Monday, October 14, 2013


Your world is in turmoil because it is morphing into the new paradigm. In order for this to occur it is necessary to discard the vestiges of the old that are not in resonance with the new. The more you cling to the old forms, the more difficult this will be. The more you allow fear to be your companion, the longer this will take to transform. Fear is like glue that attaches you to the past where faith allow you to move forward. Trust. Have faith that all is going to divine plan.

As for what this might look like in your world…There will be those who will act in fear because they cling to the past that they believe they understand. They will continue to act rashly and in fact flail against the waters of change until they learn to calm themselves and swim with the tide. Be a liferaft for others and you will be able to calmly direct them into the flow.

There will be others who do not understand the new paradigm and what the deeper meaning of change is revealing. Again, being a lighthouse means that you can illuminate the path for others and help interpret the signposts along the way. Hold their hand.

Prepare for the next phase. If all change is directing us onto a path of merging tributaries, what are the common goals of all participants and how can we work together to achieve them? All solutions will ultimately be based on a win-win model rather than the obsolete fear-based paradigm. The adversarial systems in government and finance are crumbling in order to make way for the new paradigm of cooperation and mutual sustainability. Begin to examine all of the structures in your life that you thought to be built on bedrock and see how they measure up to the new environment of cooperation. If they do not contain that energy we might suggest that you step away because they are destined to crumble in the earthquake of change that is taking place.

So how do we begin to rebuild after the shaking stops? Begin by finding your center and calming your thoughts. You are safely held in the hand of God and all is well. Find a space in which to express the gratitude that you finally “get it” and others will soon also. Allow your center of Loving awareness to extend to those around you and then to the multitudes who are holding hands with those. We are all One in this experience we call life. What can we do in the coming days, months, millennia that will create an experience of Loving awareness and harmony for all? Hold tight – do not release your grip on this family of Love for this is your lifeline to Peace and transformation.

Your new earth is being reborn as we speak out of the ashes of change. Welcome this and all to come as you are breaking through the shell of limitation and stretching into a new world of possibilities. Pay it forward by sharing your wealth, knowledge and understanding with those who are following behind. Do not allow fears of the unknown to paralyze the process. This is a new world being born.  Embrace it.  All is well.



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