Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dancing in the Rain

The events in your world are only a holographic projection of what is taking place on the etheric plane. Rest assured that forms are shifting and coming into alignment with the divine plan. As to how this is showing up in form, we have a few observations:

First to whom much is given, much is expected. You are blessed in ways too numerous to mention. How much of this do you intend to pass on to those who have not been open to receive? What do you need to do to open those doors? This is a free-flowing river of abundance. If you do not let it flow through to others downstream, soon the channels will back up and overflow in a different direction. Pass on your blessings and they will come back to you in overflowing abundance.

What do you consider to be a worthy cause – something that fulfills immediate needs or something that creates new, more efficient ways of doing things that are based on more advanced principles of mutual support and benefit? We would encourage you to think without a box. Where things have not been mutually uplifting, what has prevented the flow of this energy? What is gumming up the works of manifestation? How are negative attitudes and fear of consequences restricting the flow of energy through the process? Think win-win-win. For anything to work smoothly, there must be a mutual benefit to all of those involved. Try sitting the other’s shoes and see what would cause you to be an enthusiastic participant. Give freely in that area.

All are being blessed with this new outpouring energy of abundance. By creating the tributaries to allow this to flow effortlessly into multiple channels there will be a constant, abundant supply for all and the perception of lack will soon become a phrase that will fade from the vocabulary. Your “work” in this new paradigm will be to keep the energy flowing smoothly.

How can you work with others to adjust attitudes and help redirect focus when they fall back into old ways of thinking? Remind each other to breath when things get stressful and work together to see through the fog of indecision. Also point out road signs others might miss since this is really uncharted territory. Continue to remind each other that monetary value is an obsolete way of measuring the worth of something. Instead focus on how something will enhance the vibration of love and forgiveness. What will bring people together rather than buy into the illusion of separation? How does this facilitate the concept of Oneness and community?

These are some of the attitude adjustments that will allow you to move seamlessly into a place of Oneness with the expanding awareness of a benevolent universe where lack is only an outmoded illusion. In fact, all are abundantly blessed to the extent that they are willing to step out from the under the obstruction of fear, grasp hands and dance together in the rain of riches for all.  Dance on…


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