Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Team Play

Leveling the playing field is usually a matter of finding a common frame of reference for understanding. As you begin the process of interaction with the unknown, it helps to familiarize yourself with the parameters of the playing field itself. What are the rules of the game of engagement? Will the others be adhering strictly to these parameters or will there be room to change courses in mid stream and move into new directions with different objectives and goals?
How you conduct yourself on the “playing field” will determine the depth of your experience with others. If you demonstrate on a consistent basis that you can be trusted to operate from this highest level of integrity, you will certainly be trusted to captain the team and to provide the game plays of life. However if you consistently fail to show up for practice and make up plays for your own edification rather than considering the needs and abilities of others, you will probably find yourself benched on the sidelines of life. These are the rules of engagement in life as well as sport.

Times are calling for team players in the game of life. Those that “get it” are coming together in associations that mirror teams of understanding. There was a time that called for each to perfect their skills on the home court but now it is incumbent upon you to join with others and begin to demonstrate what you have learned there. Abilities are being shared by those who are traveling together through life in formation and the moves will come easily once you are back in place with your home team.

Who do you feel an instant recognition and affinity with that might signal a team player that is looking for a “pick up” game? Who instinctively knows the moves of life and is there where you need them to supply the supporting moves and assist you in your journey? Who can you count on without question to serve and grow with you unselfishly and be the backup you require for your plays of achievement? You are being called to practice so that you will be ready when the challenge of life in the big leagues becomes the reality. You are being scouted and groomed for higher purposes. It is time to develop your game to the highest level of achievement so that you will all act instinctively and in harmony, fulfilling your supporting roles without question as you move through the challenges of change.

Your teammates are your new “family” in life and you are forging bonds of association that will prove unbreakable in the new paradigm. Emphasis is shifting to the focus of the team achievement rather than on the egotic stance of the individual. All are moving as one and each have their unique parts to play in the metaphor of teammanship. This is a developing synthesis that comes together in diversity but coheses into a functioning unit of common purpose and growth together.

The concept of teammates is played out in the fractal experience of growth together. All are part of not only the process but the formation that is created in ever-repeating patterns in the global community. Associations, partnerships, teams are the new structures of life as more and more are cohesing into patterns of growth together. As more and more are realizing that they are not alone and separate, but interacting cells in the vast body of divine experience, the team rivalries melt away and all are becoming an amalgam of individuals that are coalescing into oneness; individuated but part of the greater whole of humanity.

Your “homework” is to find ways to incorporate this knowledge into form in your life. How can you work together more effectively with those that you feel drawn to on an intuitive level? How do their unique talents and abilities dovetail into your own and that of others who are also drawn together in experience. This has moved past the process of individuation into a process of cohesion. How do you come together with others who “get it” as well and work together in common purpose on the “team” of humanity? Time to “play ball” for the game has begun.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lessons in Anger

When one is angry, it is usually a result of failing to align with one’s soul purpose and anger at one’s self for failing to heed the warning signs which resulted in untoward action. One can be angry at the injustice in the world but isn’t this merely an awakening and reflection of something within our soul programming that requires us to address that issue? Beneath every cause for anger is a lesson screaming to make itself known.

What causes you to bubble over with anger? Does it have to do with an image of one’s self that is no longer reflective of the way you wish to be viewed by the external world? How do you see yourself and how is the opinion of others different from what you wish it to be? What is causing this disparity? Perhaps you are not acting in ways that reflect an inner shift that you have made. Perhaps this is a reminder that there is still work to be done in coming into alignment with your intentions and your actions.

When the actions of others cause us to rise to anger, it is frequently a message that we need to be true to ourselves. If we are being shown a mirror, what is it we are hesitant to acknowledge? What have we created as our image of the self we wish to be and how has our behavior differed from this ideal? Anger is merely an emotion that signals to our personality that it is not in balance and further consideration needs to be given to its cause.

Many causes for anger are the result of past wounds that have long buried roots. If an “injustice” was perpetrated upon us when we were a child or unable to address it in a powerful way, this memory may be buried in our vault of self-expression until a later time when we are able to resolve it in a more suitable manner. When anger erupts “out of the blue” it usually means that the deep-seated cause of the festering wound is now ready to be healed. Willingness to gently probe the cause for discomfort can open these old wounds and allow them to heal in the balm of forgiveness.

Until we are able to forgive the perpetrator and Lovingly thank them for the part they played in our growth and understanding, we will be forever tied to the process we shared. While you may not condone the actions of the other that caused the wounding, it was necessary for your growth and understanding and therefore valuable as a tool for growth. This is your opportunity to forgive and mirror the grace of God’s Love in finding the Loving message in all experience. As you transform your anger into Loving energy, you release the pent-up energy and allow it to dissipate in the light of understanding.

Anger is a festering sore that causes pain on an emotional as well as a physical level. Unresolved anger frequently erupts in the physical body as dis-ease. When energy becomes trapped, it frequently finds a suitable place for expression. Finding the root cause for disease requires deep introspection as to the emotional components of the process. Where is the disruption occurring and what emotions are expressed in the chakra that is associated with that area? What is your body trying to express in the physical that points to the emotional component?

We are a complex, multi-dimensional energy body. If energy is stuffed down emotionally, it seeks expression in that area of the physical in order to get our attention and calls for resolution. Listen to the subtle energies signals your body is showing you and you will have a greater appreciation of what is going on in your life and what you might do in order to correct the imbalance in positive ways.

Allowing the light of understanding to flow through the mental body and release the anger that is threatening to damage the physical is a process of consciousness that can transform pain into enlightenment. By allowing the message of anger to guide you on an inward journey into understanding you are transmuting this negative thought form into a magnificent expression of light energy and using this light to illuminate the dark parts of your soul journey. Good job!


Friday, November 12, 2010


Sources for expanded thought are never far from your awareness. It behooves you to look close to home rather than on some lofty peak or through the teachings of some guru when seeking the answers to how to live a life of meaning and purpose from outside rather than from within. You have been sent to the earth school with all the baggage you require for your journey securely packed within, awaiting your discovery like an unexpected “care package” from Home.

When we say Home, of course we are speaking of your spiritual Home which implies your return to Source. As one matures in years and understanding, it is frequently from this reserve that one is able to draw on for wisdom and insight to find the hidden resources that are meant to not only sustain, but refresh one’s memory of what it means to come from Love in all one does. Hidden in the chaos of jumbled belongings we all have a keepsake that tells us that we are Loved in the perfection of the God-self but also that we are Loveable beyond measure and capable of reflecting this divine presence and share it with all we meet. You might visualize this as a tiny spark that is secreted in our belongings that once revealed, becomes an all-encompassing brilliance that over shines all that we bring into our countenance. As we are enfolded and bathed in Loving Awareness, we become one with that Light and are able to shine and enfold others into the presence. We ARE one with the Light.

Now you may not always feel that this is the case. When challenges and difficulties are all you can see from your foxhole of obscurity, it is difficult to embrace a Loving, all-seeing God presence. When all around you are consistently pointing out the “failures” of others and how everything you are experience has some malevolent purpose, it is difficult to believe otherwise. Chaotic times call for not only strong strength of character, but an inner Knowing that all is not as it appears. If you are immersed in an atmosphere of doubt, you may not be able to reach for the air mask of inner Knowing in order to find your way out of the fog.

We wish to affirm to you that all is not as it might appear. Instead of “going to hell in a hand basket” the world is on the cusp of change and revelation and is reaching for a life jacket of much magnitude. While there are many who would tell you otherwise, you are on the brink of reaching a tipping point of understanding. Most agree that the status quo is unacceptable but there is much discussion as to where you may wish to go from here. This is where faith comes in. If you believe in the concept of an all-loving father, is it not reasonable to assume that you would have been sent off on your journey with all that you require to complete the process? This merely requires one to look into the recesses of one’s baggage and to examine all you Know to be True on an inner level of Truth and compare this against what others are telling you is the case. Vibrationally there are many who would seek your assurance that what they are purporting is valid. This is not always the case. Just because one shares their version of “truth” does not make it so in your eyes if your inner senses are telling you otherwise.

This is where your inner Knowing comes into play. You have within the “gut feelings” that are the truest indicator of the Truth in your life. This may have been disengaged when the ego tried to override its functioning and substituting the thoughts and opinions of others for what you innately Know to be True. Time to dust off your perceptions and begin exercising your inmate inner wisdom in order to find the Truth in your life. You KNOW the Truth. Whether you are able to accept its existence and follow in your own wisdom, despite “evidence” to the contrary is something different.

You are the master of your own ship and it is time to regain the sovereignty of your journey in order to find your own course of action. Your ability to ride on the waves of discovery and steer by the guiding star of your Truth is being tested. Allow your inner guidance to flow freely and grease the wheels of manifestation and you will be extricated from the log jam of illusion and directed into the current of life everlasting. It is time…


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Growth can be measured in many ways. There is, of course, the physical accumulation of cells that causes an increase in stature but this is only the obvious. Growth on a deeper level can be measured on a vibratory scale as more experiences and understandings increase the capacity and the content of understanding. The rate of growth is inversely proportionate to the presence of fear in one’s life. Fear might be thought of as a retardant to the growth process. If one is operating in a state of fear, one is unable to move past this impasse in order to reach out and assimilate new ideas and concepts.

It would seem that if one wishes to grow in understanding, the first step would be to address the subject of fear. Is it fear of the unknown that is keeping one grounded in the present? Does this come back to a fear that you will be unable to deal with unseen occurrences? What would make you more confident in yourself and your ability to handle new situations? Perhaps it is time to take mini-steps in order to build up confidence in yourself that you can deal with whatever presents itself in new ways. Confidence is built through experience and as long as you postpone facing new experiences and overcoming challenges you will remain rooted in fear of the unknown and untested. As we test ourselves and achieve confidence in our abilities, we continue to remove the stumbling blocks to growth.

Perhaps you have attempted something beyond your grasp and failed to make the connection. Again, breaking the task down into mini segments can make it more manageable. In reflection, what might have been done differently that would give a greater possibility for achievement? Who might you enlist to help shoulder the load or provide directional assistance that would increase the chances for completion? Growth is a process of overcoming obstacles and finding new ways of scaling barriers in our path. Unless we are willing to step out of our rut of complacency, growth will be impossible.

Growth requires a willingness to step forward and “bring it on”. This can come in an avalanche or in a gentle rainstorm. You decide the rate of your growth by your willingness to let go of the things that prevent your forward movement. The more you let go of requirements and conditions, the easier will be the journey. Perhaps you have ingrained beliefs about the “permanence” of a condition. It might require an earth-shattering occurrence in order to allow you to move pass this impasse and create a greater understanding. Those who have learned to hold people and things lightly in open hands will find an easier situation in going with the flow of life. Do you intend to hold fastly to the anchors of life as the current moves swiftly by or to find ways of ebbing and flowing in the maelstrom until smoother waters are found? It is the choices we make in our lives that control the rate of our growth. Often it is the catalyst of surrender that allows us to move forward in leaps and bounds in the growth process.

One of the results of monumental leaps of understanding is that you are now able to build a new foundation and begin again erecting the structure of life. By shattering the old premise, you can determine which materials are still viable and which need to be discarded. From this you will be able to begin anew to reconstruct the resting places for the present. We say resting places because new ideas require a time of gestation and maturation in order to become part of your repertoire. Once you are comfortable with and understand the concepts, you will be refreshed and able to move forward in the next leap of understanding and begin the process anew.

It is a never-ending process to continue to grow in understanding and awareness as we proceed on our journey Home. To retard the growth process only delays the journey and creates difficulties for ourselves that must be surmounted or blasted apart in order to allow passage. Begin to examine the things that are preventing growth in your life and you will find the flow of moving effortlessly in a steady direction Home.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Polishing the Soul Group

Projection of your beliefs or feelings upon another prevents your living in the truth of your reality. When you operate in a spectrum of reality that assumes all to be congruent with your perceptions, it is difficult to imagine that others around you do not “get it” the way you do. This is not the case in your world which is operating at a full spectrum of dimensional frequencies. There are those that are still growing out of the lower levels of vibration that see life through a keyhole of limited scope. Grounded fully in the egocentric desires of their singular experience, they operate in the dimness of a life lived in the shadows of fear.

As one progresses through many lifetimes, there develops a trust in the goodness of others and one continually adds to the spectrum of beliefs and emotional responses necessary for growth. The more one is able to let go of the fears, the higher becomes their vibrational patterning. The evolution of form requires that one becomes attuned with the Light frequencies in order to let go of their earthly form. This is the journey of the soul.

Time is approaching when many who have chosen this upward spiritual path will be given the opportunity for transmutation. This is not to say that those who have not achieved this level of evolution will be left behind, but merely allowed to catch a future train Home. Those on the fast track to ascension will be rewarded with opportunities to choose the destination of their next growth experience. Many are sensing the separation as there is a natural selection of associates in the journey. Those of lower vibrations frequencies are pulling away and those of you that have raised your frequency of vibration find yourselves surrounded by others who are magnetically being pulled together in association.

Given these dynamics, we might suggest that once the “schools” have been defined, you begin sharing the talents and understandings with those you have called into your sphere of influence so that all may continue to grow together. These are the schools of the new earth that are taking place in the living rooms and family rooms of your homes. These places of shared learning together no longer require institutions and places of worship in which to exchange knowledge and awareness. In the relaxed atmosphere of a home environment, there is a letting down of barriers of separation and an implied welcoming of others to partake of meaningful levels of exchange in a “safe” environment. It is with those we invite into our homes to break bread and drink together that we are forming a new communion of souls of the new earth.

As for the curriculum of the new family of souls, we might suggest that you begin with a sharing of your personal beliefs and motivations. By honestly revealing to the others “who you are” it will open doors of recognition and allow others to express their true, authentic self as well. It is in the sharing and recognition of our own foibles and inconsistencies that we are invited into understanding with our partners in growth together. It is a polishing and that is taking place of the group soul so that growth can be accelerated and transformation take place. It is a time of becoming one in community where all are dedicated to the emergence of the Oneness of humanity. These are the finishing schools of the growth process.

The effectiveness of these microcosms of experience is largely reflective of the willingness of the partners to open themselves to the scrutiny of others. In the stripping away of the layers of illusion that we have shielded ourselves, we let more and more of our inner Light shine freely to heal and enlighten not only ourselves but others we have chosen for our collective growth. This is a group process that is beginning at home but will be expanding as we continue to connect the dots of our new societies. You are at the forefront of the microcosm of experience that is forming the building blocks of an expanded reality. Begin to shine your Light of recognition and invite those you Know to be on a similar journey and you will be able to lay the foundation for this emerging New Earth. It is time…