Love.

There will undoubtedly be those around you tripping in the darkness. Be the Light that helps show the path to others. Those who stumble frequently do so because they do not see the possibilities obscured by the darkness. Share the spark that is kindled deep within you with others so that illumination will rekindle a flame. Be the Light.

Reconnect with the source of your knowledge within you frequently. Recalibration and attunement are part of the periodic maintenance required to assure that you are tuned into to the right channel. When something feels out of balance it is frequently because we have lost our connection to the Divine. Stay tuned.

And lastly, we would encourage you to Share with those around you your perceptions of the new world forming. If all are as blind men examining an elephant and reporting their findings, it takes the contribution of all members of the One to envision the whole. Be the link that brings all of the pieces together, whatever that looks like. Become aware of the One that is being revealed.

And so it is…


The Energy of Money

The shift that is taking place in the monetary systems of your planet are indicative of the shift in power that is being restored to the people of Light. There is a monumental shift in consciousness taking place that will enable many who have been struggling in the wilderness, lost in a crowd of skeptics to realize that this is really a new paradigm being born.  New times, new understandings and new possibilities.

As to how might navigate these higher tides we might suggest that you will have more abilities now to move safely without the impediments that were there before that threatened safe passage. The monetary resources will allow the funding of new endeavors that are aligned with higher purpose. Given that there is no limit on resources, where do you intend to direct your energy, both monetary and personal in order to achieve the highest good? What ideas and inspirations have been in the back of your mind waiting for the opportunity to be born that were delayed due to lack of monetary resources? Who might you form partnerships with that are similarly drawn to this path of service? If there were no limits, what would you create?

Shifts are taking place in the game board of life that are rearranging the pieces in a more equitable manner. Those that are receiving greater portions of the wealth of the nations are also being given a greater responsibility to use it wisely. If you now have the responsibility for the purse strings of the “family” how can you distribute this wealth in order to be most beneficial for the health and well-being of its members? Will it just be for the things that gratify the ego or will there will be a more altruistic intent to give others a hand up as well? You have the opportunity and the means to do great good in the world if you take the time to consider the choices you are making. Do you wish to be known for your generosity or your extravagance? If you are your brother’s keeper and part of the One, what do you wish for the others in the pattern of life? As we show generosity and mercy to others we are gifted as well.

Now we do not mean we should give without forethought just because there is a need. There are certainly karmic lessons to be learned through our choices to experience both wealth and poverty. We might suggest that part of your evaluation process should be as to which ones offer the greater opportunity for growth, understanding and awareness. If any of the choices fosters a greater opportunity to experience Love in more profound ways, this is something that could use more energy. At the same time, if the recipients have demonstrated little ability to manage their own resources in responsible ways, you may only contribute to their downward spiral unless you are willing to assist them in learning and applying themselves as better stewards of their wealth. Not judgment but awareness and discernment of the greater benefit to be derived from the wealth that is being shared.

This is a vast opportunity for realignment of the energy of money with a new paradigm of understanding. You might wish to consider it “Get out of jail free money”. Since the recidivism rate for those who have been released from incarceration is extremely high, it behooves you to take time to examine the pitfalls that got you there in the first place and to chart a different course of action and learn from your experiences. This is an opportunity to redirect the course of your life and that of others in positive ways if you so choose.  What gives you Joy and not just pleasure – that is your soul inviting you to come to play with others in the new energy of abundance and Love. Come play… I AM

The Dance

Your concept of time is quite linear however if you were to step back from the perspective of One, it is all a dance taking place simultaneously where all are moving to the music of ascension separately but in a choreographed harmony with each other. There may be different patterns played to a common score but all are moving together on the floor of time and space. There are those that may choose to “sit this one out” but eventually partners within the soul group change and reform to experience the joy of learning from each other and growing together in mastery of the dance.

That is what is taking place at this time on your world stage. The music is ending on the old paradigm and you are reforming into the next. The melody has begun anew to a different beat. There are those that will find this awkward but others who remember it from previous times and will find it easy to master. These will be the leaders of the new generation of those that will be stepping into new roles and new associations. There is a massive shift in tempos and possibilities.

This is like nothing that has been experienced before and will confound those who thought they knew all of the steps in the old paradigm. None of this will be relevant any more. Those that are not bound by these shackles will be able to step forward and redefine the expression of this new energy. It is a dance performed in a circle with interlocking movements of all of the participants. Moving alternately one to another, each expressing from their heart what they came to share in full experience of their inner Light.

As to how these experiences may be changing the world as you know it, we might suggest:

Barriers that separate one from another will only hamper the efforts. This new paradigm requires that we remove all obstructions to the flow. Laws, conventions and understandings that exclude or restrict the interchange of Loving energy between participants will be rewritten.

There must be an honoring of the uniqueness each brings to the floor of experience. If we are to complete the tapestry of life it requires that we integrate all of the contrasting threads, no matter how strange or disharmonious they may seem. It is only when viewed by the distant perspective of time that the real patterns will emerge in harmony with the whole.

We also see the patterns of the individual soul group dances as part of the greater pattern of awareness that is emerging throughout the stratosphere. This is not an isolated connecting of threads of life but a repeating pattern of experience. All are part of an ensemble of forms coming into resonance in the greater pattern of life. These are the “road companies” that are performing this new dance in many places around the globe. Look for this to be repeated again and again until the dance of One is complete.  Dance on…