Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reforming Life

The times, though tumultuous, are filled with opportunities and possibilities for growth, understanding and self realization. Many are being called to other locals to pick up “course work” they may have been missing this time around. Many are being brought to task for failing to find a loving expression in their work or dealings with others. This is a mop up time that is causing many to examine the things that are really important in their lives and those which have been merely illusions or diversions from the real purpose of their journey.

As plans are changed and courses altered, there is an opportunity for growth beyond measure. Beneath the surface “doings” is the motivation that is finding expression in form. If you are willing to examine the source of your beliefs and see how this is manifesting in form, you will have some indication as to what your soul is trying to tell you. By stepping back far enough, the patterns of life begin to emerge with greater clarity.

As for what you might wish to do to create a different outcome, we might recommend that realizing what is deleterious to your growth and not in your highest and best good is the first step. Letting go of the pattern that created the situation (and perhaps others like it) allows the dissolution of the fantasy surrounding its presence. By seeing something that may have been profoundly wished for “warts and all” and not through the rose colored glasses of hope allows you to confront the true picture of your life in the present.

Now we say present only because this is all that is. Past experience and future probabilities are no indication of what is currently going on. While they are indicators of trends, all is subject to change in the moment given the aspect of free will. Predicting the future may be easier if one takes into account past experience but all is subject to change given decisions of the present. Living in the moment without requirements or conditions allows you to alter your future moment by moment by choosing the higher path (if you are so motivated) in each instance and thus moving through the sludge of the illusionary state.

Given this perspective…what might you do if you find yourself mired in a difunctionary state? We might suggest that examining your life and resources that support a desired outcome might be a preliminary step. By concentrating on the things in life that support the new vision, you give them energy and begin to attract opportunities that support the more positive outcome. Allowing the disillusion of past associations, activities and dramas that were no longer life affirming and supportive of the new vision is also an important part of creating the new life you desire. Allowing the illusions of others to obscure what you Know to be in your best interest is a smokescreen that you must be willing to avoid if you are to maintain your course of action.

Continual reality checks from within and testing yourself to see if something is really congruent with the new path will strengthen the muscles of resolve that will keep you on the higher path of achievement. Distancing yourself from people, places and things that no longer support the new vision are part of the process necessary to break free of the chains that bind you to past experiences. The stronger you become and the more resolve you have to overcome and relearn the lessons, the greater will become your capacity for achievement. One step at a time until the walk becomes a run that will take you away from the hold of the illusion and into the Light of higher reality.

Many are making decisions that embrace the higher aspects of their journey. New societies and communities are forming around higher visions of working together in mutual love and respect. As you venture forth into uncharted waters be aware of the signs of others who share the new dream. Together you will be pulled into associations of resonance as the few coalesce into the many in new forms. It is restructuring and reorienting on similar levels of vibration that is creating the structural basis for a new earth. The process of self selection is taking form in new ways and there is an emergence of the new, built upon the knowledge of the past but with a higher energetic imprint. Awaken to the new dawn of association for it has much to offer and is fulfilling the longings of your soul purpose. Awaken for the time is now.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Choosing Growth

The upstart of growth is that you are no longer rooted in beliefs that tie you to past realities. If you have grown beyond the need to experience a former perception, it is appropriate to discard this prior stepping stone and to allow it to melt away so that you are no longer able to fall back upon outmoded perceptions.

This is a time of great growth and understanding. The events in life are propelling you ever forward into uncharted waters of experience. The vast accumulation of knowledge of past encounters has served you well but they are no longer relevant. Time to begin anew to create the reality.

As you move forward in the new environment, it is tempting to reach back in your memory and retrieve the familiar. We might offer that only the elements that carry the higher vibration of truth will find resonance in your new environment. The building blocks of your new society all carry the higher vibration.

New beginnings require new commitments. In restructuring your world into higher meaning, there is a requirement to move according to a different roadmap of experience. What do you wish to be the motivating factor in your journey? This might require some deep soul searching to clear yourself of illusions and false perceptions in order to discover the underlying motivations of your life. How does the manifestation of form find resonance on the evolving platform of experience? Is life living you or are you living it? Is all going to plan or have you veered off the planned trajectory and require a course correction?

All of these are but tweaking in the guidance system. You alone are responsible for the direction of your journey. While outside influences are certainly the atmosphere you have created for your reality, it is your choice as to how you experience it. It is all choices and perceptions. It is not just your attitude of viewing the glass half full or half empty. It is also your choice to drink and allow it to become part of your life. You are being asked to step forward and becoming intimately involved in the creation of life.

Your world is being formed in the image of your intentions. This requires that you become an active participant in the process. Without your conscious effort, the creation will be usurped by those perhaps less evolved. It behooves those who see and are part of the Light to step forward and take an active role in the creation process. Sitting this one out on the sidelines is no longer an option. Decision time as to whether you wish to join the groundswell of aspirants to the new reality.

Enough posturing. Choice can be either active or passive. Do you wish to let the choices of others become your own because you are not willing to step forward and direct the course of your own life? What is preventing you from becoming the captain of your own ship of reality? What fears are holding you back and impeding your progress? The gangplank is being pulled up. Are you fully on board or do you still have one foot on the dock? You know where this precarious position will lead you.

The choice one makes in favor of truth and integrity are paramount in the process of growth. No one continues to grow by choosing to follow the miss-directions of those less capable or inspired. Shrinking in fear of imagined consequences is not ennobling or inspirational. Times of change call to all to step up and become the embodiment of their highest vision. How do you wish to achieve the dreams of your future if you are unwilling to step aboard the moving vessel of change? The golden hour has arrived. All aboard.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Grief is the collective of many human emotions that allows one to process the events in life that shake the core of “reality”. In order to move past the impasse, one must be able to process input that makes sense of the situation in terms appropriate to their level of understanding. There are states that this may take in order to process the information in “logical” terms to achieve a level of acceptance of the situation.

One of the first steps in reconciliation is the process of anger. When one’s world is altered, it upsets what one believes to be true and introduces a new reality. If one is unwilling to change one’s perceptions, one may be angered at being asked to alter these perceptions. Inherent in the response is the sense of loss that one feels of being deprived of the object of their attachment. It is a severing of ties of attachment that causes one to experience the feelings of separation and anger. Perhaps we feel that we had more to share or experience with the object of our attachment. Perhaps we wish that we could have done more to rectify the situation and heal past wounds. Perhaps we are wanting to fulfill unrealized fantasies with the individual or object of our attachment.

When something is wonderful, there is always the desire to prolong the experience in perpetuity. If the experience is less than perfect, there is always the desire to realize the higher experience that we visualize. When we are forced to face the reality that we are the master of our own feelings, emotions and interactions, we are in fact angry with ourselves that we may have squandered opportunities for Loving experiences that were unfulfilled. Perhaps that is the source of our grief – we wish we could have been more forthcoming in our interaction with others who mean so much to us in our lives. The misplaced anger of “fate” dealing us a cruel blow helps the ego come to terms with our failure to be our most Loving, generous, and caring selves in our dealings with others.

Following anger at ourselves and others as we attempt to place “blame” for an undesirable situation, we eventually reach a plateau of acceptance. Growth can be measured by our willingness to move past the situations in our life and to realize the underlying lessons our soul is trying to teach us. How has this situation that has shaken our very roots of belief and existence brought us closer to the higher understanding we require for our growth and understanding? What is preventing us from moving forward and using these painful lessons to bring us more in harmony with our divine purpose? How can we grow through the experience and take up the torch of light the object of our grief was carrying? How is this empowering us to be a higher reflection of our divine self longing for growth and understanding?

In every “tragedy” there is the possibility for illumination. We are called into greater awareness through the events in our lives that shake us loose from the moorings of complacency. We may grieve for the things that made us feel “safe” but they were in fact anchors that prevented our growth into higher awareness. How can we use the lessons of Love made manifest in the field of human interaction to lead us out of the darkness and into the Light?

In every “tragedy” there is the opportunity for moving into Loving awareness. How can you use the gifts of the other to enrich your life and pass these on? What can you salvage from the ashes that honors the memory of those grieved for and help them to live forever in the hearts of those they Loved?

We are all a legacy of Love to those of our association. What Loving memories do you wish to carry forward to those with whom you share this intimate bond? Be willing to bury the grief that would consume you and instead share the Loving memories of those who have passed. In such you honor them as well as yourselves for you are carrying the torch they have passed in Love. This is the fulfillment of their Loving experience and yours.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The veils that separate dimensions are becoming thinner and more transparent. No longer are those on the cusp of transformation oblivious of the world around them and the possibilities that are theirs to grasp. It is a morphing that is taking place in the present that is allowing the experience of two different planes of existence to overlap and run together in an impressionistic blending of time and space with blurred edges.
The reason so many are having trouble in adjusting to the new world forming in and around them is that there are no distinct forms. If the things you believed to be dependable suddenly began to dissolve and lack the solidity you had begun to rely on, it would feel that you were also becoming amorphous as well. As forms and shapes loose their rigidity, there is the possibility for reshaping them into new structures that carry the nucleus of past realities but are reworked into the higher energetic template necessary to support forms in the new earth that is being born. Rather than a new society vanishing, only to be replaced with untried and unproven structures and dimensions, your world is being rebuilt from the protoplasm of the present, melded together in new forms of association.

When there is less rigidity in a form and the edges become more malleable, there is a greater possibility for corresponding parts to bond together and form new bridges of association. This goes for the alliances of people as well as other types of material expression. The more we relax the boundaries that keep us apart from others, the easier it will become to create the bonds that are the basis for a society based upon Loving awareness. The more one sees the areas in common between one and another, the more these bonds become solidified in intentional associations that serve each other and beyond. It will be through the bonding together of disparate pieces that new societies will be reborn into ones of strength and integrity.

As to what will remain and what will be carried forth into the new earth…we might suggest that only the things that support new paradigm of unconditional Love will be “safe”. To build an edifice on the shifting sand of illusions of avarice and greed is like building a palace near the ocean in a depression protected by the illusion of safety. Sooner or later the storms of life will breach the moat.

The waves of challenge are everywhere. The only “safety” one has is finding the high ground of truth and integrity. Those that hear the higher calling will find an alliance there on which to reform a new earth. It is a restructuring of the building blocks of societies that is not dissimilar to the microscopic view of cells migrating in a sea of protoplasm and joining with others in new patterns of association.

As to how this might take form in the field of present…we might suggest an openness to all possibilities being brought to the surface. There will be those that energetically have more attraction and those that seem worn out. Individual choices that anchor one to the higher realms will attract others with a similar bent. Communities are being formed around the globe that reflect the inspiration and vision of those who hear a higher voice. Those who are unwilling and unable to make this leap of faith will not be drawn to this association.

It is as if the components of life are being shaken in a jar – the lighter elements are rising to the surface and the denser elements are sinking to the bottom. Where are you being drawn and what do you need to release in order to make the transition. Only the upwardly mobile will be able to spill over the dam. Are you willing to remain immobilized or hung in suspension by the fears and trepidations that are preventing this surge forward or are you ready to go with the flow?