Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Dance

Your concept of time is quite linear however if you were to step back from the perspective of One, it is all a dance taking place simultaneously where all are moving to the music of ascension separately but in a choreographed harmony with each other. There may be different patterns played to a common score but all are moving together on the floor of time and space. There are those that may choose to “sit this one out” but eventually partners within the soul group change and reform to experience the joy of learning from each other and growing together in mastery of the dance.

That is what is taking place at this time on your world stage. The music is ending on the old paradigm and you are reforming into the next. The melody has begun anew to a different beat. There are those that will find this awkward but others who remember it from previous times and will find it easy to master. These will be the leaders of the new generation of those that will be stepping into new roles and new associations. There is a massive shift in tempos and possibilities.

This is like nothing that has been experienced before and will confound those who thought they knew all of the steps in the old paradigm. None of this will be relevant any more. Those that are not bound by these shackles will be able to step forward and redefine the expression of this new energy. It is a dance performed in a circle with interlocking movements of all of the participants. Moving alternately one to another, each expressing from their heart what they came to share in full experience of their inner Light.

As to how these experiences may be changing the world as you know it, we might suggest:

Barriers that separate one from another will only hamper the efforts. This new paradigm requires that we remove all obstructions to the flow. Laws, conventions and understandings that exclude or restrict the interchange of Loving energy between participants will be rewritten.

There must be an honoring of the uniqueness each brings to the floor of experience. If we are to complete the tapestry of life it requires that we integrate all of the contrasting threads, no matter how strange or disharmonious they may seem. It is only when viewed by the distant perspective of time that the real patterns will emerge in harmony with the whole.

We also see the patterns of the individual soul group dances as part of the greater pattern of awareness that is emerging throughout the stratosphere. This is not an isolated connecting of threads of life but a repeating pattern of experience. All are part of an ensemble of forms coming into resonance in the greater pattern of life. These are the “road companies” that are performing this new dance in many places around the globe. Look for this to be repeated again and again until the dance of One is complete.  Dance on…


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