Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Energy of Money

The shift that is taking place in the monetary systems of your planet are indicative of the shift in power that is being restored to the people of Light. There is a monumental shift in consciousness taking place that will enable many who have been struggling in the wilderness, lost in a crowd of skeptics to realize that this is really a new paradigm being born.  New times, new understandings and new possibilities.

As to how might navigate these higher tides we might suggest that you will have more abilities now to move safely without the impediments that were there before that threatened safe passage. The monetary resources will allow the funding of new endeavors that are aligned with higher purpose. Given that there is no limit on resources, where do you intend to direct your energy, both monetary and personal in order to achieve the highest good? What ideas and inspirations have been in the back of your mind waiting for the opportunity to be born that were delayed due to lack of monetary resources? Who might you form partnerships with that are similarly drawn to this path of service? If there were no limits, what would you create?

Shifts are taking place in the game board of life that are rearranging the pieces in a more equitable manner. Those that are receiving greater portions of the wealth of the nations are also being given a greater responsibility to use it wisely. If you now have the responsibility for the purse strings of the “family” how can you distribute this wealth in order to be most beneficial for the health and well-being of its members? Will it just be for the things that gratify the ego or will there will be a more altruistic intent to give others a hand up as well? You have the opportunity and the means to do great good in the world if you take the time to consider the choices you are making. Do you wish to be known for your generosity or your extravagance? If you are your brother’s keeper and part of the One, what do you wish for the others in the pattern of life? As we show generosity and mercy to others we are gifted as well.

Now we do not mean we should give without forethought just because there is a need. There are certainly karmic lessons to be learned through our choices to experience both wealth and poverty. We might suggest that part of your evaluation process should be as to which ones offer the greater opportunity for growth, understanding and awareness. If any of the choices fosters a greater opportunity to experience Love in more profound ways, this is something that could use more energy. At the same time, if the recipients have demonstrated little ability to manage their own resources in responsible ways, you may only contribute to their downward spiral unless you are willing to assist them in learning and applying themselves as better stewards of their wealth. Not judgment but awareness and discernment of the greater benefit to be derived from the wealth that is being shared.

This is a vast opportunity for realignment of the energy of money with a new paradigm of understanding. You might wish to consider it “Get out of jail free money”. Since the recidivism rate for those who have been released from incarceration is extremely high, it behooves you to take time to examine the pitfalls that got you there in the first place and to chart a different course of action and learn from your experiences. This is an opportunity to redirect the course of your life and that of others in positive ways if you so choose.  What gives you Joy and not just pleasure – that is your soul inviting you to come to play with others in the new energy of abundance and Love. Come play… I AM

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