Tuesday, March 30, 2010


When one speaks of health, it is far more than just the absence of disease. True health involves the operation of all the bodies, mental, emotional as well as physical at an optimum state of homeostasis. Anything less is failing to live up to the potentiality of life. Achieving this idealist state involves a commitment to working within the design of the system, but also achieving the mental balance to override destructive directives of the ego that might instigate behaviors that compromise the integrity of the ideal.

How one goes about achieving a state of optimal health is as much a part of intention as it is what one consumes or does in the way of exercise. If one has a healthy attitude, this will go a long way towards creating that state in all areas of life. Realizing that one is capable of creating a healthy body by the mental choices one makes as well as the foods one consumes is certainly antithetical to the way “modern” medicine has perceived things to operate in the past. Getting away from the Newtonian model of the body being a complex machine and disease the result of malfunctioning of the machine, we are able to move into a more awakened view of the process. Since Einstein opened our eyes to the complex view of all matter being comprised of interacting energy fields, medicine is finally waking up to the fact that altering the energetic blueprint alters the dynamics of the cellular structure which it forms.

The mind/body connection is becoming more acceptable to medical practitioners but not nearly to the extent that is necessary to affect society to its full potentiality. If many chronic conditions could be not only reversed but eradicated by an adjustment of mental attitudes, what would be the effect on health care as we know it? Instead of pouring billions into research on specific maladies, wouldn’t it make more sense to spend a little more time expanding understanding on the complex energies that created the malfunction of the energy system that created the condition? Realizing that there is little profit incentive in eliminating the need for many pharmaceuticals that comprise “modern” health systems is certainly a major reason why many of these methods for eliminating disease have failed in the past. Perhaps what the whole “health” care system needs is an attitude adjustment.

So how does one go about creating a state of health in one’s life? We might suggest that a beginning might be to take a thorough inventory of imbalances within your body and seeing what this says about your overall state of health. If something is malfunctioning in a certain area of the physical body, what chakras or energy centers regulate the functions of that system? What mental attitudes might be associated with that energy system that might require adjusting in order to bring all systems into balance?

Health as you see is a balancing act of all energy systems on a tightrope, searching for balance. By bringing one back into alignment it will cause a shift that may uncover other interconnected systems to readjust as well. It is a dance that will become easier with time and practice but one that will have profound affect on all aspects of life.

We would like to speak a little about energetic vibration which reflects the overall resonance of the entire systems. Those that have achieved greater states of awareness carry a higher vibrational rate, while those still mired in illusionary states of fear and negativity vibrate at a lower frequency. As one raises one’s vibratory rate, one creates a state were the vibration of certain patterns of disease will no longer resonate, rendering the body “immune” to that particular frequency. This is not to say that one with a particularly high vibratory rate will not have voids in a certain area of the physical either through karmic patterning or erroneous thought patterns in the present. In such case, one may attract certain vibratory forms in order to work through that particular energetic frequency. In general, those with greater awareness also take better care of their body temple and therefore are less subject to diseases that are ego generated.

Science is making great strides in integrating the concepts of mind, body awareness into conventional medical treatment. However, health is largely something that one can create from within through awareness and a commitment to maintaining the appropriate mental and emotional attitudes that create a supportive environment for health. The body will respond to the programming it receives and the fuel it is given in order to maintain it at optimum efficiency. How healthy do you intend to be? Begin by assuming control of your own health by choosing attitudes and habits that support this vision and that is what you will create. How exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

For a free copy of Penny’s book Returning Home – A Workbook for Ascension go to the Journey of Enlightenment website http://www.JOEFound.bbnow.org. Journey of Enlightenment Foundation is now on Facebook. We invite you to sign up as a Fan.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Understanding Imbalances

The key to understanding lies in one’s ability to accept the principle of Loving awareness and to apply it in one’s life. It is just that simple. If you were to examine all your relationships and interactions and determine where Love was lacking and remedy the situation, you would find that all imbalances would become moot. Now how you recognize what is Loving and what is not is certainly up to your comprehension of the principle Love expressed but that is the general idea.

If you can look at each interaction in your life and see the difference in interacting in a totally Loving, accepting way and behaving in ways that demonstrate an underlying belief of lack, selfishness, jealousy, anger or other illusionary states that do not reflect an awareness of the oneness of creation you will begin to see how the filters of your attitudes and misconceptions are preventing your accepting and embracing the lesson of Love. This is when one begins to find the source of imbalance.

So you are beginning to realize the things that may not have been expressed or demonstrated in a Loving way – how do you go about turning around these thought patterns and expressions in order to redirect the course of your life? We might suggest that after awareness must come a desire to take a different route. It is the “buts” that prevent us from acting in ways that serve our higher soul purpose... Surrender means letting go of the “buts” that tie us to our past vision of reality and prevent our moving into a new level of awareness. As we let go of the tethers in our life that have prevented us from moving past the holds of the ego, we begin to feel the grace of God’s Love shining and elevating us into the magnificence of higher expressions of Love. Dropping our weights of fear we are able to Know at a higher level the freedom to be felt in embracing the magnificence of unconditional Love.

Anger is another impediment in the emotional body that prevents the free-flow of energy. Rather than allowing the mental body to process rational responses to some “injustice” the emotions are allowed to flow freely without mental clarity. These are just a few of the examples of misdirected energy that eventually finds its way into the physical body, often manifesting in dis-ease.

Acceptance can be the door that we open that allows the free flow of experience. Unless one is open to the energetic possibilities, there will be little chance for the energy of Forgiveness to find resonance. The emotional body must be receptive to the energy of Loving response if resonance is to take place. Unless the shields come down, there is little chance for the energetic balancing of Forgiveness to find resonance. When we Forgive ourselves for being part of the process of growth and understanding which inflicted pain on another as well as ourselves, we begin the process of restoring ourselves to wholeness and repairing all of the cracks that prevent the corrosive nature of misunderstanding to permeate our lives.

So these are the possibilities…How does one begin to the journey when you feel shackled to the present? We might suggest that it all starts with Love of the person you are. What do you do in your relationship with others that demonstrates the Love and acceptance of self that you then reflect to them? How do you honor and respect yourself that demonstrates your magnificence? How do you treat your “imperfections” Lovingly and find ways of moving past the feeling of inadequacy into blessing the opportunity for growth? Until you are totally accepting and Loving to yourself you will find it difficult to reflect this awareness to others.

How do you honor yourself with the gift of exercising the mind, body and spirit? Do you devote time each day to reconnecting with your Source through meditation and prayer? What do you listen to that provides guidance and balance in your life? Do the sounds of a delusional environment permeate your environment leaving little room for the still small voice within? Can you begin to shift priorities so that you can balance your need to find inner wisdom rather than being mesmerized by the external diversions of an illusionary society?

I AM Metatron

Monday, March 15, 2010


[The Key] The key to forgiveness is the acceptance of the divinity of all concerned and embracing the damaged parts of the other as well as your own part in the lesson. By elevating the greater lesson of the encounter to the position of teacher and mediator in the journey of life, it releases the experience as a balloon to float free, leaving the participants in the void of understanding. By releasing the need to remain bound by this cruel master of illusion, one is able to find the Loving lesson that is obscured in the emotion of conflict.

[The Receiver] Forgiveness requires an effort on the part of the forgiver. Even if the receiver is unwilling or unable to receive the energy of Forgiveness, there is nevertheless a pattern of energy that is latent until the door is finally opened and this healing balm is allowed entrance. It may be instantaneous or persist for multiple lifetimes, but it will eventually permeate the consciousness of the receiver as it is a pattern of energy that has been set into motion by the forgiver.

[Karma] When one Forgives it begins to dissolve the bonds of karma associated with a situation. This is the universal solvent of Loving energy that is able to instigate a caustic reaction that binds one to experience. There is nothing in the realm of karmic obligation that cannot be mitigated and even removed with the Loving application of Forgiveness. It is a flow of awareness that has its genesis in the forgiver but flows profusely, engulfing both the forgiver and the receiver as well as those surrounding the energetic imbalance in the healing balm of Love expressed. The more this Loving energy is accepted, and embraced, the greater will be the healing effect.

[Cause] Forgiveness has a root cause that is based on the illusion of separateness. If one is aware of the interconnectedness of all life, it would be counterproductive to treat others less Lovingly than you treat yourself. Once you find the freeing reality of self Love, it makes sense on a higher level to share this Loving principle with those that are part of the common grid of experience. Those who have acted less than Lovingly to you have not accepted this as their reality. Mirroring Love to all is the first step in creating your new reality and allowing you the freedom to rise above the denseness of third-dimensional entanglements. The more that you are able to bring the Loving experience to any situation, the easier it will be to transform and transcend it. Forgiveness itself becomes moot when it is replaced by Loving awareness. All are One and perfect in the sight of God.

[Pain] Love coupled with Forgiveness might be thought as the universal antidote to pain which is a symptom of imbalance. Things that are begging to be resolved in a spiritual sense are often energetic imbalances that are being manifested in the physical body. Unless the source of these imbalances is addressed, the energetic flow will continue to cause pain and discomfort in order to get the attention that is required for awareness. The physical body is merely the screen upon which lessons of the soul are played out.

Underlying this physical manifestation is the patterning of many lifetimes that is the energetic matrix of the soul. How one chooses to come to terms with the imbalances in one’s life is dependent upon how much one is able to embrace the gift of unconditional Love and reflect this energy to others in the form of Forgiveness. The grace of God is freely given for all who are open to accept it. When we allow this Loving energy to flow through us into our expression with those who we have experienced conflict, we free ourselves from the blockages in our own energy systems and open these passages to health and awareness. Forgiveness might be thought of as a universal solvent of emotional blockages that opens pathways for Loving energy. It is through this grace that we find relief and inspiration to move ever higher in our journey home to God.

The process of Forgiveness begins a journey into Loving awareness that can transform and elevate us into higher resonance with the divine. It is healing on a divine level that takes place in the manifest that is available for the asking if one is willing to step forward and be part of the process and therefore the solution. It is Light in action.

I AM Metatron

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Healing Process

The concept of Forgiveness lies at the core of the healing process. Now when we say healing we are speaking about the process of restoring the entire subtle energy system to balance and integrity.


Imbalances are manifested in the physical body but have their genesis in the subtle energy bodies. The physical body is merely the manifestation of the energy that is contained in the more subtle energy bodies. This is where the “rubber meets the road” so to speak and where all of the processes surrounding the manifestation of the soul’s energy are displayed in the third dimension. It reflects the balances and imbalances of all of the energy bodies. When there is a disturbance in one of the energy fields for whatever reason it will eventually be reflected in the physical body.

The etheric body that contains the “blueprints” or template for the physical body is the conductor of the energy or chi that flows through the physical body. While not the originator of this energy, it nevertheless directs it to the appropriate centers much as a flight controller would direct planes onto the appropriate runway. All energetic responses pass through this body in order to be manifested into form.

The causal body is another interface in the energy network. In it one finds the patterning of not only thought but reason and the stored information from the experiences of many lifetimes. You might wish to think of this as the library of the soul where one stores the information required in order to process thought and reason.

It is in the emotional body where we process much of the input from our environment. You might think of this as the generating station where sparks are created that begin the process of movement. Being the most volatile, this is where much activity takes place and where there is a greater possibility for misdirection of energy. If one picks up energy from others in one’s environment and is not able to process this and interpret it correctly, it will be misdirected into erroneous pathways through the mental body causing an erratic energy flow into the body.

The emotional body is often where we perceive input from the world around us and begin to “classify” the energetic responses that we receive. If we have well established pathways through the mental body we are able to sort out these feelings and emotions and process these in constructive ways. Those with damaged emotional response systems are unable to make the appropriate connections and often behave erratically in response to misdirected information.

If, for instance , one has an erroneous thought pattern such as jealousy, this can originate in the emotional body where it festers until it moves due to the underlying conditions of lack of self worth and an erroneous belief that there is a finite amount of Love to be shared and that we might be denied our “fair share”. As the emotions surrounding this illusion continue to build and find expression they will spill over into the mental body causing erroneous thought patterns based upon false assumptions and finally in the etheric body where they take root in the patterning of the physical body. The neurons of the physical body transmit impulses to the muscles, brain and organs that correspond to the pattern of imbalance that has been instigated by this emotion and the body begins to move into defensive mode that corresponds to this pattern of instability.

We give you this simple explanation in order to lay the framework for your questions regarding chi and the process of forgiveness. When one is unable to feel and process feelings of Love it is usually that there is a blockage or distortion in the emotional body. This is like a muscle and can almost atrophy if one chooses to direct all input through the mental body for processing. In a balanced individual these two bodies work in tandem and are able to process input in a mutually beneficial way. When through life experience situations occur that make it difficult or painful to experience an emotional response, one might redirect input through the intellect and bypass the emotions. This can become a pattern unless these circuits are restored.

In order to reverse this process and to turn the tide of experience, it is necessary to stem the flow of energy along these neurological and subtle energy pathways. The regulator that controls the valve of energy is governed by the operator of the soul that turns on or off the various response systems in order to adjust the flow of experience. The energy of Forgiveness might be thought of as the handmaiden of Love in that it opens the door for the higher flow of Loving energy (the substance of the God source) to permeate the subtle energy environment and transform the misqualified emotions into a finer energy of Forgiveness. This is the genesis of the process that begins the journey of transformation.

On an emotional level this is a freeing of tension and rigidity that keeps one bound to the illusions of the past and prevents forward motion until this blockage in the emotional body is transmuted. If one is held hostage by unresolved emotional constrictions, one is unable to receive the Loving awareness that surrounds all experience. Without Forgiveness on the subtle energy level it will be like a cramped muscle that cannot function properly until the energy is released. Forgiveness is a tool for unlocking and restoring the energy flow between the subtle energy bodies.

I AM Metatron

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Getting It

Struggle is not necessary as you traverse the earthly plane unless there is resistance. When you encounter obstacles in your path, it is usually an indicator that the things you are processing require further examination. That which we require for our soul growth frequently comes as a sheep in wolves clothing for it is the things that frighten or disturb us the most that are exactly what we require for our transformation and understanding.

Now once we identify the challenges in our life, it behooves us to carefully unwrap this “gift” of some magnitude. Discarding the outer covering, we are able to reveal the deeper motivation of our experience. What have we been keeping quietly buried that is the inner piece that fits perfectly with the counterpart that is waiting to be revealed? How can we use this key to open the lock of our awareness and catapult us higher on our journey home?

Now this is not to say that all of the pieces fit easily together. When things challenge us greatly, it is usually a sign of great resistance on our part to move freely in acceptance of the higher wisdom. Since what we resist persists, this is usually a deeply ingrained pattern that requires adjustment on our soul journey. What fears or illusions of the ego have prevented the unmasking of the hidden parts of our personality that are crying out for transmutation?

Now in these end times you may find more and more “lessons” surfacing in rapid succession in order to remove the shackles that bind you to past realities. While this is disorienting to some it can also be freeing in that you no longer are required to carry these weights placed upon you by others and are able to see through the subterfuge and reveal your more perfect countenance.

It is time to become your own person in the full glory of knowledge revealed but also accepted and integrated. This is a time of rebirth and growth on an unprecedented level. Talk about life in the fast lane…it is not just coming but it is here. The transformation has begun and continues to move us rapidly into higher realms of experience.

There are those who will become not only conduits for information but catalysts for change. As more and more is revealed to those with ears to hear, there will be a growing consensus of what is “right” and certain in an evolving society. Change seldom comes on cat feet but thunders forth given the momentum of force that has been building up. This is the culmination of many lifetimes of knowledge and experiences that is planting seeds for future worlds now unfolding.

Your vision of the world unfolding around and through you is what is shaping the coalescence of form. How do you envision your present/future experience forming? What things do you wish to transmute and what serve the higher purpose and should be retained? This is moving day on a cosmic level. It is time for housecleaning on a grand scale and the discarding of outmoded beliefs and limitations that belong to the past in order to create a new future.

Those who are unable to let go of these anchors to past realities will continue to repeat life’s lessons until they “get it”. Those who have made the connections will receive an express ticket to an exciting new world of experience. It is time for reflection, but it is also a time for action. How will you “show up” in your world that acknowledges the new realities you are creating? How do you intend your world to be different from this day forward in order to create your new reality?

You can change your world through your perceptions if you are willing to commit yourself to the process. This requires courage but it also requires a vision that will light your path when the lights grow dim and help you find a path of lightness. You are being called to become the way showers for the multitudes that have gone before and those yet to follow for the cycle of life repeats until all “get it”. Use your vision of future possibilities to create the world of your dreams and you will find yourselves on the road Home. This is truly the path to Peace and understanding. It is time to begin…

I AM Metatron