Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rock, Paper, Scissors

The friction you feel with those around you is merely indicative of the purging of the old in preparation for the new. It is similar to a cathartic physical event that necessitates the regurgitating of the residue of toxic material in order to cleanse and purify the system for the new. Treat yourselves gently. This will soon pass and you will begin the road to recovery.

As for what this might look like we might suggest:

Be of good cheer. Your environment will conform to your attitude. If you anticipate problems and negativity, guess what you will get? The universe is getting better and better at creating a world based upon our beliefs. Were it ever so?

Believe you are capable of living the life of your intentions. Does what comes out of your mouth reflect your deep inner beliefs? No wonder there is confusion and unfulfilled expectations when you cannot even get on the same page with yourself! Be true to your word and utter only what you truly believe. Until we are honest with ourselves, little is likely to transpire on the outer planes that will be reflective of this.

How limited is your field of vision? Do you have trouble seeing anything beyond the narrow experience of the past? If time, money and resources were no object, what would you use your divine resources to create? Who would you bring along for the adventure? What would be the benefit to the greater good of this succeeding? That should be the focus of your efforts. All else will fall into place.

What would you like to see others accomplish? How can you help them to make that so? If you were on a nominating committee for those to be on the ascension express, who might you think would be most qualified to make the journey? What might you do to assist their effort?

How can you rearrange your life and priorities to move through this time of challenge in order to maximize your own effectiveness? If you were all-knowing what do you see that others might miss that would give you a leg up on the process? You have a unique view of life from your spot on the “elephant”. What do you observe that others may have missed that could be the missing piece in their puzzle. It is time to come together and begin sharing notes. This is a group endeavor and the more you are willing to collaborate with others on the path, the sooner all will see the way into the new paradigm. Rock, paper, scissors…


Game On

If you feel you have been led down a path of darkness in your world, how do you go back and begin to emerge from the shadow? We might suggest that you first begin to retrace the path that took you in this direction. At what point did your journey begin to veer away from what you Knew to be True and right? Where did you begin to cut corners that began the house of cards because you were not on solid ground? Structures constructed without a firm foundation of Truth are destined to crumble when the winds of change inevitably come.

As to what you might wish to do in this time of turmoil both within and without we have a few suggestions.

First, is there a remaining fragment of the original foundation on which to build? After clearing away the debris of the storm with honesty and forgiveness as well as taking responsibility for the fiasco, what remains of the original intent of the project? Is this something that still calls to you on a soul level to be completed? What do you know now that you did not know then that might make this feasible? Is it still a viable idea?

If things still are aligned with the higher purpose, what must be done differently in order to achieve better results? Where did the train begin to veer off the tracks by an imbalance of I instead of we? What can be done to re-stabilize the load by shifting the cargo to honor the needs of all the passengers? What needs to change to conform with the mandate of the new paradigm of One?

Do you have the energy and motivation to do this yourself? Who can you engage to join you on the journey? How can you make this a process of growth and understanding that will allow all to come together on a higher platform? You know the pitfalls but also the possibilities. How can you use this insider knowledge from the trenches to guide others around the potholes? Are you willing to share your own process and use this wounding as an opportunity to heal not only yourself but others from the injuries of the past and grow stronger?

When things do not go according to plan, it is frequently because of a design weakness that did not take into account evolving situations. As people come into their awakening, there will be more opportunities to rebuild the framework of your lives on a higher precipice. Do not assume that it is always business as usual or you will cease to grow and wither. Would it not be better to assume that the participants are evolving and marching to a more evolved drummer and plan life accordingly? By setting the bar higher with all of those you encounter, you encourage all to put on their best and step higher into achieving excellence together. This is time to show up as the beings of Light you are and remove all of the trappings that would suggest otherwise. Game on…


Dancing in the Rain

The events in your world are only a holographic projection of what is taking place on the etheric plane. Rest assured that forms are shifting and coming into alignment with the divine plan. As to how this is showing up in form, we have a few observations:

First to whom much is given, much is expected. You are blessed in ways too numerous to mention. How much of this do you intend to pass on to those who have not been open to receive? What do you need to do to open those doors? This is a free-flowing river of abundance. If you do not let it flow through to others downstream, soon the channels will back up and overflow in a different direction. Pass on your blessings and they will come back to you in overflowing abundance.

What do you consider to be a worthy cause – something that fulfills immediate needs or something that creates new, more efficient ways of doing things that are based on more advanced principles of mutual support and benefit? We would encourage you to think without a box. Where things have not been mutually uplifting, what has prevented the flow of this energy? What is gumming up the works of manifestation? How are negative attitudes and fear of consequences restricting the flow of energy through the process? Think win-win-win. For anything to work smoothly, there must be a mutual benefit to all of those involved. Try sitting the other’s shoes and see what would cause you to be an enthusiastic participant. Give freely in that area.

All are being blessed with this new outpouring energy of abundance. By creating the tributaries to allow this to flow effortlessly into multiple channels there will be a constant, abundant supply for all and the perception of lack will soon become a phrase that will fade from the vocabulary. Your “work” in this new paradigm will be to keep the energy flowing smoothly.

How can you work with others to adjust attitudes and help redirect focus when they fall back into old ways of thinking? Remind each other to breath when things get stressful and work together to see through the fog of indecision. Also point out road signs others might miss since this is really uncharted territory. Continue to remind each other that monetary value is an obsolete way of measuring the worth of something. Instead focus on how something will enhance the vibration of love and forgiveness. What will bring people together rather than buy into the illusion of separation? How does this facilitate the concept of Oneness and community?

These are some of the attitude adjustments that will allow you to move seamlessly into a place of Oneness with the expanding awareness of a benevolent universe where lack is only an outmoded illusion. In fact, all are abundantly blessed to the extent that they are willing to step out from the under the obstruction of fear, grasp hands and dance together in the rain of riches for all.  Dance on…


Divine Right

If one is to travel in the Light, what should one take along for the journey? We might suggest that moving in the field of energy one associates with Light frequency requires some special “clothing”. You might wish to think of this as a voyage into inner space because it requires one to set aside all of the trappings of the outer world of illusion and to step into the realm of soul.

A soul journey is not mystical but REAL in the sense that this is the deepest reality one can access while still in form. It requires a setting aside of the material in search of the divine. If you are to travel in this inner world of awareness you will “see” only the energy of Truth manifest within the framework of divine Love. As for what that might mean in your life we do have a few insights.

First, you are a divine being given the opportunity to experience the human form. Treat this vehicle with honor and respect. What would you do to honor royalty visiting your realm? Do you not deserve similar treatment if you are indeed of divine origin? That is not to say that you are different from all of the divine beings around you who also deserve the same respect and honor. If all are created in the divine image, what is there not to Love?

Second we would caution you to look closely at all of the things that crowd your life. How many of them are worthy of the attention of the sovereign? If one is to step back and take an objective view of the kingdom one surveys. How can you glide smoothly through life, slightly above the ground and still be aware of the concerns of third-dimensional existence? While you may realize your divine origins, those around you might not. How can you help steward them through the difficult experiences in the “kingdom”. A sovereign is a good shepherd and responsible for the health and well-being but also the growth and understanding of those in his/her charge. What are you doing to support and carry out this mission in your life?

Allowing others to ascend is the divine right inherent in the journey. While we all have a time when we are able to reign and rule, there also comes a time when we must pass the crown to those waiting in the wings. How will you help prepare those that are to step in behind you and groom them to become good shepherds as well? Certainly this requires a willingness to delegate responsibilities and opportunities to others to test their skills and refine their abilities. How will you help groom the next generation for greatness and brilliance? What gems have you acquired that will help them avoid the pitfalls of leadership?

 How do you expect them to honor the divine if you do not believe in your divinity yourself? Perhaps it is time to resurrect the garments of beauty and wonder that were passed to you as you began your journey. Once you have reached the maturity of ascendency, will you be willing to turn over the reigns to others? How can you become the sage and mentor that others turn to in training for their ascendency? Are you willing to step into the background and give others the throne to rule in your place? 

This is the journey of the sovereign who assumes their divine right to self-realization of their divine self. Who do you know who has truly mastered the process and the implementation? Where are you in the process? How will you move to the next level and what to you need to learn and embody in order to make it so? Who are you to not be the most magnificent example of your divine self incarnate in body? Your majesty…