Monday, October 14, 2013


If you were to step back far enough you could see the energy swirling around the events in your life. You would notice the intense energy around the issues of money and the reaction people have to it.  If you were to then look at a society that is based upon a currency of Love, how different would be your experience? While we are not inferring that there is anything wrong with money or the things it buys; just suggesting that this may not be the best yardstick upon which to measure success.

If you were to move into a paradigm where instead of money, the currency of exchange was based upon kindness and charity, how would that affect the things you value? If suddenly all cash became worthless, what would you use as a basis for exchange? What do you value and what do you have or provide that others might value? What is worth your time and effort and what is not? Ultimately you are rich if you are content and do not feel the need to have more of the things you value.

In a cashless society, who are those that are the happiest? Does being wealthy mean having lots of things? more friends? or more joy? How would you know it if you were wealthy? Would health be something that would play a part of this? How about people who love and cherish you and you them? Does being wealthy mean you have less frustration in your life? Does it mean you are able to do the things you enjoy without having to equate money with the labor? Would your waiting hours be filled with distraction or purpose? If money were no longer a concern what might you most want to do to fulfill that secret desire? Do you need someone to share the joy or you happy just being true to yourself?

Your new world that is coming into form will little resemble that of your father’s. The values and objectives have changed as well as the mechanics. Many reached a destination and found the fulfillment lacking because it was not satisfying at a soul level. There was no “there” there because it was based upon an illusion and had no substance. The new world of your creation is being formed on a new framework. Think integrity, substance, and meaning. Enough of the cotton candy dreams that distract from the more substantive pursuits.

What vision is calling to be fulfilled, what personal goal is shining ever brighter, and what love is longing to be expressed? This is the dawning of a new world of possibilities. Your true wealth will be measured by how much you are able to throw aside the old yardsticks of measurement and embrace the possibilities taking form? All is being reflected in the eyes of others if you are willing to look closely and not be distracted by the irrelevant. Go deep and do not settle for the easy. You will not be disappointed. You are wealthy beyond your wildest dreams if you are willing to let go and allow it to manifest through the alchemy of gratitude. Be grateful…


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