Monday, October 14, 2013

Negotiating in the Light

If you are intent upon bring forth the Christ energies in your life, you will find that your journey will be much easier if you allow yourself to step back and disengage yourself from the drama of your world. Upon closer examination, third-dimensional drama is based upon the illusion that you are separate from those around you. This too is part of the illusion. While you do occupy separate manifestations of spirit, it is, in fact, also illusionary. If you can suspend the belief that this is real and put yourself in the position of seeing life through the eyes of your other self, you may have a clearer perspective on the situation that is evolving.

While this may seem a little elementary in its concept, it is in fact a very useful tool for negotiating in higher consciousness. No one is likely to give up an entrenched position unless they can see some benefit. Unless you can see life as they may see it, given their prejudices and conditioning, you will be unable to navigate the fine line where your paths coincide. This does not mean that you need to agree – only that you understand each other’s motivations. There is always a place for negotiations where ideologies overlap. This is where negotiations must begin. If you can agree on these basic concepts, you have a foundation on which to build.

Without getting into specifics, what can you each do to build upon the mutually agreed upon points? Realizing that neither is probably going to get all they have wanted, what are the most important things you wish to see accomplished in this process. In this new paradigm, it is seldom A or B but usually C that needs to be created. Create is the operative word here. A and B are of the old paradigm of win/loose. What can be created in a new box that achieves a different outcome and honors the intentions of both? This will frequently require that you back step a couple of levels to get to the core needs that are wanting to be served. What are the basic requirements of the solution? What are different ways of getting to C that bypass the roadblocks of A and B? It is really a case of dismantling a situation down to the building blocks and reassembling them in a new format that honors all of the parties.

More and more of the stalemates in your present world are a byproduct of a frequency being out of sync. Some have moved into the different frequently and understanding of the fifth dimension while others are stuck in the constraints and reasoning of the old. Rather than succumbing to the old patterns that are clearly not working and outmoded, it is time to apply the wisdom of the new.  This requires new solutions to old problems by forging bands of cooperation of all of the aspects of the whole. If it fails to include all of the components in the solution, examine what you are missing. New forms will be inclusive with no left over or missing parts. Keep searching.

We know this will be frustrating at first since this is a new process and all of the participants are not up to speed but as with anything new, the more you do it, the easier it will become. These are skills that will become invaluable in the new form. Your ability to see the larger picture in situations and to apply the principles of cooperation and teamwork to everyday life will allow you and those in your sphere of influence to move effortlessly into the new world. The more you begin to see this in the light of cooperation rather than through the dark glasses of competition, the brighter will your world will become. Look beyond the “obvious” because the new forms are waiting in the wings to be born. Awaiting your input…


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