Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Patterns of Contraction and Growth

Thanksgiving is certainly in order when you begin to realize that the things that you have been experiencing, though challenging, have their divine purpose in moving you rapidly up the ladder of self realization. The clearing out of old patterns is tremendously important for in doing so you free yourself to move into a higher realm of experience. Knowing that this process takes place can give you a modicum of understanding and allow you to step back far enough to recognize the patterns that are unfolding and how you might apply them in the unfolding mosaic of your life.

We wish to share some of the processes that we see taking place in your world which is continuing to transform and evolve at ever-increasing rates… First, we would like to point out that this phenomenon is not new for it as occurred at regular intervals over many millennia. It is just that this current group of aspirants have not been incarnate long enough to witness the greater pattern for themselves.

Second we would like to point out that it is also not the end of existence but merely the culmination of a cycle of growth and expansion. In every instance of expansion there must also be a corresponding period of contraction that allows for the in-breath and the out-breath of experience. You are currently what we might term an in-breath that is taking in, forming and reshuffling the pieces of your world in order to prepare it for the coming cycle. Without the dark, one would have little appreciation for the light.

You might visualize this as a jellyfish moving through the currents of life… taking the time for reflection and preparation to give you opportunity to assess the purpose and motivations of yourself and others and to see if this is really where you wish to be in the flow. If you determine that life is no longer challenging nor has meaning, or that you have ridden this horse to exhaustion, perhaps it is time to change mounts.

Once the new direction is begun and you are rested, inspired and renewed, what do you do when life is unfolding in predictable patterns and it is difficult to lift yourself out of the rut? If you choose to begin anew on an untrod path, what might you do differently that reflects your higher level of understanding and awareness? Your new travel companions may have new ideas that, once shared, will stimulate the collective imagination into creating new venues of accomplishment and growth.

When a society is locked in small rooms of individual study, it limits the coming together and sharing understanding and awareness and the potential for achievement of the One will be limited. If however, boundaries are removed, and resources are pooled, the spirit of sharing of wisdom and inspiration allows the geometric growth of new forms. You see different avenues that you failed to notice before with your blinders of complacency. Interest mounts and begins a fresh approach to life again in expanding and repeating the process in order to navigate through experience of growth, expansion, and fulfillment. Once the concept of Oneness is embraced, there will be little reason to hold back the flow of energy that will catapult the whole into a higher level of achievement.

The times of contraction are valuable as they allow and encourage all to review, rebuild and retool for the coming period of growth. Given this perspective, how might you alter your world and shift your priorities, and motivations to open new worlds of experience. The past is completed. No need to keep beating a dead horse into life. Time to remount and go forward in new directions with renewed purpose and resolve. Time to share with partners and those who carry a similar energetic signature and understanding without the impediments of fear and possessiveness in order to pool the intellectual capital and create the Loving societies of future achievement. The time is now and the possibilities are exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Soul Memories

As one develops and matures in form, there is a tendency to think that everything one is experiencing is a new experience. What many fail to take note is that learning is a cumulative thing and that true knowledge is stored in the genetic patterning (akashic records) of one’s soul journey within the causal body. This is the “baggage” one takes with him/her from lifetime to lifetime. Deep within your soul records is the cumulative encoding of all of your experiences through many incarnations. While not easily accessible to the conscious mind, this is the library of experience that allows you to draw upon past talents, abilities and emotions that you have stored away for future use.

You may have noticed that you have talents or understandings that seem to pop out of nowhere. Perhaps you were a writer of some note in a previous experience upon earth and again you are able to pick up the pen and words seem to flow through you. Perhaps with very little training you are able to pick up a musical instrument and notes and melodies fill your mind from a source deep within. These are but a couple of examples of soul memories surfacing to help guide and direct you on familiar pathways you have chosen for your soul journey.

Now complete recall of previous lifetimes would undoubtedly be such a distraction to your current experience that you would be unable to sort out the current from the past. Though heavily veiled, this is not to say that you are unable to access memories that have led you to levels of greater understanding of past experiences. Perhaps you are drawn to experiencing a different aspect of a talent or ability this time in order to flesh out the understanding of the past. Your differing viewpoints help you to empathize with the others going through a similar experience in past lifetimes and thus flesh out aspects of your compassionate nature.

Perhaps you and another have spent one or more lifetimes together exploring various aspects of a Loving experience. Once again you have been brought together to experience still another way of teaching and learning together what it means to Love another unconditionally. Not all “get it” the first time around and it is the repeated encounters with our soul partners who continue to show up lifetime after lifetime that we feel drawn to in order to continue with a lesson that was incomplete.

There will be many such souls that have soul contracts together and have chosen to travel together from incarnation to incarnation in order to complete the coursework in the earth school. Some are on the periphery of your lives, and some have recurring roles of major importance that are played out again and again over recurring sojourns in form. If you are energetically aware, you will recognize those who you feel an attachment to that goes beyond the casual that probably indicates you have a connection, and perhaps unfinished business, from previous encounters with. Thus is the nature of the patterning of life.

Being able to step back and examining the patterns of life that are playing out around you from an egoless state is the hallmark of an evolving soul on a higher level of understanding. Seeing past the surface dramas that surround us with distractions and cutting to the core issues that are calling to be resolved in a Loving manner is a sign that you have achieved a spiritual maturity and will probably not have to repeat this coursework again.

When all of the impediments to clarity are removed, you will be able to see through the fog that keeps those around you disoriented and to see clearly the patterns and directions of your soul’s journey. It is in the maturity of elderhood when one can reflect back upon life experiences from this and previous incarnations that one is able to realize the true themes and patterns of the journey Home to enlightenment. Take time to reflect upon what you have learned, how you have grown and where you wish to continue to share your experience with others upon the path and you will make good use of your time.

Allow the dramas of others to play out but do not allow them to become your reality and you will be able to see the patterns of life without being sucked into the illusions of those involved. It takes wizened souls such as yourself to see past the pitfalls you have undergone before and to allow the knowledge from deep within your soul to bring you through the storms of life, unscathed. You have the armor to transverse life in a body of Light energy if you choose to don it. Allow the still small voice of your soul to speak directly into your Knowing and you will KNOW where to go and who to take along for the ride of your lifetime. It is time and it is exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


When you begin the process of manifestation through your intentions, either consciously or through a soul directive, there is a tendency to allow the ego to call the shots. This is where the waters become murky as we tend to muddy them with all of the desires that attach us to the outcomes we wish to achieve. Far more effective in the process would be if one would instead begin by visualizing the way we wish to feel and experience, once the desired outcome is achieved rather than the nuts and bolts of the process required to get there.
When we channel the experiences of our lives through our heart center, we begin to connect with the higher purpose of our understanding. All of life’s dramas come enclosed in the greater package of Loving awareness. If, instead of discarding the wrappings, we are able to see through the glitter of the achievement and reflect upon the deeper meaning of the encounter, we will be able to discern the higher purpose of our journey and how it is leading us back to the Loving principles we are called to experience. If all lessons in the earth school are leading us Home to God, how does our higher understanding of this experience show us but another face of this divine hologram of Unconditional Love?

All that is being manifested is a product of the materials used in the construction. The higher quality the materials, the higher quality of the finished product. Will your creations be built with Loving hands and higher intentions or will they be constructed of the shoddy materials and workmanship called for in the specifications defined by the ego? Is this structure meant to stand the test of time and endure and inspire future generations to greatness and self discovery or is it meant as just a temporary shelter from the storms of life only to dissolve in the turbulence of the times at hand? Are you willing to reach higher than your present grasp in order to move past the perceived impediments in your understanding in order to grasp the brass ring of possibilities?
Once you have set the intention for higher achievement, who do you wish to bring along for the process? Will you surround yourself with skilled craftsmen who are able to provide the knowledge and abilities to see this through, supplying their required wisdom to exceed expectations? Or are you willing to sacrifice excellence in favor of the “good old boys” of past associations who may have lost their motivation for excellence? If a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, what are the weak links in your process that could derail the whole experience and what might you do to bolster up and inspire these elements to greatness that might be able to assure the success of the outcome?

We are being called into service on many levels in these chaotic times. Much of what we are able to achieve depends upon our willingness to operate “outside the box” of past achievement and envisioning new ways of not only achieving desired results but taking it a step further backwards and seeing if the entire effort continues to reflect the Loving awareness of its prime purpose. Perhaps the foundation of society and structures no longer meet the needs of the new paradigm. Perhaps the most Loving thing one can do is to do nothing and allow the outmoded edifices to greed and indifference implode in order to reform them from the ashes.

The phoenix of a new society is being born out the ashes of the old. What do you wish to manifest for yourself and for the others that may not possess the vision and awareness to see beyond the present and create a new experience based on the stronger foundation of Loving awareness? Begin to assess the end results you wish to achieve and clear out everything that no longer is relevant to that end and you will begin to see how your world will evolve in the divine blueprint of creation. It is happening in the sparks of inspiration that are building around you. It is time and it is exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The ability to look beyond the present and to reflect back upon the significant events in a lifetime and discern the patterns that keep playing out over and over in experience portends much illumination for the evolving soul. The theme songs of life are frequently replayed over and over until one is able to discern the real meaning of unhealthy situations and people and alter the course of one’s life experience. If you Knew that an association or event would repeat the unwanted results of past experience, why would you want to continue the present course?

This is your soul calling you to step outside this box of understanding and to become a more objective observer of the real motivation behind the event. Are you drawing to you people or experiences that are mirroring to you sides of your personality that need adjusting? Is this result of a karmic debt that you might have accumulated in previous life experiences that require understanding and rebalancing on a higher scale?

Are you selflessly acting as a mirror of understanding for others in your life drama? All lessons being played out may not be for you alone. There are others who have been drawn to you for sorting out the hidden imbalances they carry for you to shed the Light of understanding into the dark corners of their lives. The higher we rise on our own evolutionary path, the more we will be called into service to reflect our wisdom and knowledge to those struggling on their own journey. Being able to see over the heads of those in confusion and to find the clear, well marked passage out of the maelstrom is a charge that many who find themselves on the threshold of transformation are being called to do.

The patterns of experience are being revealed in increasingly more powerful ways. It is as if you have moved from a black and white version of experience into color and 3-D. Time for reflection to discern what is “real” and what is the illusion of past patterning that no longer will stand up to the scrutiny of evolving beings. While the structures and institutions of your world are crumbling, it portends much opportunity for reforming these outmoded edifices into something worthy of the new paradigm.

Being able to see past what has always been and envisioning what is calling to be reborn in a higher dimension is the mandate of evolutionary thought processes. Reforming life experiences into those that surrender the old value systems and recreate new ones that empower all to achieve greater magnificence of expression will become the new norm. Gone will be the competitive paradigm only to be replaced with one based upon empowerment, vision and integrity.

The transparency of purpose will allow structures to be reformed into new ones that both honor and empower the individual to envision new forms that are in resonance with this higher vision of achievement. The fears that are inherent in the current system of distribution of wealth will be replaced with the higher knowledge that all that is “required” will be provided while the things that merely satisfy the wants of the personality will give way to the new reality. Not an easy lesson for those who have been used to stepping on the backs of others in order to hoard the things they desire, but necessary in the shifting paradigm.

As for distribution of wealth…we might suggest that the concepts that have powered the medium of exchange will no longer be viable in a shifting economy where the true value of one’s work/service will be measured by his/her value to the society as a whole. When bartering with others, what is important to your survival and growth and what is merely window dressing for the ego? The truly wealthy will be those that provide the goods and services most needed for day-to-day functioning in a less materially based society.

The ability to step back far enough or rise higher in perspective allows one to achieve a leg up over the wall of transformation. Knowing where you are heading and how to get there allows one to move effortlessly in the stream of life, wherever it may be taking you. Being able to attune to the patterns of life and to reform those that no longer serve not only you, but those on a similar path, will be an important skill in this transition. Interesting times that are awakening countless visionaries across the cosmic grid. How exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy