Monday, October 14, 2013


When we think of Charity, we tend to think of giving to those less fortunate. While this is indeed an admirable virtue, we would like to explore this a little deeper. Is the underlying emotion/motivation behind this selfless or is there an undercurrent of pity, guilt, or penance? Before you give of yourself or your abundance to others, we ask you to explore a little deeper as to the motivating factors surrounding your gift.

First, do you believe yourself to be worthy of abundance? Those who have a limited view of themselves may be embarrassed that they are gifted with treasure and feel unworthy both to receive and give. If you feel yourself undeserving, you might begin by examining what nerve of self-worth this triggers. Who or what made you think you were unworthy? Why do you continue to cling on to this assessment? Is it still true? What can you do to prove to yourself and others that you have learned the lesson of self-worth and stepped forward to become a conduit of self-love. You must first love yourself and embrace your own worthiness then pass it on.

With the gift of abundance comes responsibility. How can use this to distribute and invest it wisely so that it’s power is magnified? Are you willing to take the time to do the research, connect with the people and invest your own energy in seeing that this gift does as much good as possible for the greatest number of people? What will this mean as far as taking up your most precious commodity – time? Are you willing to do what is necessary to make this energy available to others on the path? What is the cost/benefit to you?

How do you judge those worthy of receiving? Do you give unquestioning to those who have not managed their own resources wisely or is there a greater responsibility to educate them in ways to leverage this energy? Are you willing to allow them to make their own choices and learn their own lessons? How can you do this consciously in order to provide assistance and at the same time empower others to find their own strength and resources?

What is really meant by pay-it-forward and how can that become the process in the new paradigm. If you live in a world of abundant resources and possibilities, how can you instill this concept into your sphere of influence in ways that will be easily understood and embraced by those on the path and replicated in their lives as well? Each act of Charity you demonstrate plants a seed in others that will grow into the forest of caring that can protect the coming generations. Of all the lessons you can impart to those who follow is this not the Golden Rule of existence that is most important and frequently ignored in our interaction in the world of illusion.

Charity does begin at home when we nourish those we Love without restraint. This plants the seeds and the memories that those in our care will take with them as the go into a world of darkness. The more these seeds of Light are shared, the brighter your world will become. Be a beacon to others through the Charity you express to all you meet. It is like the loaves and fishes, the more you give away, the more you retain.  Of this we suggest that you be fruitful and multiply this kindness to others. And so it is…


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