Monday, October 14, 2013


Things are moving at the speed of Light and many of you are feeling as if you are holding on for your life. In fact it is all part of the process of transforming your world into the frequency of Light. While many edifices are gone, others remain and are shuddering as the winds of change blow in and through them. All is moving in divine order and the process will continue for a short time more until things can recalibrate.

As for the world you will experience when you step off this express vehicle we can only say “We are not in Kansas anymore”. That is to say nothing will resemble the world you left behind. Money will no longer be the motivating premise of much of your activity or the point around which all activity rotates. If this is so, what might your emerging world look like? If you no longer made choices in life based upon the affordability of them, what might become the new measurement on which to gage worth? If you had to place a new value upon the scales of balance, what would that be?

If the things under consideration concern security, what does that nebulous concept mean to you? If you no longer must rely upon a certain amount of income to feel secure, what now is required to produce a feeling of security? If you have compromised your character for monetary reasons in order to feel secure, how does this new-found wealth alter that equation? What do you “pay” to others in order to maintain a feeling of security? Is this because you feel physically threatened or are not secure in your own inner Knowing and have abdicated this responsibility and turned it over to others? Inner Peace comes when we understand that no amount of money can guarantee our security if we do not trust our innate ability to create a safe space within to access this higher power. Be Safe.

What is the price tag on Loving relationships? All of the money in the world cannot purchase Love if we have locked our heart to others. Nothing is more of a priceless treasure than knowing within the heart of another is a mirror with your face in it.  The true value of all experience can be measured on a yardstick of Love. Without Love, we are merely shadows searching for substance. All of the wealth in the world cannot compensate for the hole that is created when we carelessly shut the door on the Loves in our life. Deep within is the spark waiting to be rekindled by the Love of another whether or not they come with monetary gifts.

Charity can be used to demonstrate Love to those around us. We can choose to shower others with wealth but that may not buy their Love. We can endear ourselves to other by investing our wealth in things that touch their soul by the insightful way we SEE their need and step forward to fill it, unselfishly. We can give of our self or our treasure to make the life of others less painful and more purposeful and enrich them and ourselves in the process. When money becomes an afterthought and not the purpose of our giving we remove this as the motivating factor in our exchange of energy.

Money is the currency of exchange in your world, for now. If you would transform your paradigm, consider how truly worthless it really is for your ultimate growth and happiness. While it is not “wrong” to desire and have nice things, truly some of the nicest things to have are those that money cannot buy. How do you intend to invest your monetary resources to grow a new paradigm of Loving awareness? This is how the world is re-valued. I AM

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