Tuesday, May 24, 2011


When most people hear the word intimacy, they associate this with sexuality. This is only one aspect of the connection one soul makes with the other. True intimacy might be thought of the melding of one soul to another on a heartfelt level. This requires the stripping away of the “clothes” of illusion and pretense that separate one from another and sharing the truth and essence of who we are.

If one is to open to the merging with another soul on the physical, mental or emotional level, one must be prepared to open themselves to the truth of their own being. True intimacy is achieved when we remove the clothes that prevent others from seeing us as we really are and stand naked for our partner to embrace. The partnership of spirit is able to recognize in the presence of the other the true magnificence of their own soul’s longing being reflected back to them in the divine light of the other. It is not so much about becoming free of the physical that separates us but of freeing the obstacles that inhibit the coming together of soul next to soul.

How this takes place and evolves can take many forms. Physical intimacy allows the merging of the essence of the other and becoming one with the matter of creation of the divine. True physical intimacy is different from the mere act of physical union in that there is a shared coming together of mind, body, and spirit that transcends the physical act. When we allow the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of physical union to unite the creative forces of physical union, it becomes a fully realized aspect of one’s godhood.

There are many other ways we share an intimate moment other than the physical. Everyday intimacy brings us together in minute ways that connect us at the level of the soul. This may be as simple as an exchange at the grocery check out where both parties recognize and exchange some truth that connects them in awareness. Or it might be a profound outpouring of deeply held beliefs and truths that have been long buried in the heart that one brings forth and offers as a gift to another for healing. Surely the most intimate things we share have deep soul significance and help us grow into our divine nature in Love.

As to the role of Love in all of this, we might suggest that is what the lesson of intimacy is all about. It is when we strip away the surface distractions that keep us from expressing our true, authentic, most Loving selves that we cross the line from aquaintenances to intimate partner. There is a bonding when two share an intimate moment that reconnects them on the grid of humanity and helps create the Loving cloth that enfolds us and brings us back into the divine pattern. It is Love weaving together soul to soul as each surrenders to the other and relinquishes the illusion in order to merge with the divine. It is oneness being made manifest in the intimate relationships of form that is creating the divine tapestry of life for all to experience the pattern of perfection of body, mind, and spirit made one in completeness. It is a glimpse of divine union. It is yours for the asking if you are willing to lay down your defenses and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of true intimacy. It is the gift and grace of Love made manifest in form to be cherished and protected as we offer our heart to another. It is divine…


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Joyful Expression

The world is fraught with those who see the surface of experience but refuse, or are afraid to scratch beneath the surface and reveal the underlying drama that is taking place. As the intensity of experience is playing out, there are those who see through the glass darkly but also those who have removed the scales from their awareness and are able to delve beneath the surface into the underlying meaning and purpose of experience. We would you encourage you to be amongst the latter.

As for the everyday experiences of life, there is nothing “wrong” with enjoying and being caught up in the moment of frivolity and joviality. In fact as we have pointed out Joy is the signature of alignment with the divine. However it behooves you to look beneath the surface to ascertain the source of this divine expression of emotion. What in your life causes you to connect with this deep expression of divine Love?

Do you feel alignment with others on a similar path of discovery? There is a recognition of connection when two or more souls find their tribal experience and are able to share from a deep level of awareness with some one who “gets it” at a deeper, more profound level. There is a spark of recognition that perhaps this other soul has the key to unlock the treasure of understanding that we carry deep within our soul. To be seen and understood at our most authentic soul level is indeed a cause of great Joy.

Joy is frequently an outgrowth of expression when we are able to share our soul gifts with others who are also part of the orchestra of life. The full expression of what we came here to explore, share, and express is indeed a cause for great Joy as we feel acknowledged, connected and understood by others that matter in our lives. We may frequently feel as if we are “casting pearls before swine” but when we finally connect with those who not only appreciate but are looking for the pearls of wisdom and understanding that we have been collecting, it is indeed a cause for expression of great Joy.

Full expression of the gifts we hold within frequently comes with the dictum to pass them on to others. To be Loved and appreciated for who we are and what we hold most dear is indeed a cause for joyous celebration. What greater gift can you give another than to truly see them for who they are and find the perfection in their expression? We are mirrors to each other in this process. To be able to affirm and encourage our partners in life and allow them to dance with the divine in their unique way without reservation or admonishment is a gift you can share that is sure to elicit heartfelt Joy.

It is through the eyes of others that we are able to see more clearly the power and presence we experience in the expression of our life’s journey. We may feel drawn to frivolous activities that are like cotton candy, tasty but unfulfilling and leaving us with a deep longing for satiation at a deeper level. Other experiences satisfy us for they quench a deeper longing for enrichment and nourishment of the soul body. Certainly our soul is hungering for something that allows it to grow and expand ever higher into its own magnificence. Anything that allows us to step up and realize more fully our divine potential is cause for much Joy and appreciation.

In choosing a Joyful path, it might be wise to examine the deeper meaning of the opportunities that present themselves. If you were to step back and examine the situation with the perspective of an outsider, devoid of the emotional ties that cloud the vista, what might be the lesson that is longing to be expressed? How can you create the most Loving expression without buying in to egocentric concerns and illusionary suppositions?

Separating the things that benefit ourselves at the expense of others is a major pitfall in the road to self awareness. We are only a component of the whole as is our neighbor. It is impossible to disengage one without affecting the other. This can be either a positive or negative experience for the whole. Things that may seem more Loving on the surface may prove to less so if they do not lead to growth and understanding and point all parties on higher paths of attainment. Seeing the larger picture and witnessing all of the parts falling finally into place in the perfection of the whole is indeed a cause for expression of profound Joy.

This is a time of creation and fulfillment. What do you wish to experience in your life and how does this begin to plant the seeds of Joy that will be harvested in the coming months. If Joy is the experience of Love enfolding, how do you fulfill your divine potential by sharing this wisdom with those around you? The seeds of Joy are being planted and nurtured in your life. Sometimes it is the forest of experience that is obscuring the trees of Joy in our life. Look carefully for you are part of the Joyful experience if you choose to make it so.

Joyful, joyful…


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Soul Soup

The feelings of awe and wonder will become a daily occurrence if you are willing to let go of preconceived notions of what experience should feel, smell, look, and taste like. If your sensory experiences were being recalibrated, you might have a different perception of many things in your life. So it is with the new environment that you are birthing in and around you. While some experiences may be familiar, it is as if you are operating in an entirely different world when those who share the experience also have the same elevated, conscience awareness and are operating in tandem as different hands of the same body. In the new world, it will be a mutually beneficial experience when those around you have removed their filters of separation and come together in one accord with common purpose.

You may get a fleeting glance of this if you surround yourself with others who share a common vision of awareness. Though each may have vastly different experiences and opinions, the fact that the common goal of understanding is shared and that none are attached to the outcome allows the free-flow exchange of perceptions, free from attachment to the outcome. In such, the higher purpose is served and a shared vision of Truth will emerge.

How different is this from your everyday interactions with others where personal agendas attached to egos are pushed forward, with little regard for the collective need? When you are able to stand back and observe what “business as usual” really looks like, you are able to sense the difference in what is and what you wish it to be.

Undoubtedly those in your interaction have never though there was a different way of coming to consensus. What if just for today all were encouraged to merely state their perceptions of an event or an idea, without though to outcome or personal benefit? How different might the interaction of the participants be if they were not invested in “selling” others on their proposal? How different might be the common experience if all illusion of separation was removed and the divine plan was allowed to reveal itself to the benefit of all?

As the walls of separation disappear, you are finding yourselves immersed in a soup of common experience. Though indivuated in taste, all are melding together in synergy with others who share the experience. By bringing the best, most wholesome, untainted ingredients to the mix, the highest quality of expression will be achieved. Spoiled or worn-out ideas and fears have no place in the repast that is being assembled. The seasoning of new inspirations and fresh ideas enhance the soup that is forming for the enjoyment of all.

What ingredients do you bring to the table of life that harmonizes with those around you? How can you prepare yourself in order to enhance the energetic environment with those also in attendance? What ingredients should be discarded because they do not enhance the flavor or nutrition of the preparation? Which are known to react unfavorably with the others and should not be brought into consideration?

The soup of experience is an on-going process that is taking place in lives of us all. You are being asked to begin anew with new ideas and fresh ingredients that will assure that the batch that is forming will be a masterpiece of exquisite flavors, blended in a Loving preparation to nourish the newly forming society.

Do not let those who would contaminate this with spoiled ideas and beliefs that taint the process or the product. Scrupulous attention to overseeing the cooperative venture will assure that all are not only fed, but transformed by the nourishment of the soul that is being provided. Food for thought…


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tough Love

Feelings of inadequacy belie the fact that as a cell in the body of God, you are a divine component off the whole, whether you realize it or not. Now this is not to say that you always act in total alignment with your divine nature for the element of free-will is still in play. It merely means that at some point you will be able to come back into resonance with this and step forward in total accord and magnificence with your true self.

So what about your life right now does not reflect this hidden nature? How do your actions sometimes seem at odds with your true sense of being? What about your interaction with others fails to live up to the frequency of Loving awareness? Perhaps this is the area of your life that is crying out for attention right now.

Given the focus of your intentions, is there anything you might wish to do differently, knowing that you are a truly divine being? How might your actions come back into alignment with this higher nature? What fails to measure up when held against this higher yardstick? These are times for refinement and recalibration. Things that fall outside the specifications of divine potential are quickly being called into accountability in the physical experience. You may feel urgency for compliance. Things that fall outside the range of Loving experience are being quickly shaken loose because there is urgency for completion and realignment. Look for this to become even more apparent in the coming months as time shortens and becomes more intense.

So how do you ride these gigantic waves and “surf the dimensional shift”? We might suggest that your tools are apparent, even if you do not always use them. Within the parameters of the Loving experience there are many factors that one is called into motion. What does one do when those we Love seem stuck in their own vision of false reality? In the delusionary state, there are those who refuse to adjust their perspective in order to ease the resistance they are creating that prevents their seeing clearly the path before them. The steadfast refusal to move past the impediments life has placed in one’s path means that there is an impasse for them and those in their association that cannot be surmounted. Until they are willing to let go of the illusionary beliefs and float free in the tide of life, it will merely create a log jam that those around the beloved will find stifling for growth and understanding.

When faced with an immovable object, whether it be a person or a mountain, it behooves the traveler to try an alternate route to circumvent the obstacle if it is preventing reaching the desired goal. Sometimes the most Loving response is to give the challenged space to find their own safe passage and empower them to rise to the occasion in Love. Tough Love is holding the greater goal in focus and holding others accountable for their actions so that they are able to reach, grow, and extricate themselves from the quagmire of self-imprisonment. It empowers the beloved to find their own strength and not depend on others for their substance. Not easy when you can see clearly the illusion and they do not “get it”, but what is necessary to help our beloved extricate and empower themselves to a brighter future.

But what of those who refuse to let go and move forward past life’s impediments? Perhaps the most Loving solution is to step back and allow them to falter. It is frequently by being forced into a non-participatory role that we remove the training wheels of life and allow our partners to soar free from our “protective” stance. Things we frequently think of as caring and Loving may in fact be detrimental for they prevent the growth of the individual and achieving their own mastery and accomplishment.

Perhaps it is our own ego that is disempowering them because we have a fixed vision of how and on what terms they “need” to move forward in order to achieve and deserve our Love. Perhaps it is our requirements that are keeping our partner small and preventing their growth into their own magnificence.

Time for self examination and soul searching when the impediments of life force us into realignment. The cauldron of relationship is the crucible where the soup of Loving expression is prepared. It is our willingness to go deeper and become more “real” with our partners that will find the recipe for completion. Some elements may not fit, no matter how diligently the key is forced. There must be receptivity before the key of Love will be welcomed. It is all Love, but the Love must honor the giver as well as the receiver in ways that reveal their inner vulnerability as well as the outer manifestation. The more layers that are peeled off in order to reveal the inner core of the impasse, the higher the likelihood of getting to the heart of the situation.

How willing are you to let go of your need to follow a prescribed path and forge a new road together into the unknown? It is in such realignment and commitment to stepping into the thin air or possibilities that the world of tomorrow is being born in Love. You are the divine beings that will inhabit the New Earth. Time to let go of the baggage that is keeping you stuck in past patterns of association and recreate a life on the higher planes. This is your opportunity to reform your life out of the ashes. Make it so…


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Systems Upgrade

When you feel that your energetic template is being rewired, perhaps this is an indicator that all is moving higher up the vibrational ladder. As you refine the process or understanding, there are shifts in consciousness that take place in order to allow the flow of higher information. If one were to try running current of a high frequency through a system without sufficient capacity, there would obviously be a system overload.

As souls are gearing up for the dimensional shift, there are those who are feeling unexplained sleepiness as well as incongruities in their energetic bodies as new circuits come on line. Be gentle and allow the systems to adjust. The tingling sensations are merely a higher frequency that is being integrated into the molecular body. All is well and according to plan.

You will also find that your perception is being altered accordingly. While not obvious to the outside world, you are beginning to think more globally and less egocentrically. As the focus moves from the micro to the macro, you are beginning to see patterns that allow you to step up and realize the interaction, cause and affect of actions and reactions. The third-dimensional, egocentric dramas of your world pale in comparisons with the higher awareness that is shining forth and becoming one with your experience. You Know what is True and significant and allow the dramas of others to melt away into obscurity. You are truly evolving into a celestial being with a foot in each world. Time is fast approaching when all will be called to commit to which side of the widening divide to shift their weight and venture forth.

Given the significance of the choices one makes in life, it is vitally important how you communicate your Truth and intentions with others. It as if you are moving deeper into a foreign land and not only the words but the actions of the new are no longer understood by those around you. Those still operating in the realm of third-dimensional drama will be unable to understand the higher level of awareness that is now part of your being. You may choose to help them into their own higher level of perception or if they are unwilling to make this leap, step up and join hands with those already on the upward climb. This is a group process and many are choosing to be on the front-lines of altering awareness. Your adjustment to the higher frequencies has begun and these are merely symptoms of the deeper shift that is in process.

The elevated perspective can also provide an advantaged view of life gone wrong on many levels. Do you feel called to stay and help rewire the worn-out mechanisms of society or to move forward unencumbered, knowing that in the New World you will be given the opportunity to reframe life in a whole new way? Again, choices and observations that are leading you in new directions.

The forming vestiges of society are reshaping into ones of a more communal nature. We are being called into service to extend the mantle of Love to those around us on the path. It is also becoming readily apparent that we are our brothers keeper and he ours. As the oneness of the various cells in the body of God struggle to revision their divinity we are called to come together in that quest. To heal the dis-ease of ignorance and illusion will require that we offer our assistance to those in need of Love and comfort. The Love and acceptance of those around us may be the rising tide that will lift all ships over the dam of disharmony and despair. How you show up Lovingly in the lives of others is indicative of the commitment you have made to the process of enlightenment. The difference is merely a matter of releasing the old patterns and accepting the new possibilities of growth and awareness. The pain that one suffers is mitigated by the Love one is willing to accept for themselves and reflect to others. All else is smoke and mirrors.

While this may sound like a smoke screen that is obscuring the “faults” of society, it is in fact an opportunity to grow and create a greater vision of a world of possibilities. In unlocking the door of negativity and allowing the stagnant fumes to escape, one is able to breathe fresh air into prospects that have been sidelined as “impractical” or too anything that dampens enthusiasm. This is a time of possibilities and magic unfolding for those who are upgrading their perceptions.

How do you wish to feel when the dust has settled and the battles are over? If Love is the goal, how do you go about preparing for and allowing this to become the focus of your life? If this is the substance of life, how do you use Love as a building block for all of creation. What in your life is worn out and does not have the patina of the new energetic body? You are being called into the darkness with the Light-vision goggles of inner Knowing. As long as you carry a torch of Love, you are not only protected but assured of a safe arrival. This is truly the substance of God and you are the way-showers. Carry on…