Tuesday, April 23, 2013


If you feel that you are living on the cusp between worlds, that is exactly what is happening. As you transition to a higher frequency, there is a time where there is an overlapping and morphing from one to another as your physical body comes into resonance with the higher frequencies. There is a period of adjustment that is required before you are firmly entrained in the new frequency. As to how you might wish to navigate this period of flux, we have a few suggestions.

First, do not take any situation in your life too seriously. It will be helpful to take an observer stance to see whether it will retain the frequency of the new or if it is merely a shadow of the past reality flickering out. There are forms and ideas that may seem to hold the higher frequencies that cannot maintain this vibration and will fade from view as the more stable forms emerge.

Secondly, allow the people in your life to find their own “sea legs”. Each must come into resonance with their inner Truth to see whether they can make the transition as well. Having one foot on the dock and one in the boat does not bode well for future events. Allow them to either step aboard or take the next conveyance.

Third, Begin to examine all of the things in your life for their sea-worthiness. Unless the pieces of your life are able to weather future storms and disturbances, they should be discarded now so not as to clutter the decks with excess baggage. What is critical to your growth and understanding and what is merely a reminder of past levels of mastery that you have long outgrown? Growth is the operative word here. You will be growing and expanding in so many ways that there will no longer be room for excess baggage. Claim only the over-night bags you require for sustenance moment by moment. All else will be provided for you.

Allow the rocking of the boat of Change to be a reassurance that indeed progress is being made and you are not becalmed in mid-stream. You are moving in perfect timing in order for all to reach the desired destination. If you feel your body going through changes that are unfamiliar, this is part of the process as well. Upping the vibration will be experienced differently by individual expressions of the God spirit. It is the tuning of the instruments in the symphony of life that is taking place. Center in and Know that there are others that are tuning up as well for the crescendo to come.

As to how this is manifesting in your life, it may sound as if all are out of tune and there is no harmony within the all. This is part of the illusion of separation. It is merely a process of attunement. All are coming into resonance with their divine part. As others perfect their piece as well, there will become an attunement with the higher frequencies that will bring all into resonance. Begin to hear the harmonies that are playing out as more and more perfect their pieces. The symphony of the spheres is tuning up and you are part of the chorus of life. Maestro please…


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting Real

As the process of ascension into a higher frequency continues, we have a few suggestions as to how you might wish to “surf the dimensional shift”.

First it is good to remember that all form is but an illusion and your real body is part of the infinite presence of God. Things that may be occurring in the physical body are manifestations of the blockages in the energetic field that reinforce the belief in separation of the two. If you perceive yourself to be anything less than the perfection of the divine in form then you still have work to do in clearing this impediment in your inner vision.

Second, it might be beneficial to look inward to discover why you may not be experiencing the inner vision that confirms your presence as a magnificent being of Light. What might you do to fan this spark into greater brilliance? What do you feel is lacking in your life or hidden that is preventing the full-flowering of your divine self? What can you do to adjust your perceptions or circumstances to allow the brilliance of your countenance to shine forth?

If you were to sit down and list all of the things in your life that give you joy and those that bring you sorrow, which would be longer? What can you do each day to move things from the second list to the first? Those on the second list are lessons waiting to be completed. There is a gift in each one that can bring you tremendous satisfaction and joy if resolved and reclassified.

If you were to write an epitaph for your life up to this moment, what would others have to say about you and your journey? Does the outward vision you present to the world reflect the real you, longing to be exposed. Which is the “real” you? Which do you wish others to know? What is required to bring both into resonance with your divine blueprint? Is there a missing part or “phantom limb” that needs to be reattached in order to complete the holographic image of wholeness.

Before you leave this mortal coil it behooves you to take stock of where you have been, what was your destination and if you have arrived there? How has your journey morphed into something quite different from what you previously envisioned? Have you grown and blossomed in ways that far surpass anything you might have envisioned from the beginning? If you are not ready to complete the process, what side journeys might you take or course correction can you make that will re-chart your path to more lofty areas? It is never over until it is over so how do you intend to spend your reminding time, whether it be a minute or a millennium in completing your “bucket list” of divine aspirations? The scavenger hunt continues. How are you doing?


The Frequency of Extraordinary Light

As you are finding, the frequency of Light is permeating everything in your life. This either reveals the flaws in the underlying structure of the object or the premise or allows the higher frequency idea or institution to stand out in a crowd of mediocrity. The choices in your life are becoming clearer and easier to recognize as to whether they are keepers in the new paradigm, or not.

As to what you might wish to do with this increased ability of discernment, we have a few suggestions. Bring home only those things that resonate with this higher vibration. The more that you clutter up your life with relics of past assumptions and beliefs, the more difficult it will be to see the treasures amongst the trash. Look at everything in your environment with new eyes. What is serving a higher purpose and what is merely occupying space? If something is not relevant and supporting of your intention and purpose, it is taking away energy from it. Begin to do your own spring cleaning of that which does not support your new vision of growth and understanding.

Second, begin to evaluate the other things in your life that drain energy and focus. Who do you allow in your life that wastes more of your most precious resource, time? If you were to put a price tag on each friendship, acquaintance, and disruption, which would be the most valuable and which are the biggest drain on your resources? Given that time is your most valuable resource, where do you bank the most credits by a wise use of your time? Conversely, what causes you a great expenditure of this resource without adding significantly to your physical or emotional well-being? Where do you find yourself repeating things again and again without significant results or progress? How much of this is out of habit or lack of defined purpose? Which efforts are supportive of your growth and understanding and which are merely ways to “kill time”? Honest introspection should give you a better idea as to whether the things you choose to engage in and support are truly in your best interest or merely things you are using to deter you from your more significant areas of endeavor.

Given that each day is a blank slate, what might you to furnish your life with that are the most beautiful, loving aspects of life you can imagine? Are you willing to set aside the activities that you have mastered and venture forth into a new path where your soul is pointing? What are your fears and trepidations that are keeping you housebound and afraid to venture into the party of life? Are you willing to confront your fears and imaginings that have prevented this from being realized in the past? What is different now that makes a new different journey possible? Who might you enlist to help you move together past the rough spots in life and help you up when you stumble? The new paradigm calls for more and more to form alliances to help each other master the more difficult obstacles of life and assist those who might have more need of our wisdom.

What can you provide in the way of assistance that will help make the world a kinder, more Loving place and begin to plant this seed in the garden of your life? What if everyone planted an extra row of acts of kindness to share with those least expecting it?  If the world is to be transformed, it will be the unexpected things that get our attention that will have the greatest impact by bringing our awareness to new ways of being together that nurture and delight the divine being we are. We cause ripples in life when we break the flow of energy of the old and shake up and redefine the expected into the extraordinary. What will you do today that will demonstrate to yourself and others that this is not your father’s world and life has been changed in the frequency of Loving awareness. In addition to random acts of kindness, just for today, BE what you long to see around you. You are a lighthouse if you will but remove the coverings that keep you hidden from those in the dark. Beam on…




As spring is a time of renewal, it is also a time of blossoming forth. We wish to share with you a few ideas about what is required in order to produce the blossoms of our life.

First there is the seed…dark and hard, protected by an outer shell of separation from the outside world. It is deep within that ideas find inspiration. There needs to be a period of gestation where you will assimilate all that you require to “make it” in the outside world. Things that try to come into being before they have the necessary resources to sustain them usually wither before they can be birthed. Any idea, project or invention requires a period of gestation to “work out the bugs”, anticipate challenges and refine the intention before it will be ready to launch.

Finding the divine purpose or higher reason for the creation can be important in order to align it in a frequency of movement. If something is attuned a frequency of say 800, it would be counterproductive to launch it in a track that is only capable of supporting an idea with the frequency of say 200. Pre-planning and examination from all sides will get it up and running. If you plant a garden, it entails supplying the environment, nurturance, and maintenance in order to assure success of something. Any project that is to succeed, be it a garden or an idea, requires coordination to get all of the elements working together.

The growth of any organism requires all of its the needs be fulfilled. If this function is not sustained or abandoned, growth is inhibited and restricted. The more conscious and consistent the process of care and protection, the more luxuriant will be the growth. An abundance of resources coupled with the loving hands to see that all are utilized in the most efficient matter assures that all will come into flower in perfection. If any are missing or sporadic in their flow, this will be reflected in the form of the organism. There may not be a total loss of functionality but it may not be something that totally meets the requirements for which it was intended.

Nurturance is an important step in the process. You might wish to think of this as Love made manifest in action. When we nurture those we Love, things we Love, and ourselves we allow this Love to flow unimpeded into form. It means noting and anticipating what is necessary for growth and sustance. It also implies a willingness on our part to step out of our isolated selves and merge with the other, anticipating and providing for growth on many levels. It is caring and feeling for the needs and requirements on an intuitive level and providing the assistance to make it happen. It also requires a commitment to see that this is carried out to fruition. And it requires our knowing when it is appropriate to cut back our support and feeding in order to enable the organism to toughen up and take over the process of sustance on its own.

The blossoming of achievement contains the seeds of future rebirth. If we are diligent, supportive and nurturing, we will realize that this is the culmination of our efforts into maturity and revelation. The petals are the attractors that bring to us those who will be receptive to the fruits of our labors. This is an offspring of our vision, debuting in the world of form. The ideas, have become manifest through our diligence, caring and Love. The fruits of regeneration are made possible by bringing together those who can take this to the next generation of growth. It is in the cross-pollination of ideas that genetics are strengthened and resistance to detractors insured. The symbiotic journey of growth and refinement happens when we attract to us the complimentary parts of ourselves, waiting to engage with us on a level of creation. It is a dance of opposites that complete the One.

The blossoming of life is the renewal of the dance of creation. That which is to be sustained is entreated and necessitated by the cooperation of others. The fruit of promise is completed by merging of the opposites and the allowing of a new form to be born, containing the genetic patterning of the participants. All form is being reborn with the ideas and input of those that are coming together as One. New forms, new ideas and new species are being born with the genetic makeup of the patterns of the creators. It is not just the two, but the many that are participating in the creation process as many points of light are merging as One. This is the flowering of a new age of existence. Allow yourself to dance in the breeze of creation as we rebirth with each other into the Beauty of the One. Ah Spring…