Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Game On

If you feel you have been led down a path of darkness in your world, how do you go back and begin to emerge from the shadow? We might suggest that you first begin to retrace the path that took you in this direction. At what point did your journey begin to veer away from what you Knew to be True and right? Where did you begin to cut corners that began the house of cards because you were not on solid ground? Structures constructed without a firm foundation of Truth are destined to crumble when the winds of change inevitably come.

As to what you might wish to do in this time of turmoil both within and without we have a few suggestions.

First, is there a remaining fragment of the original foundation on which to build? After clearing away the debris of the storm with honesty and forgiveness as well as taking responsibility for the fiasco, what remains of the original intent of the project? Is this something that still calls to you on a soul level to be completed? What do you know now that you did not know then that might make this feasible? Is it still a viable idea?

If things still are aligned with the higher purpose, what must be done differently in order to achieve better results? Where did the train begin to veer off the tracks by an imbalance of I instead of we? What can be done to re-stabilize the load by shifting the cargo to honor the needs of all the passengers? What needs to change to conform with the mandate of the new paradigm of One?

Do you have the energy and motivation to do this yourself? Who can you engage to join you on the journey? How can you make this a process of growth and understanding that will allow all to come together on a higher platform? You know the pitfalls but also the possibilities. How can you use this insider knowledge from the trenches to guide others around the potholes? Are you willing to share your own process and use this wounding as an opportunity to heal not only yourself but others from the injuries of the past and grow stronger?

When things do not go according to plan, it is frequently because of a design weakness that did not take into account evolving situations. As people come into their awakening, there will be more opportunities to rebuild the framework of your lives on a higher precipice. Do not assume that it is always business as usual or you will cease to grow and wither. Would it not be better to assume that the participants are evolving and marching to a more evolved drummer and plan life accordingly? By setting the bar higher with all of those you encounter, you encourage all to put on their best and step higher into achieving excellence together. This is time to show up as the beings of Light you are and remove all of the trappings that would suggest otherwise. Game on…


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