Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Stop, Look and Listen

Stop, Look and Listen

Though the way before you and behind you may be murky, rest assured that you are traveling in a bubble of Light energy that glides effortlessly upon your chosen path. Though you may not remember the prime directive you made for this journey before incarnating, there nevertheless remains a GPS hardwired in that is directing you to the experiences you require in order to reach the predetermined destination. Though there will be unforeseen detours along the way that are set into place by free will, the programming remains the overriding purpose of your journey in self-discovery.

As for the significance of this, we might suggest that while individual choices help fuel the progress, there is a navigational system in place that directs you ever forward Home on  a “tractor beam” that you installed prior to incarnation. As to how you might use this knowledge in your journey forward, we might also suggest that you let go of your tight grip on the directional wheel of your life. Allow the free-play of the navigational system for a while and see where this journey takes you. All that seems to be aligned with a higher path may in fact be a false journey that involves switchbacks and detours before getting to the final destination.

If you feel yourself being drawn down a path that seems bumpy at first, slow down and examine the higher purpose of the route. This may just be the shakedown part where the things that are no longer relevant or necessary are discarded, streamlining your vehicle for the smoother road ahead. Or if something feels wrong in the choice you have made, be willing to stop and ask directions. Perhaps you misread the roadmap or perhaps events have changed that make the journey unnecessary or are counterproductive to the new mission. Stop, Look, and Listen…

There are many new possibilities and destinations that are forming on the radar screen. Some are divinely inspired and others are not. How do you choose which to follow and which to avoid? We might suggest that it is time to turn on the internal navigation system. Your Higher Self Knows vibrationally what is congruent with your divine roadmap and what is not. Take time to go within and asked to be shown more details on the process before setting out unprepared on a fools journey.

You have an inner navigational tool installed if only you are willing to use it. Like anything in life, it will take practice until it becomes second nature. Learn to read the frequencies your body is conveying to you and let go of the “shoulds” and other admonitions that might tell you that you do not have this ability to chart your own course in alignment with your divine self. Believe, Know and step forward into this Light of awareness and you are on your way to a new world of partnership with your divine nature. You Know how…


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