Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The frequency of life expressed in form is going through an upgrade as more and more are coming into resonance with the divine. This is a phenomena explained by some such as Dr. David Hawkins who notes the affect that one advanced being can have on helping to elevate the frequency of those vibrating at the lower end of the scale. It is much as is observed in “a rising tide elevating all ships”.  This is a time of much movement on the harmonic scale as well as many are being “tuned” to the higher frequency of Light. You may think of it as an orchestra warming up for the main presentation.  All is in a state of preparation and attunement.
You may also discover that many are finding their places in the chorus of life. This is taking place on both sides of the veil. Many are shifting to the side where they can serve the best in the coming change.  There are reasons that justify the “logical” mind but there are also reasons that are part of the greater purpose of soul consciousness that are taking place. All of the pieces of life are in motion and it is good.

As for what this might mean on a personal level, we might suggest that it will behoove you to step back and observe the swirling events in your life.  The only thing that is constant is change. If you are firmly attached to one reality or way of being, you may expect that that will be set loose to reform in another. It is a wake-up call at a soul level to pack your bags but travel light into a new world of incredible splendor and wonder.

It your happiness is contingent on things being in a certain order and form, expect that this tree will be shaken and many of the leaves dislodged. If your identity is tied to a specific job, role, or status, this too may be morphing into another form. What is it that holds you back from becoming the embodiment of your soul purpose?  These are the ties that bind you to the past and can be expected to come untied in the transition into Light. What illusions are most restrictive on your soul growth and keep you from moving higher in your understanding? This is an earthquake of major proportions on a soul level. Those that are not attached to the structures of the past will not be buried in the rubble of change but will be free to rebuild on less shaky ground.

With the falling away comes the promise of freedom of possibilities. If the rules of the past no longer apply, what do you wish to create for your new world of tomorrow?  If one has the freedom to be anyone one wants, live wherever one chooses, do anything one desires, what would your new world look like? That is what we would ask you to consider. As the old falls away, where do you wish to stake your claim in the new world of possibilities? Are you where you wish to be or is that something that was decided for you by others? Are you living your father’s, mother’s, spouse’s or other’s dream or is this your own vision? Time to come in alignment with your soul purpose.

What truly gives you Joy in experience? Where, how can you go, or be in order to make this your reality? Time to claim your own dream rather than living in the shoes of another - or have you forgotten what that was? How many soul promptings have been shelved because they were not “practical” or you couldn’t see past the obstacles that were placed in your path? Given your new awareness and the fact that roots to the past are being dislodged, how might you shift in order to bring this into fruition?

Have your priorities shifted in order to accommodate your evolving beliefs? What no longer serves your soul’s desires? Is spiritual growth becoming more important than “things”? How does this impact your drive to “succeed” in life? Where is this taking you and with whom? Who no longer resonates with your new vision? Are they an anchor that is preventing your growth or a help-mate that will can help each other leapfrog into the new world?

These are the choices swirling around you in this maelstrom of change.  Do you wish to become part of this tide of change that is taking place or will you cling to the sidelines and risk being swept under in the tsunami of those who are moving rapidly by? This is a calling to become the hero/heroine of your dreams and to become one with the new world of possibilities. Those who can’t let go to the past will have other lifetimes to try again and have chosen their fate. Time for those on the brink to move forward with the flow into a sea of Love. All is well…


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Healing is really restoring something to the perfection that was part of the divine blueprint supplied by the Creator. All is indeed perfect, but part of our journey in form is remembering that perfection .  As part of the growth process and awareness, we may stumble or take on a challenge that may seem to the unaware as an imperfection. Nothing could be further from the truth. Physical burdens might also be looked at as opportunities for understanding, redemption, and growth in the physical form. All is not as it may seem and the more we are able to release the judgments and misperceptions and receive the gifts of “imperfection”, the more we are able to receive and incorporate these lessons and move higher in our own growth and healing.
When we speak of healing, this is merely a process of growth and understanding applied to the physical being. In order to restore the body to homeostasis or a state of health and well-being, it will frequently require an attitude/altitude adjustment. Some may blame self or others for a state of poor health. This, of courses, removes them from the “problem” but also from the solution. Might it not indeed be more fruitful to instead begin to apply the healing balm of love and forgiveness to the parts that are hurting in order for the healing process to begin? Having compassion for others as well as one’s self, also holds the vibration of Love in the field of Light energy surrounding the parts being healed.
Now we say being healed because what may be required is not necessarily a physical healing but also the underlying emotional and mental schisms that require readjustment before the physical healing process can begin. There are also the commitments one may have made on a Karmic level to redress any misconceptions or injustices one may have inflected on others that are being brought into balance and understanding. One should always honor the wishes of the afflicted on both a physical and soul journey level and respect the lessons that might require the pain in order to receive the grace of understanding.
Without the pain of crisis, many would not be motivated to bring to the surface the underlying slivers that are piercing the emotional body. True healing is achieved when these underlying wounds are exposed to awareness for healing and transformation. What lessons of Love for self and others are being served by pain and infirmity that can be brought into resonance for healing? Letting go of the need to “punish” self and others for infliction of the pain allows the chords that bind one to the experience to dissolve and free the recipient from the intrusion of pain.

What is painful is also cathartic. In the expression of pain, both physical and emotional, we release the “toxins” that threaten to poison our being, both physically and emotionally. As we move through the pain into a place of healing and understanding, the physical and emotional wounds begin to reform and regrow a new skin of protection. Though it may never look the same, it is in many ways scar tissue that is frequently stronger than before and a badge of honor because we Know and appreciate the lessons of the journey.
What about chronic diseases and afflictions you may ask? Perhaps this is a lesson of a lifetime to atone for illusions of the past. This is not to say that all such afflictions are incurable, only that this is a continuing lesson one has chosen to experience in order for growth to occur. Miracles occur when someone “gets it” on such a deep level that all illusions in form are dissolved and health is restored. Jesus was able to dissolve the ties that bound the suffering to the past and revealed that this is something that others are capable of doing as well. What if all truly believed and accepted Christ Consciousness? Would there be the need for disease and pain?
How are you showing up as a healer in your own life? Do you possess abilities and perceptions that you Know to be a divine gift that is not being realized? How much can you do to alter your perceptions of health and healing by raising your vibrational frequency so that you no longer attract the negative vibration of disease? All worthy considerations as you move into a new era of homeostasis of mind, body, and spirit.  Heal on…


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Soul Rays

Events in your life come and go but what remains consistent is your soul purpose in an incarnation. When you incarnate, there is an agreement to embody in the frequency of a certain ray. If, for instance, you choose to incarnate as a yellow ray, your experiences will have the underlying theme of harmony and emotional stability, red – more passionate and sensual and so forth.  It will be necessary to incarnate many times in different rays in order to master the frequency of each and balance your experiences incarnate.
Those who are intent on mastering the lessons of the heart will have a hard time achieving mastery of complex mental tasks but no trouble at all feeling and expressing their love.  Many souls that come into form with the chromosome for mental retardation are extremely loving and compassionate because they have chosen to experience the green ray. Others who enjoy involving themselves in challenging mental endeavors would probably be more associated with the blue ray.

Realizing your intrinsic color vibration can be a large part of understanding why you make the choices in your life and what you can do to come into harmony with your soul programming. Going against type, as indicated by the frequency of your soul ray, can be a huge lesson for some if they allow feelings of inadequacy pressure them into doing things that go against their type and oppose the intrinsic nature of their soul program. While not harmful, it can waste many hours in fruitless struggle, trying to be  something that is against your innate nature. How much simpler it is when we embrace our soul ray and allow others to find their inner guidance system as well. Trying to force the wrong pieces into the puzzle of life is folly, only leading back to the original vantage point for recalibration. 

So how might you go about coming into resonance with your soul ray?  We might suggest that going back to the things you enjoyed as a child  before parental and societal programming set in might be a good start. Were you creative, studious, loving, fearful, needy, imaginative, joyful, etc.? This might be your first clue. Do you see a connection between these ingrained talents and abilities when placed beside your astrological sign? What is your favorite color?  All subtle indicators of the frequency of your soul ray.

Once you determine the theme/color of your soul ray, you may wish to allow your soul ray to point you to the lessons you came to experience. How does this compare with the choices you have made in your life and whether you feel in resonance or has it been a constant struggle?  If you came in with say a green (heart centered) ray, would you be more effective and comfortable with a job as a mathematician or a social worker? Pretty obvious, but how many of us go through life trying to walk in someone else’s shoes, rather than following the road maps we mailed ourselves from “the other side”

Allow your soul to whisper in your and help reveal the color and therefore the theme of your life’s journey and you will not feel that you have wasted your life trying to be something you are not. Each life has an underlying theme or energetic vibration that allows your soul to reveal your color/soul ray in the rainbow of life. You will feel the underlying frequency of acceptance – of yourself and the unique journey you will be able to fulfill, knowing that all is as planned. And, your choices will be easier if you honor your soul commitment to explore the frequency of that ray.  Who knew? You, of course, but now you really do.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Thinking, while necessary, is one of the least reliable of your senses because it is most subject to skewing by the ego.  If you think something to be so, given the strong input from your mental self, you might be wise to step back into a neutral position and evaluate whether this is your higher-self speaking. Does it vibrate at a high frequency of measurement? Is it Loving in inference in that it honors the highest potential of all concerned? Does it reflect a neediness or wistfulness that obscures the truth about your experience or merely ego-fed desires? If not, perhaps this needs to be re-thought.

When you lead with your head, rather than your heart, you run the risk of alienating those around you, but more importantly, losing your way in the fog of insecurity.  If you believe something to be true because you think you know something to be logically true, you may be in for a rude awakening when you find out what is really behind the curtain of life and all has been an illusion to help you learn the more difficult lessons of the heart.

Life is never all that it seems on the surface. It is the subtle nuances of the currents beneath the surface that are the truest indicators of the real meaning at hand that we often miss.  How often have you had a “gut feeling” that something was amiss in the drama that was playing out around you but choose to ignore it? How painful was it when you eventually realized that you could have realized far less pain and agony by following your inner guidance system rather than listening to your head chatter? Time to begin to not only listen to your inner logic, but to go with your inner Knowing, even though it may fly in the face of conventional “wisdom”.

So what does thinking something to death buy you? While it is always prudent to assess all the “facts” in a situation, it is also important to tune in on a subtle energy level to corroborate these facts and figures. Forewarned is indeed forearmed and those who plunge headlong into a situation without looking at it from all sides will certainly suffer the regrets of not seeing the warning signs that we choose to ignore in blur of emotion. Emotion is a fire that can ignite us to action, but without the understanding of the ramifications of a situation it may be like a poorly laid fire and not able to sustain itself because of lack of planning and resources to support the endeavor.

So how is one to approach a problem/challenge in a conscious way? We might suggest that a rush to judgment without proper intelligence is never a wise choice. Your powers of reason are there as guidance to help accumulate the information you require for an informed decision. Your emotional response helps indicate how closely this aligns with either your soul purpose or ego. Discernment is being able to Know the difference. Motivation and commitment take the process to the next level of bringing this into form. All are necessary in order to live a life of conscious integration. When the balance is skewed in either direction you will find yourself moving in circles, waiting for the fog to lift or sidetracked on adventures of the ego that are usually not pleasant.

Times are calling you to come into resonance and balance with all of your faculties. Thinking is a necessary process as is emotion.  When one comes from a higher perspective, one honors the inherent balance in nature that is elevating us in order to tap into our own inner wisdom/Sophia.  Intelligence is merely capacity to see differently.  Compassion allows one to feel from the heart. Together they complete the cycle of Knowledge and Loving awareness that keeps us on an upward path.  Carry on…