Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mastering the Course

In the course of human events there are times when it is apparent that things are not working the way we would like them to be. When you come to this realization, it is time to take stock of the given and redirect your energies in ways to produce an alternate reality. Are there any among you who believe that your present reality reflects the divine image of perfection? If not, what is missing from this blueprint that would better demonstrate an adherence to the higher vision?
Revisioning one’s life journey is a never-ending process of “tweaking” until perfection is achieved. What is required is a willingness to step outside the ego and see oneself in a clear, objective way. All are works in progress and it is through the eye of the master sculptor, the soul, that we begin to refine our personae into a truer image of that perfect model.

That said, we would like to offer a few suggestions on the things that cause the most turmoil and therefore might be addressed now…It is in the school of our relationships with others that we frequently have the most strife. The ego is a stern task master and when it feels threatened or unvalued it is likely to inflate its importance in self defense. What is not realized is that this is merely a distorted mirror that is showing us a false image of our own reality. When one is self-actuated and realizes the true importance and worth of their individual talents and abilities, one is unlikely to fall for the false images that the other is holding up as truth. You will Know who and what you are and no false visions to the contrary can dissuade you that this is not so. As the saying goes,” what you think of me is none of my business”.

Another pitfall of those on the road to enlightenment is falling into the role of rescuer at the expense of one’s own growth. When you take on the Karmic lessons of another, you prevent them from experiencing what they came here to learn. You might better assist them in seeing through the smoke and mirrors surrounding the situation and how they might extricate themselves from their folly. This is the truly most Loving response to the pain of others though it may go unappreciated at the time.

Becoming your own master is something that is a continual journey of experience. Just when you think you have figured out the path, roadblocks appear which will take you in new directions. How much easier will be your experience when you learn to free flow with the tide without resistance to the course your soul is piloting? The rapids are there for your coursework in the mastery of the lessons life. As you become confidant and self-aware you are able to respond appropriately when challenged. How much easier it is to approach a rough spot when you have mastered the course through many trials and errors and know how to lean into the wind and find equilibrium. These are journeys you have taken in many lifetimes and few will repeat the lessons again and again without making the correction that allows circumventing the snags and finding the smoother path of experience.

Those who are new to the journey will undoubtedly get sucked up in the currents and struggle violently until they realize the futility of their efforts and look to you for wisdom and direction. Those that have mastered the course are here to act as guideposts and coaches that help their fellow sojourners to extricate themselves from the quagmire of fear and move forward together. This is a group effort and many are being tumbled about in the tumultuous waters. Your challenge is to offer a hand up without being sucked under yourself. You must put on the oxygen mask yourself before attending to the needs of those around you.

The stronger and more clear the visionary, the better will be the service they are able to provide their fellow travelers. Become the Light in the darkness and you will never walk alone because others will see the radiance and be drawn to your side. Times are calling for those that possess the inner Light of awareness to shine brightly so that others can see and follow. It is time…


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Themes of Your Life

Far from the “reality” of your present circumstance lies the potential of all your dreams made manifest. So how do you move forward and don these new clothes of experience? We might suggest that the seeds of growth are in your pocket right now and all you need do is plant them with your intention and water them with your willingness to not settle for the past but to move forward with the clear insight of Knowing that all is being fulfilled in divine order. The bricks of expression are crafted from a clear commitment to make this your plan and to remain steadfast in your commitment to moving undeterred past the snags that would lead others astray.

That being said, what is your soul longing to accomplish in the following, weeks, months, lifetime? Is there a clear vision of what you came here to do and how you see this playing out in life? If you were to strip away all the “things” that clutter your life, what would be the underlying theme song playing in the background? This remains the prime motivation of your incarnation that continues to show up in some form repeatedly until all of the lessons of Love surrounding it are brought into being.

As to how you might move through these more rapidly and productively, we might suggest that closer examination of all of the underlying themes of your life might be in order. By stepping back and objectively viewing the motivating factors that you find recurring again and again, you begin to get a sense of what your soul contract may have included. Is this a lesson you may have completed or do you still have a little course work to do before turning in your term paper? Only you can honestly acknowledge whether you feel complete in this subject and are ready to move on to the next. This could be in another incarnation or in graduate school in the present. Once you have completed the assignment it is yours and does not need to be revisited again. Time for more advanced studies.

You are finding the coursework to be easier to navigate as you move through the catalogue of experience. Are you ready to take on the more advanced studies? Perhaps you have assimilated all you require for your own edification and now it is time to begin to share and give back to those who have inspired you to wholeness. The sages of this world are the ones who have honed their awareness and made their own course corrections in life. Perhaps they have come to realize that their highest form of service is to the collective and in holding open the door for others to enter. Do you wish to take your place at the head of the new contingent that is forming and help usher others into a more light-filled space?

Or perhaps are you a loner who must forever be blazing trails for others, ever mindful of the unique abilities you have for seeing things and Knowing things beyond the perception of others who are to follow in your footsteps. It takes courage and self-determination to “go it alone” and a willingness to sacrifice the temporal in favor of the vision. This need not be a lifelong commitment to the solitary, but at times it may be necessary to clear out the clutter of associations in order to revision your life.

The journeys of spirit are many and varied. No one needs to be the defining theme for an entire life. As lives are extended through technology and understanding, many themes may be played out over the span of a lifetime rather than being cut short in their prime. This allows the full flowering of experience to unfold in ways that allow deeper exploration and embodiment. Perhaps it is time to examine the patterns and themes in your life and determine whether there is work yet to be completed or if a new one is just forming in the ethers. Step back and you will be able to see the images that are heralding a new life emerging in which you are the key player. How do you wish this to be staged and who do you wish to include in the cast? All is being fulfilled in divine order according to your orchestration. Curtain going up…


Conscious Communication

The resonance of one person to another is largely a matter of matching the vibrational frequency. If one person is vibrating at an octave that is far greater than the other, there will be a difficulty in finding common ground upon which to find harmony. Now this is not to say that they will be unable to communicate, however it will be more difficult to find areas of agreement. The one with the lower vibratory level will simply be incapable of grasping the concepts that the other sees as a given.

This is much of what is going on in your world today. There are those that have achieved a relatively high level of spiritual awareness and those that this is not even on their radar screen yet. While we are not saying that one should give up trying to plant seeds, it will be necessary to find areas of commonality for discussion before any significant interchange can take place. This is what meaningful communication is all about. It is sharing a level of understanding in which one imparts their perspective and knowledge to the other. In turn, the other can exchange their own thoughts and insights. In such both are enriched by the experience and understanding is facilitated.

Without a common frame of reference, there will not be the framework upon which to build a consensus. It would be as if they were speaking different languages, not understood by the other. Much that is taking place between participants in the earth school is falling on deaf ears. Either there is a gulf that separates the participants that is not being received due to lack of basic understanding or the door is being closed before the dialogue begins due to preconceived notions of disharmony. How might you alter your understanding to create more effective communication with those around you?

First we might suggest that you take time to set the stage upon which the dialogue is to take place. When one knows that the other shares similar background, interests or other areas of commonality, there is a predisposition to open to their views and understanding. The breaking down of barriers must take place before one is able to take in what is being exchanged.

Secondly, there must be openness and a willingness to suspend judgment temporarily and to allow the other to share what is in their heart. While it is not necessary to agree in whole or in part with the communication, by allowing the other to lay forth what they believe to be True without judgment or disparagement it allows the free flow of information to unfold.

Being an attentive, nonjudgmental listener is an advanced skill of communication that opens many doors for understanding. Frequently listeners are less concerned with receiving the information that is being shared and more with preparing their response. It is easy to miss subtle nuances that help discern the hidden meaning behind the words when one is concentrating on one’s own reply to the message. Nothing will be more appreciated by a partner in communication than an attentive, thoughtful listener. When one feels heard, one is more likely to hear as well because they are looking for feedback and validation or challenge to their perceptions.

Meaningful dialogue results when two or more can come together in realization of the Truth of the other, whether or not they agree with the interpretation. Real understanding is a byproduct of expressed views and a willingness to hear the other out before passing judgment on the validity of their message. In such the obstacles to understanding are dissolved and the lesser is given a hand up on the vibrational scale.

Difficult times call for those at the higher vibrational levels to make a greater effort in order to bridge the gulf that is preventing awareness. You may not feel that you have all of the answers, but at least you are able to listen to the concerns of those around you. Just your willingness to be a thoughtful listener opens many doors. You do not have to agree or condone what is being said – only listen. Once the other sees that you are honoring them with your attention, they begin to put down their defenses and open their eyes and ears to new possibilities.

Without meaningful dialogue, there is little hope for removing the barriers that prevent all from rising to a higher vibrational threshold. You can help facilitate the shift into higher consciousness through your communications with others in your world. Do not be too quick to dismiss those who seem on an entirely different energetic frequency for they may be looking for a hand up in the area of understanding to grasp. It may only take a toehold for them to begin to facilitate their higher growth and you may be the inspiration to make the climb. By staying in your Truth and finding Loving ways of encouraging them to increase their own divine template, you do more to elevate the collective than becoming a “hero” in wars of the flesh.

Consider how you show up in lives of others, especially those who are the most challenging, and you will see where you fit in the unfolding mosaic of experience. Well done…


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Self Knowledge

In deciding what is real and what is illusion, it is helpful to develop a compendium of self- knowledge in order to define what is True for you. Things that you have tested through experience have been imprinted and categorized in your subconscious mind so that you recognize them as True or illusionary and are able to discern the path to follow in order not to repeat past “mistakes”. We use that term to define lessons in learning that were difficult but life altering. If there is no right or wrong but only choices that we make to increase our understanding and awareness, then our “mistakes” are frequently our greatest teachers and those that lead us onto paths of greater awareness.

So how do you go about charting a course when many avenues have road signs of awareness, thanks to past experiences? We might suggest that it is better to continue on a path of indecision rather than take an avenue you have traversed before that lead to painful results. While pain is frequently interspersed with fleeting moments of Joy, it is often the painful parts that we forget in our search for perpetual Joy. Perhaps we all have a bit of insanity that causes us to repeat experiences, hoping for different results. Or perhaps we keep retracing our steps looking for a different route to understanding so that we can release the lesson and move on.

Self-knowledge is a by-product when we are able to step back and view our actions in a more detached, introspectful way. Without an honest appraisal of who we are and what motivates us, it is difficult to sense the voids in our personality and experience that are calling forth our attention. If the unexamined life is not worth living, doesn’t it make sense that this is where one might begin in order to attain fulfillment and self-knowledge? By stripping away all pretenses and wants and desires of the ego, one is able to remove the makeup and begin to see ourselves in our entirety, warts and all. One can either decide to embrace one’s “imperfections” and turn them into our unique assets or resolve to alter and transform them into something that represents the new you in creation.

Perhaps you have taken an objective, honest look at the self you are projecting to the world and realizing characteristics and features that are not representative of the personae you wish to portray…Perhaps you have noted the actions and reactions of those around you and see that you are not projecting the truth of your own being in a clear, respectful way…Perhaps it is time to rework not only the image you project to others but the underlying character that is shining through the holes in the mask.

In going about a remodel of an outworn structure, it is important to remove the surface blemishes that prevent an effective adhesion of the new. Time to heal old wounds and repair fences in honesty and integrity with those you have “wronged” (intentionally or not) in the past. Only then will you be free of the underlying infection that lurks beneath the surface and threatens to burst forth through the façade of the new. It is important to examine how and where you wish to begin the remodel of your life experience. What color and texture best reflects the new you that is emerging from the crystalis of the old? Will this be a complete redo or merely a cosmetic change that will suffice until there is a commitment to a major overhaul? How far are you willing to go to alter not only the direction but the purpose of your life? What do you need in the way of resources to affect the change and to move forward?

Mindfulness and self-honesty are the crucial parts of self-assessment and self-knowledge. You may wish to take time alone to journal, meditate, and contemplate the present and how it is calling to you in new ways. After the realistic assessment of present conditions, it is also helpful to determine where you wish to be in the future. By creating intentions you open the doorway to manifestation and put forces into motion.

This is the threshold of a new paradigm of experience. You are being called to begin the creation of the experience through your intentions, determination, and actions. The seeds you plant today will bear fruit in the new generation of your creation. All is being held to a higher standard and vision than have served in past incarnations. It is through your self-knowledge and self-determination that you will Know the purpose and the path that will take you there. Time to go within and to envision not only who you are but who you wish to be in the new reality. It is time…


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Showing Up

The ranks of souls who have signed up for the earth school of growth and understanding are filled with many who have agreed to be on this pivotal voyage of transformation. While many have yet to realize their fullest potential for enlightenment, all are motivated to try to overcome the hang-ups that have kept them grounded in the third-dimensional experience. This is a time of great possibilities and few are unaware that this is a chance to step out of the quicksand and ascend into an environment of much Love and harmony.

This transition is not without its rites of passage. While some may choose to shed their physical form and be born into the bodies of Light they know themselves to be, there are others who have chosen to ride this vessel into calmer, brighter waters, despite the storms ahead. It is a rebirth of some magnitude that is taking place and you are all a part of it.

Chaotic times call for visionaries and leaders who are not afraid of the challenges. The weary and fearful will not find this an easy passage and many will choose to watch from the sidelines. It is a time of reassessment of priorities and of discernment. Each is evaluating what has been accomplished and what is yet to do. What visions do you have for this lifetime and how do you intend to show up in your life and that of others in order to complete this mission? What is preventing or hampering your efforts and how can you mitigate the circumstances in order to achieve the desired goal?

The meek may inherit the earth but it is the bold and committed that will be able to step forward and ascend to the next dimension of reality. When we say bold, we do not necessarily mean confrontational. There are those who in silent wisdom have chosen to move higher in their awareness, despite what may seem to be taking place around them. These are the pillars upon which the new societies will be built. They bear silent witness and help ground the energy into bedrock of form that will give stability and purpose to the new earth. They are unwavering in their Love and devotion to their higher wisdom and unshakable in the faith that what they are doing is in the highest good for all concerned, no matter what outward appearances may be shouting.

Others will choose to take a more cautious journey. Some will hold back waiting for others to test the ice before stepping out onto the forming flow. Their sense of Knowing may not be as highly developed and they may still require the assurance that they will not be isolated in their experience but that this is a group journey and they will have plenty of company on the route. There is a safety in numbers and they are looking for a quorum to hear the call and step forward into the fray together.

In the back are the fearful and reticent. They have not developed the trust in themselves and others to step forward readily. Something is blocking their acceptance of the new reality and they are unable to let go of the guardrails and free-flow into the unknown. Some part of them may be pushing forward and glimpsing possibilities of wonder but for some reason they do not believe this is a possibility for them or that they are worthy of the experience. Perhaps they need the vision and encouragement of others who see more clearly through the fog of understanding and can help guide them to greater clarity. Perhaps their fears and illusions will keep them trapped in the anchor of their own creation and they will choose to stay behind for now.

While this is indeed a group effort, it is up to the leaders and visionaries to blaze the trail for others to follow. Is it ever so, but there are those who will drop to the sidelines as well. This is a culling and boot camp for those who are readying themselves for greater things. The provisions are being assembled in the form of knowledge and understanding for this is the only carry-on baggage that is allowed. You will Know when it is time for departure. Queues are forming and passenger lists checked. How do you choose to show up in this life and the next? What do you Know to be True and what is merely illusion fueled by fear? The shakedown cruises are taking place and you are seeing how you fit into this larger picture. While the manifest is still incomplete, this is the maiden voyage into the new reality. How will you choose to show up in this life and the next? All aboard…