Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It has been said that integrity is what you do when no one is looking. We might suggest that it is more than that. When one is acting in full integrity, one is listening to the song of their soul and what they Know to be in higher purpose, no matter what the illusions of the third-dimensional world and others are professing to be true. Truth is indeed dependent upon the level of the understanding of the experiencer and if one is operating in the lower levels of spiritual evolvement, they may well believe that they are acting in integrity because they have not embraced the higher truths.

As one moves closer and closer toward the goal, the course gets steeper and the rules are less forgiving. In the lower levels if one knows something on a cognitive level and fails to complete the lesson in integrity there is a small penalty and opportunities to revisit the lesson. At the higher levels of understanding there is less room for error and the penalties more severe. One is required to listen more intently so as to completely comprehend not only what is required, but how this will affect others that are part of the One. This journey is no longer solo and decisions must be made in light of the greater good, not just the individual experience. When one fails to measure up, the vibratory consequence will be felt by all participants, not just the one.

It comes down to levels of consciousness. Those who are experiencing life unconsciously are content to do whatever feels good and right to them with little concern for those around them. As one matures spiritually, there is an increasing connection to others on the path of greater understanding. As one nears the finish line, the small self becomes One with the whole and all decisions and outlooks are from the all inclusive view of Oneness.

So how do you get from here to there? We might suggest that it would be wise to examine your actions for the motivating factors. What is the underlying theme of the decisions in your life? How might you begin to shift your thinking to be more inclusive in your process to begin to create win-win scenarios?

Secondly we might suggest using the insight of others to reflect back to you how you really show up in the world as experienced by those around you. If they honestly reflect back to you something that you have been hiding from yourself or attempting to shove under the rug, perhaps the charade is not working and it is time to come clean to yourself and others and alter the direction of your life and your thinking.

Facades are only good until they begin to crumble. There is frequently a moment of vulnerability and exposure when the things we have used to hide our true selves from those around us as well as ourselves are revealed for what they are. The test of true friendship and Love is whether our partners in life are willing to stand by and help us rebuild shattered dreams and visions in light of the new reality.

Integrity also is showing up true to our word when and how we said we would no matter what the personal cost. Who do you know that can be counted on to be absolutely true to their word, no matter what, without excuses or explanations? Perhaps it is because they do not commit to more than they are prepared to deliver, regardless of the desires of others. How do you fall out of integrity in small ways that mushroom into major breaches of trust especially with those you care for most? Do we believe they are any less worthy of our absolute best, just because they care about us deeply?

Where in our lives have we failed to measure up to our word or our commitments 100% fully? How are we shortchanging ourselves and our Loved ones by not showing up 100%. What does our half-hearted behavior say to the world around us about how we are committed to Truth and Excellence? Who are you more likely to put your own trust in – one who has demonstrated 100% commitment and integrity of being true to their word or one who only shows up as committed 95% of the time?

Once lost, integrity is hard to redeem. If you value the emotional capital you have invested with others, doesn’t it make sense to safeguard it with a commitment to operating in 100% integrity at all times. You will find that the flow of life is simpler in the higher dimensions of understanding because all are committed to the conscious choice of enlightenment. Where do you stand as indicated by the level of commitment being demonstrated in your life? Moment of Truth…


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


You may wish to think of intuition as an inner Knowing that bypasses the doors of reason and logic. You just Know something to be true, without knowing how you know it. It is as if the information were “dropped into” your awareness. As to what you do with this, that is contingent upon how you are able to receive this gift and apply it in your life.

Many “inventions” are merely a case of remembering things locked within your cellular memory. The same can be said for savants or prodigies. This is something that they came in with that has been freed to surface in their awareness.

Intuition can also be a case of removing obstacles of belief that alloy one to fish in the stream of consciousness of All That Is. Once you allow yourself access to the vaults of Knowledge, there is no limit to the realms that may be visited. Your key to knowledge is self-imposed and self- governed by the extent of your reach. Those who have let go of fears that limit their perceptions are more likely to find many open doors with which to find access.

As to how you might weld this ungainly instrument of Truth, we do have a few suggestions:

First, it would be wise to not share all you know to be True, without first making sure others are willing to hear. This willingness is ultimately contingent upon how far out on the limb of possibilities one is willing to go before they hear a crack. It is better to remain in the position of a silent observer until that can be established.

Second, knowledge is power, no matter how it is obtained. Just because something has yet to be proven scientifically does not mean that it is untrue. The truly powerful are those who are all-knowing but resist the temptation to jump in and apply force without ascertaining the results of their actions. Withholding truth until there is an appropriate time and place for the application of such wisdom may be the highest use of the gift of Intuition.

Third, it is wise to realize that all may not be ready for an unedited revelation of Truth. The brilliance of divine wisdom may be unfathomable to some because they may not have done the ground work necessary to prepare themselves for the unveiling. Unless there is a logical progression where one is able to see past the step by step movement to a logical conclusion, few will be willing to take the leap of faith to step out in thin air of believing without “proof”.

Those who are likely to support and embrace an unknown Truth are usually those who either know the person expressing to be Truthful without question, or have had similar revelations themselves but are unwilling to admit it without confirmation. More often it is the case of skepticism until proven otherwise.

Those that are adamant about not accepting anything that comes under the heading intuitive thought are usually those who fear their own inner wisdom and are unable to step into their own revelation of Truth. Without the crutch of other’s confirmation, nothing is real to them. There is a lack of trust in their own inner wisdom that prevents their seeing past the illusions of others and discovering their own inner Truth.

Blind adherence to a guru, teacher or other authority figure is one way of tuning down the still small voice within that whispers your inner Truth. As long as you are looking outside for your answers, you will be unable to hear the voice of intuition, whispering within.

There is a vast wellspring connected to the flow of all Truth and Knowledge once you are willing to wade in fearlessly to the stream of intuition. The deeper you go and navigate the waters of knowledge, the more you will develop the confidence to move in concert with Truth as revealed through your intuition. Baby steps until you learn to swim. Let go…

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Showing Up In Your Life

In evaluating the “keepers” in your life we have a few suggestions…

Certainly Joy is a key component. If something does not have an aspect of Joy associated with it, there is little likelihood that you will be motivated to stay the course. Certainly a sense of duty can override one’s motivation but that frequently brings in resentment as well which is counterproductive to the process. How much greater a motivator to the adventures of life is to be found if you a path that is Joyful as well as personal fulfilling. If Joy is there, so is Love.
Taking a higher road of achievement usually means that you are able to see past the inconveniences and distractions and focus on the greater meaning and lesson to be mastered in life. This takes practice. Unless you have tested a door, there is a good likelihood that you will not know if this is something you can open easily or you are best served by trying another. It is through our experiences and our observations of the experiences and findings of others that we learn how to navigate the narrow path to enlightenment. Both of these require a willingness to observe cause and affect in order to update our data banks. Becoming clear about motivations and desired results is necessary if one is to move consciously on an upward path.

Now this is not to say that one should not be ready for distractions that would necessitate a course correction. The road maps of life are full of detours that take one in a presumably new direction. However from the soul level, this could be just what was set in motion by the directive set in place in the beginning. Decisions made in the earth school call for constant recalibration to determine new avenues of exploration. Nothing is constant and it is the ebb and flow of the rapids of life that can pull you off course or accelerate your progress in new directions.
As to how you might wish to accomplish this we would also suggest that you learn to move with the flow but with greater emphasis on being the observer. It is attachments to outcomes that stall us for we are not able to see the greater picture that is unfolding.
Secondly, the people with whom we have drawn to us may not be the keepers who will be there for a lifetime but we do have things to share with each other. Begin to look objectively at your relationships. Are they helping or hindering your soul growth? What can you do to facilitate a greater understanding and acceptance of each other in Loving partnership? Or has this liaison served its purpose and it is now time to release the other in Love? The dance may be over but the partners are so engaged in the drama that they do not realize the music has stopped and it is time to move on.

Third, we encourage you to examine how you show up in your life and in that of others. Are you someone who has great integrity and can always be counted to be there for those to whom you have commitments? Do you usually have good intentions but frequently “chicken out” when the going gets rough or your fears keep you from fulfilling your promises? Or do you have trouble committing to the process altogether because illusions of life are stronger than a desire for growth and understanding? Understanding underlying patterns and motivations are the required step in making course corrections that give meaning and purpose to life.

How do you intend to go through life? Is this to be a random journey without purpose and direction or do you intend to climb higher out of the fog of indecision and insecurity? It is all about choice and the choices you are making will direct you either Home or again around the track until the journey is complete. Time to look deeper and find the path that coincides with your intentions and, if necessary, restate your intentions to find a different path. All will eventually end up Home but one is more difficult than the next. Choices, choices


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Opening the Mouth

The voice of woman is calling out to her sisters to speak up and be heard. The silencing of the feminine face and voice of divinity by the church and others afraid of the power of the feminine is drawing to an end. The wisdom of the earth mother is calling to her children to open their awareness and blend their voices together in a song of reason and hope.

You personally are finding that the suppression you have experienced in the past when you gave away your power is not working any more. The voice of the goddess within is screaming to come forth into her own magnificence. There is a pecking from inside the egg that will not be ignored.

As to how you might achieve this, we might have a few suggestions…

The truths of your wisdom are not to be denied. Just because something has not been “proven” by so-called rational means does not necessarily make it untrue.

The institutions of your world that have been born out of greed and manipulation of power are crumbling. Be willing to step up to the plate with new ideas that offer solutions that share power and understanding with those who have the skills to make the changes and those who have the higher vision to help chart the course.

This is a coming together into a synergy of Oneness. Be willing to stand up and point out the discrepancies in the present and what can be done to correct and reorder “business as usual”.

Be willing to suffer the assaults of your sisters who are cowering in their own weakness and unwilling to look past the illusions of the oppressors in fear and insecurity. Offer instead a hand up to your sisters in life and be willing to share on a heartfelt level your vision and commitment to shift the paradigm into mutually respectful and Loving ways.

Women are the strength and the hope for the future. We are here not only to teach Love but to hold the mirror so others may find their divine presence as well. This is a shared vision of wholeness that we see manifested in the circles of life, largely populated by women. If it takes a village to raise a child, surely it takes a circle of women to define and reshape the structures of society and bring them into divine resonance. This resonance includes the compliment of men and women working together to achieve Christ Consciousness. It is Unconditional Love made manifest.

We encourage all of you to bring your feminine expression into alignment with the divine principles in order to bring forth the compliment of the divine masculine into balance. This is the shift that is taking place that will facilitate the new paradigm. All else is just housekeeping. Create on…


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


As you sort through the choices in your life, we might suggest that your primary focus will be best served if you begin to consider which ones best resonate with the song of your heart. Deep within your being is a place where you feel attuned to the core frequency of Love. When life does not resonate with this frequency, there is discord that reverberates on a subtle energy level. You Know when something is out of tune. Whether you choose to overlook this internal tuning device or not is a matter of choice.
The ego is a master of disguise. If desire fueled by the static of the ego becomes loud enough, it can drown out the discordance reverberating from within. It is only when we remove the interference of the outer world and still ourselves in a meditative or attuned state that we are able to perceive the dissonance that is taking place.

Learning to listen on a subtle energy level is a learned, refined process. Being able to tune out the distractions of a world in turmoil is a technique that may take a lifetime to fully master. However, it will not likely be part of your tool box of discernment without practice during meditation and contemplation. It takes the stripping away of the superfluous of distraction to reveal the true vision of the divine trying to express itself in our lives.

As for how you might take this to the next step of Knowing, we have a few suggestions…

First we might recommend Knowing yourself. What are the things that define who you Know yourself to be? What characteristics or traits are part of your true nature? Your zodiacal chart is a clue or a pattern of resonance but what choices have you made that flesh out the personae of the You chosen to experience this lifetime?

Second when something clashes with this inner framework, it might be wise to examine why this is causing discord. Is there some deeper warning bell indicating that this is a path to be avoided? Or is it perhaps a gentle nudge from your soul that this is a course correction that needs to be made in life?

And third… What deeper lessons are to be learned from the experience of dissonance? Does this require a course correction on your part? Is it a process of bringing yourself in tune with the new paradigm and discarding old beliefs that are out of tune with the new and improved You? What is really going on on a less obvious level in this stage of life and what new lines might you need to learn to sing along?

Choices are never written in bold script but usually invisible ink that fades from view after decisions are made. You are called into finding resonance with the world around you. Much is transforming your world into a higher frequency of experience. You may wish to spend more time each day recalibrating not only your body, but your inner world to this frequency of change.

It has been said that the only thing constant in life is change and this is true in these times on earth. If you know water is rising, does it not make sense to learn to swim and float with the currents of growth? The willingness to let go of the illusions of control that keep you tethered to the past that are no longer viable is a valuable tool in this time of transition. It requires a surrender of massive proportions to break free from the flotsam and jetsam of past beliefs and flow freely with the currents of change. Such is the freedom of growth and expansion. You will soon find hospitable shores upon which to launch the new world. For now, be willing to flow on the crest of the tide and enjoy the ride. “You ain’t seen nothing yet”…