Tuesday, September 27, 2011


In these times of stress and accountability we are called to be ever more mindfully into our communication with others. Are the words coming out of our mouths a true reflection of the situation at hand or merely and edited version of what we believe the other wants to hear? How willing are we to turn on the light of scrutiny to probe the deeper Truths that not only can bring us together but also tear us apart?

Back to those lessons of the ego… How fragile are our associations if we are unwilling to “fess up” and be responsible for the fallout from our actions? To what extent are we operating out of integrity by glossing over Truth in favor of harmony? What are the presumed consequences and benefits of coming clean and expressing our own shortcomings, misconceptions, and misgivings? Do the gains outweigh the losses in clearing the slate and beginning again from a position of honesty? Is “saving face” the greater virtue or is this trumped by the higher value of being seen as someone of Truth and integrity?

In order to feel safe in expressing total Truth, one must feel the other is receptive to the process. If the other is defensive or reactive, the Truth may be partially revealed in the guise of safety. Is it “safe” to operate behind a shield of partial Truth when ultimately disclosure will reveal this to be incomplete and misleading? How do we limit our experiencing the full Truth of others by the shields and reactions we use to prevent us from hearing the very things that can allow us to grow into our magnificence?

As for the tearing apart… If an association is built on partial truths or is fear-based, is it in the best interest of all concerned for it to crumble and perhaps be rebuilt in a higher form? If manipulation of others is the means you have used to create the “truth” you wish to perpetuate, how willing are you to let go of these old tools in order to create more conscious relationships and interactions? If transparency is to be the new modus operendi, how might you go about rebuilding the associations in your life to coincide with this new dynamic?

Consider a world where Knowing is all encompassing. There would be no second guessing those in your association because Truth would be the only language spoken. How does that differ from the world in which you currently reside? How do you intend to alter your perceptions and actions to create this new reality?

What if you made sure that all of your conversations with significant others were in a Loving, open, respectful, stress-free environment and not in tirades, text messages, or in passing? What if you were only to express Truths that you were confident of to a moral certainty and not a product of gossip or innuendo? What if all were to put the ego aside and share from deeper levels of the heart how things show up in our lives, our struggles, dilemmas, and conclusions? What if you were to engage the other in seeing the bigger picture together and welcome comments and criticism with equal warmth as praise?

You are being called into greater integrity with your associations, your words, and your actions. This is the transparency of the new paradigm.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Get Used to It

The feelings of helplessness to come to terms with the challenges of life in your third-dimensional existence are being supplanted with visions of possibilities and promise. While all have not “hit bottom” yet, there are many who have put on the breaks and said “enough is enough” and they are not willing to do this any more. Along with the realization that the status quo is no longer tolerable comes a greater realization that perhaps there is something that you can do to direct life in a more positive manner. If this is not working for you, it behooves you to try looking at life from a different angle in order to see things differently.

If for instance, those in your life that you have significant relationships with seem to be having trouble with the way you are conducting your life, perhaps it is time to step back and see what areas are causing friction. It may be hard to realize that perhaps decisions you made at some point in your life are no longer valid and, given current circumstances, perhaps it is time to reorder your priorities. Keeping a constant focus despite a changing environment and atmosphere may not be your best way of surfing the dimensional shift. The old rules and playing field may have changed while you were on autopilot and now it is up to you to find new ways of dealing with the challenges of life.

Not only have playing fields changed but motivation and purpose. If you were suddenly transported from a world of clearly defined cause and affect into one where not only new rules but need business models are in play, you might be having a similar experience in adjusting. Get used to it. This is the new norm.

The best chance for gliding effortlessly through life is to let go of preconceived notions of reality. It will be more difficult to manipulate the system if it is changing in flight. Those who have held tightly to outdated processes and structures thinking they can outwit the system they have been able to manipulate will be in for a rude awakening as the playing field is morphing into something that might feel like it is made of Jell-O. The only way you will be able to move gracefully through the flow is by setting your heading on the highest and best good for all concerned and letting nature take its course. The revelations of life will move into place in order to accomplish the stated mission to the extent that you are able to get out of your own way in the process. The more you put constraints by trying to orchestrate life to conform to a personal agenda, the more turbulent will be the journey.

As for what you might expect in the coming weeks…We might suggest that things will not seem easy unless you allow yourselves to free-flow with life. There is much turbulence that can blow you off course if you become entangled with the appearance of “disaster”. This is only an interpretation of the events at hand. You might instead prefer to think of much of the turmoil as transformative and necessary reshuffling in order to achieve and birth new forms of life in transition. “Safety” will be secured by those that surrender all in order to grasp the new world with both hands. Clinging to past lives and future possibilities prevents the free-flow of possibilities to emerge.
The events of change are meaningless and should be allowed to drift in and out of life without concern or comment. The concerns should be on how one is able to flow with the possibilities and find the silver linings in each transition. This is a new life unfolding in Joy and wonderment. Do not drag the process down with fear and trepidation. All is good. All is God. And so it is…Blessings, I AM

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hang Loose

The relief you experience when you begin to emerge from the fog of illusion will be magnified tenfold when you are able to extricate yourself entirely from the fog of separatism. All who are making this adjustment are reforming into societies that no longer buy into the message of “us against them”. So were does one go to find such enlightened communities?
The desert southwest including the four corners region of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico are some. The pacific northwest, down into the Mt Shasta region of California, and isolated pockets throughout the rest of the US as well. There are pockets of awareness around the world where the call has gone out and people are waking up en mass. As to whether they are willing to put this new-found knowledge to use is another thing entirely.

You have heard the expression “You can run but you cannot hide”. This is especially true in these difficult times of transformation. There is no one who will be unaffected by the shift in dimensions. Those that cling desparately to past realities and structures will be in for the rudest of awakenings. Those who realize the futility of the struggle and are opening themselves to new challenges and new possibilities will have an easier time and will find the journey breathtaking and transformative.

Preparation, as we have said many times, involves getting your internal ship in order. While emergency equipment and supplies might be helpful in weathering the minor inconveniences of the temporal world, the main provisions need to be on an internal level Acceptance and gratitude will go a long way in weathering whatever storms, both literally and figurative cross your path. Look for continued disruption on the weather front as poles, planets andcomets do their dance of recalibration. None will be immune to the fury of a world turned on its ear but survival is a choice that is to be made on a conscious level. Those that have agreed to weather the storms and help rebuild in the new paradigm will have clear direction and resources to make it happen. This may not look like your fathers world but that is exactly the point - different priorities and awareness, different solutions.

The byword for this time of flux is “hang loose”. When all is shifting around you it pays to allow yourself to flow with the tide of awareness and not to strike out unprepared into unknown waters. We might suggest that it would also be helpful to gather together those who will be making the transition together. No preparation necessary just check in frequently to assure that spirits are high and that all are on board. Baggage should be stowed and whittled down for little will be required for the journey of spirit. Again we say Hang Loose.

As for what you might be doing to prepare we might suggest honing your skills in self sufficiency. Rebuilding requires skills personally but also the ability to work together in common achievement. It will require many diverse patterns and partners working together to solve the challenges of a new world. Learn to work harmoniously with others in a collective and to find consensus by truly listening to the voice of the other rather than making sure your voice is heard and acknowledged. This is one of the most highly valued skills you can develop in rebuilding communities. If “The meek shall inherit the earth” then perhaps it would be wise to listen to the soft voices of the introspective who are able to set aside the rabble and the chaos and go within for their clear, true wisdom. The boisterous will be seen for the inflated egos they represent and truly those with ears to hear will be the one who will be able to use their “night vision goggles” of understanding and see through the dark times ahead. This is a new world in formation. Be aware that the birthing, while painful, will bring forth a magnificence of Truth and Understanding unknown to these worlds before. Time to just Hang Loose…


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Paradigm Shift

The gap between the awakened and the oblivious seems to be widening as the “time” gets nearer to the shift in dimensions. It appears that those who have drawn a line in the sand of consciousness have erected barriers beyond which they will not cross in this lifetime. So be it. For those that are searching for comfort and affirmation that they are held in the hands of God/Goddess of Light, there is reassurance of this magnificence. While the illusionary state that has created this schism is real to the extent that it is believed by many, in fact it is merely indicative that this is taking places in waves of ascension.

As for what this might look like in the material world, we might have a few suggestions…

First, do not look at major shifts in the paradigm as being detrimental. Growth frequently requires breaking through the seed coat of protection that has contained the growing bud.

Second. Allow for the possibilities of new life forms to emerge from the shielded tips of emergence. You may not recognize forms or structures of the new earth but it is Good and Godly.

Continue to let go of the trappings of life in the old paradigm fall away. Things that have served past models and patterns of life are no longer relevant in a universe based upon the paradigm of Love manifest in form.

And lastly, we might suggest that all is not as it appears. Things that seem off the chart rationally might come into clear focus if viewed through the new lenses of Oneness. Things that made no sense in a world of separateness and competition are finding new voice in the new paradigm. Perhaps this is the new norm of demonstration of magnificence being played out in the field of expanded awareness.

With any shift comes change. This does not always bode well for those lashed to past values and structures. This will be painful to watch but is necessary as the free-will of mankind is allowed to play out. We can only suggest that all have the options to move consciously into the light. If not now, when it makes sense, given the level of change they are willing to experience. One cannot drag others across the finish line; one must do that for themselves. All that is required is to offer a lifeline of your Truth and Understanding. It is up to the other to reach out for themselves.

This is a time of much turmoil and requires a clear vision and commitment to following one’s own inner Knowing rather than being swayed by the misperceptions of others. We are reminded of the admonition to put your own oxygen mask on first in order that you can be of assistance to others. This is the time to take such advice seriously. You are needed to step forward to the front of the wave of seekers for you have the road maps into the new paradigm. It is time to find your footing and ready your self physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for the challenges ahead. All are One and the more this vision is welcomed and integrated into our being, the easier will be the transition into the new paradigm. Carry on…