Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Dance of Relationships

If you make the choice to travel on an upward path of understanding, it helps to have others to share your insights. It is in the refining that we go through when we share ourselves with others that we are able to remove the superfluous misunderstandings and refine our own process of expression. The mere act of voicing our Truth to others and receiving it echoed back to us in their words helps impress upon our consciousness that this is in fact a reality and that we are being heard and understood in the world.

It is through the eyes of others that we not only validate our perceptions but try out new concepts and feelings. Without intimate partners in our lives, we miss the opportunity to express our true, authentic selves and to return the favor in kind. This may not always be well received or appreciated but this too is our lesson which causes us to reflect upon our process and our passion and to make adjustments as necessary if we wish to grow in concert with this other being.

It is a dance of friendship and partnership that we do in the flow of life that builds and reinforces patterns of Loving awareness that links and binds us with other souls on our path. Without the intimate friendships and partnerships with others we would not have the opportunity to flex the muscles of Love in this important way. We are all attuned to the frequency of Love that is hardwired into our being. Sometimes the channel gets off station a bit. It is through the Lovers and partners our life that we retune ourselves to this higher frequency and are able to hear and see ourselves as Loveable through their eyes and thus adjust our own sensory systems in resonance.

This is the dance of experience that is the most productive and transformative. If we were to go through life in the isolation of self experience, we would be deprived of the higher education of interaction. Without those who care enough to tell us where we hit the mark and where we fall short in the arena of communication, we would have little incentive to “clean up our act” and aim higher. It is frequently our wanting to shine brighter in their eyes that we find our reason for discarding the old and begin shopping for our new and improved selves. The more we are able to surrender the parts of ourselves which no longer glisten in our partners eyes, the greater will be our ability to become the Loving presence we are calling into being through their inspiration. This is the promise of the dance of partnership and Love.

If our partners are unable to see past their own neediness and illusions, we can serve them as well as ourselves by being the example of unconditional Love in their life. This requires nothing more than holding the mirror that allows them to stand tall in their own strength and power. The vision of their perfection that you reflect back to them, no matter what they may do or feel themselves, will be the guiding presence in their lives until they can don this garment themselves. If we feel that we are worthy and appreciated by those we Love, we are more likely to rise higher in order to embrace that vision within ourselves.

If those we have chosen to dance with in life are unwilling or unable to dance in harmony with each other and to learn and grow together perhaps the dance is completed and it is time to change partners. There are those in our life who we come together with for a moment and others who may have a lifelong commitment of partnerships. Some times we hold on, remembering past moments of grandeur when all was synchronistically in tune, not realizing that the music has stopped. Love is also service that allows the other to grow in new areas and form new partnerships in the dance of life. Lessons in Love are also about letting go of the need to hold on and freeing our partners to soar higher on their own.

The pain of loss is mitigated by the Knowing that whatever was experienced can be replicated in a higher and brighter form, building upon the knowledge gained and the lessons learned, thanks to our Loving partners. All is taking place in an upward spiral of Loving awareness. Thank your intimate partners for they contribute to your growth and understanding every day. Do-si-do…


Friday, January 21, 2011

In Your Dreams

The fulfillment of dreams is not so much a function of bringing into form all of the desires of the personality, but it is in fact the coming together of the deeply held vision of the soul being made manifest in the world of form. If you experience something in a dream state, it is a dance with your deepest soul awareness that is allowing you to glimpse the possibilities in symbolic form in order to try out these in the world of experience. While they may not look like the expression in a linear way, there is a planting of the template that allows life to play out in a similar fashion. It might be considered a “trial run” to see if the personality is willing and able to step forward to the experience or if more “ground work” needs to be put in to connect the dots.

All of this is merely background to say that while dreams are not necessarily literal interpretations of the world in which you carry out your manifestation of experience, they are in fact “real” to the extent that they are patterns of experience waiting to be formed or restructured, depending on the level of awareness and commitment of the director.

As for the purpose of your dreams, we might suggest that they can be used as a bridge between the world of form and the subconscious. Your willingness to record these messages while in a transitory state and to examine them upon waking will give you insight as to where you are heading and how the deeper purpose of your journey is playing out in the context of your world. This insight can give you advance warning of things you may have glossed over that are of greater importance, but can also give you insight as to how a present course of action might create a different scenario than desired. It is a way of seeing life as a farce but one that has deeper meaning than the surface action that is playing out.

As for the different characters in your dreams…While all are an aspect of your Truth, the faces may be malleable, depending on the aspects of a known character that they are reflecting. You may not recognize this aspect in yourself, but when it comes in the guise of another it is easier to pick it apart and sense how this pattern is part of you and the life that you share together. It is a mirror of revelation that is being held for you to see the good, the bad and the ugly of our experiences together and how they are playing out for the betterment of all. This is a group experience that is bending and shaping each into perfection on a grander scale and dreams are merely part of the shaping and refining process.

As to how you might tap into this process in order to achieve clarity in your life, we might suggest that awareness is the first step to understanding. Keeping a journal of the themes in your dreams and reoccurring characters is a start. This usually takes place in a journal beside the bed where salient moments and thoughts are jotted down before arising and before they fade from memory. Take time to reflect upon the messages at a later time but for now merely allow the memories to record upon the page uncensored. Your clearest thoughts and recollections are the purest before the ego steps in ad rearranges memories to fit its the agenda. Practice stepping aside and allowing Truth to flow without reason and distortion and you will unlock the messages your soul is trying to communicate in your sleep.

You may find that you instinctively Know the interpretation and are able to decipher the messages yourself or it requires the clearer, impartial vision of others to look beyond the jumble of thoughts and images and rearrange the pictures into patterns that “make sense” to our linear minds. This all depends upon how strongly you are holding on to the outcome of the fantasy of your life. The more that you have projected outcomes and events into your panorama of experience, the harder it will be for you to dissolve these visions and reassemble the pieces in a different form. Dreams are one way to nudge you past the “real” and to try out alternate realities. Allow your imagination to float freely in your dreams without restraint and you will able to free flow with life in concert with your soul’s promptings in a dance of astounding beauty and meaning…Dream on…


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


If you feel that something is about to happen in your life, it is indicative of the intention you have set into motion through your awareness. Nothing occurs by chance, but it is the result of a complex interweaving of thought, inspiration, karmic predisposition, intention, and timing. While not some magnificent script acted out on a celestial stage, there is nevertheless purpose and meaning in all that we do and feel.
If you were to remove all of the superficial reasons for thoughts and actions, you would see that this is a finely orchestrated morality play taking place where we are constantly being given the opportunity to reach higher and elevate our experiences to ones of greater meaning and understanding. The opportunities abound if only we are willing to look deeper and not settle for the “easy” or more dazzling.

Now this is not to say that our choices cannot be fun and dazzling to be uplifting. Frequently the result of growth and understanding is Joyous in its fulfillment. The true Joy comes when we Know that we are indeed on our “right” soul path and it feels wonderful. When we “get it”, it always feels right and good.

How we choose to navigate the stream of experience is in many ways the result of our attitude. If we go through life, letting life live us rather than supplying our own intention and direction, we will forever be at the mercy of circumstance and whimsy. Now this is not to say that we will not get the lessons we need. The soul is always the driver of our vehicle of awareness. Without intention and direction, you may have trouble putting the pieces together in understandable patterns to see the meaning and purpose of the events in your life.

At this time of resolutions, wouldn’t it make sense to think about the direction you are steering your life? What gives you Joy and a sense of purpose and meaning? What is merely drudgery or a way of marking time until your “true calling” manifests? How can a shift in attitude and a willingness to forgo any ego attachments to a cause or direction open new doors for exploration? What have you been putting off because the parts have not come together? Is there some way to begin afresh by dusting off a long held dream and incorporating this, at least part time, into your life?

The resolutions of this year may be the same ones you dust off every year or they may call you into exploring whole new areas of life. It is a time for course corrections and seeing clearly the paths and even missteps we have taken in the past and how we choose to redirect the process. What do you yearn to make your reality? How do you see this unfolding? What can you do to open the door to experience and let the fresh air of Joy into your life? It is a time of wondrous adventure that is unfolding in life. It is time to release the patterns that have not served in the past and to find new inspiration and momentum. If not now, when do you intend to welcome Joy into the mix? It is your choice. Choose well for the time is now…


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No Excuses

Excuses are the vestiges of the personality that refuse to surrender to the reality of the situation. One might think of this as a slow descent into the quicksand of doubt and self-deception as one grasps at straws of reality which will ultimately fail to support the weight of our inner Truth. When we attempt to “justify” our actions instead of owning our Truth, we only prolong our awakening.

How many of us take the “easy” road by glossing over our own imperfections and missteps? How different might be our journey if we discontinued the practice of justification of our actions and instead chose to live in the higher version of our Truth? It is time to be the heroes of our script and not just giving lip service to the role.

If we were to step forward into our authentic self, what might the newly minted version look like? If we were to begin from this day forward creating the life of our dreams, what would that be? How might we go about the process or building a new framework for our life that reflects the Truth of our commitment and not just a lesser version of ourselves that fails to measure up?

In visioning the ideal you wish to create at this moment, what is it that you have made excuses about because you have been unwilling to step up a notch and bring your actions in alignment with your words? How important is your attachment to the old you and how does this different from the “new and improved” version you know to be your real, authentic self? It is like moving through a hall of mirrors - will the real you step forward and assume the staff of self mastery and sovereignty? You are truly the one with responsibility and control of your actions.

If your excuses usually begin with relinquishing your power to control a situation because of the actions of others, you might wish to examine how you are surrendering your power to the others in your life. How can you step up to the plate and redirect your actions to reflect not only your own version of Truth and Justice but to help those less enlightened to come from theirs as well. This journey is one of discovery and fulfillment to be shared by all.

The excuses we give ourselves and others are the veils that prevent our seeing and creating our highest potential. Your only excuse for failing to live up to what you Know to be True and worthy is your commitment to your own journey. Your willingness to see past these lessons of the ego is reflected in the responsibility you take for your actions. You alone must decide what version of the Truth is the banner under which you serve.

Do you wish to continue to hide your true self in the shadows or are you determined to step forward and don your mantle of greatness? The greatest leaders in life are those who offer no excuses but are willing to honor and express their own Truth. The vulnerability they show when they stand in the magnificence of their presence, warts and all, encourages and inspires others to join them in the process. When we put our heroes on a pedestal, we create a distinction between us and them that implies a chasm of attainability that we are unable to surmount. By leveling the playing field between us and them, it uplifts all who are part of this rising tide of energy that surrounds all.

The energetic soup that is the matrix for humanity is being seasoned with the thoughts, inspirations and understanding of those who are stepping forward and expressing their Truth. No excuses for what has or has not been; only a determination to journey a higher path to understanding and action. How will you show up in life that reflects your higher Truth and return the favor to those who have been the pioneers in this effort? You are being called to step forward and take up your banner of Truth. What does this look like in your life? Time to begin the journey…No excuses…