Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rock, Paper, Scissors

The friction you feel with those around you is merely indicative of the purging of the old in preparation for the new. It is similar to a cathartic physical event that necessitates the regurgitating of the residue of toxic material in order to cleanse and purify the system for the new. Treat yourselves gently. This will soon pass and you will begin the road to recovery.

As for what this might look like we might suggest:

Be of good cheer. Your environment will conform to your attitude. If you anticipate problems and negativity, guess what you will get? The universe is getting better and better at creating a world based upon our beliefs. Were it ever so?

Believe you are capable of living the life of your intentions. Does what comes out of your mouth reflect your deep inner beliefs? No wonder there is confusion and unfulfilled expectations when you cannot even get on the same page with yourself! Be true to your word and utter only what you truly believe. Until we are honest with ourselves, little is likely to transpire on the outer planes that will be reflective of this.

How limited is your field of vision? Do you have trouble seeing anything beyond the narrow experience of the past? If time, money and resources were no object, what would you use your divine resources to create? Who would you bring along for the adventure? What would be the benefit to the greater good of this succeeding? That should be the focus of your efforts. All else will fall into place.

What would you like to see others accomplish? How can you help them to make that so? If you were on a nominating committee for those to be on the ascension express, who might you think would be most qualified to make the journey? What might you do to assist their effort?

How can you rearrange your life and priorities to move through this time of challenge in order to maximize your own effectiveness? If you were all-knowing what do you see that others might miss that would give you a leg up on the process? You have a unique view of life from your spot on the “elephant”. What do you observe that others may have missed that could be the missing piece in their puzzle. It is time to come together and begin sharing notes. This is a group endeavor and the more you are willing to collaborate with others on the path, the sooner all will see the way into the new paradigm. Rock, paper, scissors…


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