Tuesday, February 26, 2013


In the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, it behooves all to stop and connect with the God within for guidance. When all is dark, where is Light to be found? We have within us the spark to kindle all understanding if only we are able to quiet the ego that is shouting otherwise.

 In the midst of uncertainty, it is easy to look for the “quick fix” to relieve the pain. If we liken this to a dislocated joint, the pain will continue indefinitely until we readjust the alignment to coincide with the divine blueprint. Any momentary discomfort will be justified if realignment is achieved and health is restored.

So it is with the spiritual body…If pain and uncertainty is a constant source of irritation, doesn’t it seem self-evident that an adjustment of attitude and perception might be in order? Does holding on to outmoded fears, perceptions, and beliefs that cause pain serve your soul development? Perhaps it is time to “bite the bullet” and readjust your perceptions and attitudes.

What areas of your life are most painful to experience? Is this a result of an external irritant that must be removed or an internal shift that is necessary because it is not in alignment with your soul purpose? Identifying the source of the pain and discomfort is the first step that is required in order for healing to commence. If you are to be pain-free, it will be important to probe and examine the site of the current discomfort in order to begin the process of restoration.

If the discomfort is imagined to be from without, what adjustments can you make to remove this source of irritation from your environment or you from its? Is this someone that you are repeatedly allowing to destroy the homeostasis of mental, emotional and physical health or is it possible to remove the source of irritation? What is the deeper lesson that is being learned or resisted from this continued encounter? What might happen if you were to “get the message” and adjust either your attitude or remove yourself from the experience? Perhaps the ramifications of the encounter are worth examining with the offending party to see if a mutually desirable outcome can be achieved since this is clearly not working in its present form.

Since it is not what is done “to us” but how we choose to respond to the situation that tests us and allows us to grow into understanding, what is the deeper meaning of our discomfort and what are we learning from the experience? How does continuing to allow this to erode our mental, emotional or physical self give acquiesce to the problem and allow it to perpetuate? Would a quick jerk back into reality correct misalignment and allow the injury to begin to heal and the pain to subside? Given the example of the misaligned limb, would we not be better correcting the imbalance quickly before this becomes an irreparable obstacle to health and function?

Once we have “jerked ourselves back into reality” there will be a period of numbing as nerves and emotions begin to heal. The application of Love and Forgiveness to ourselves and others is the balm that will heal all wounds.  Retribution, regret, and blame are caustic emotions that can only fester and prolong the suffering and make it worse. Allow yourself to move in the flow of Love and Forgiveness of yourself and others and you will move swiftly into the calmer waters of Grace. The beauty of Love expressed is the bandage that heals all wounds if it truly comes from the heart. Allow the fresh air of Truth to be your healing agent and you will begin to heal your world….It is so…


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Retooling Your World

The sands of time are shifting as you move into a new period of growth and expansion. Gone are the constructs of your old world of form, despite the illusions around you. All that remains is the disintegration of the physical shells that give the illusion of permanence.

You may be skeptical that this has indeed taken place until you begin to examine the attitudes and beliefs that you hold that support the old. How well do you see things working that support the illusion? Are the fear-based elements of your society strong and viable or do you see cracks and crumbling as they move out of the old into the new?  Are new ideas materializing that are transforming your world into a more loving society? If you look carefully at the people around you, are they more loving and compassionate?

If none of these things are true, perhaps it is you that has not removed your dark glasses of fear and negativity. This is a new world being created from the rubble of the past. As to how you might wade through this in order to find a clear place for creation, we might suggest:

First Take time to assess what is working in your life and what is not. If you were to evaluate the areas of your life and grade them as being in alignment with the new paradigm, on a scale of 1-5, how would they rate?

Second, what in your life is calling to you that has not come into fruition in the past because it did not resonate with the old. How does this now seem possible given the new environment in which we are moving?

Third, what needs to be altered or adjusted, given what you now know to be true in order to make this possible? It is difficult to build something in the future until all of the pieces of the required structure come into form. If you examine your visions that have been ahead of their time, it just may be that the world has now caught up and there are now ears to hear and minds to accept.
The time has come for recalibration of dreams and visions that may have seemed unfeasible or impractical in the past. Time has changed and minds are being opened to embrace the building blocks of a new world. As we step across the threshold of possibilities, it behooves you to take a second look at past “failures” and see why they were out of sync with time and space and requirements of the material world. Perhaps all of the elements were not in sequence with the needs of the whole because they had not presented themselves yet.

Given the vision of hindsight, what has changed that make these old dreams possible if retooled in the new format of cooperation and teamwork? What would the collaboration of those who might have been your adversaries bring to the venture? How might you combine your efforts with those with similar interests and insights to reorder your world in concert with the divine?

Things that do not subscribe to this new dynamic will become obsolete if they do not adjust their guiding premise to this new energy. Begin to evaluate all of the things in your life to find ways of coming into alignment . This is a time of great movement. Use your inner guidance to help move you into the flow of cooperation and compassion which is the dynamic of enlightenment. How can you retool your world in order to be ahead of the crowd and lead others into a future of Light energy? Move..


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Patterns of Authenticity

As you begin to come into resonance with your authentic, divine self we have a few suggestions that might shed Light on the process.

First, do nothing because others say you should. For one to be truly aligned with one’s higher purpose, one must be able to hear your own inner wisdom and feel the resonance with that. You instinctively know something at the gut level and whether it feels aligned with this inner barometer of Truth and wisdom. Do not default to the illusions of the world that tell you otherwise.
Second, know that all is in divine order even if you do not understand at the present how the elements fit together. This is indeed a group process which means that you do not have all of the pieces in front of you. Be willing to step out onto the limb of possibilities and Know that all of the others will form around you, fully supporting your growth and understanding.

Third, allow others to be part of the process. The more people you empower in life with your wisdom and support, the greater will be the probability that you will be joined by a family of Love and devotion. These are your “peeps” and those that have signed on for the accelerated process of personal growth and understanding. Doesn’t it seem logical that you have pieces to share with each other for growth and understanding?
Allow those who do not resonate with this frequency of understanding to catch the next train Home. Not all are ready to let go of the guard rails of life. Though all will eventually make the passage, your journey is not contingent upon others who may have a few side trips to make first. Plant seeds but allow growth to happen at the appropriate time and rate for maturation. While all are indeed One, there are many specialized cells in the body of God that need to grow into their own unique pattern of specialization in order to mature into fruition. Allow this to happen without attachment to time and frequency.

Destiny does not necessitate that any one path must conform to the blueprints of another. There is an uniqueness inherent in the manifestation of all form that demonstrates the diversity of God’s patterns. The holographic image of life in form is contingent upon these patterns interconnecting into new forms and structures that relate to each other in new ways. Do not be limited by past conventions in demonstration of previous patterns. All is in the process of morphing into new vibrational frequency. In order to flow with this patterning, it is necessary to dissolve the docking patterns that locked one safely into resonance and open yourself to new possibilities of association.

Help others to find their place in this new order. If we are to transmute fear into Love, we must be willing to demonstrate this pattern to others in our life. The new purpose in life is not any of the old third-dimensional patterns of association but requires finding ways of showing up in new ways in the lives of others. There no longer needs to be an agenda other than demonstrating Loving awareness for any of the activities in our life. We do not “need” anyone in our life but choose to join together since this is our greatest opportunity for demonstration of this Truth. All else will fall into place if this is the organizing pattern of the new earth.

The freedom one experiences in this new paradigm is contingent upon cutting the cords of attachment to previous conventions of being. While the structures of society will be there as crutches until all learn to walk in the new energy, they are merely vestiges of the past and not necessary for those that exist in a new body of Light energy. Begin by examining all of the things of your life energetically and see what resonates to the frequency of Truth and Love. Anything that fails to measure up will soon become obsolete and destined for destruction. Welcome to the new earth…


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gut Feelings

Feeling your way along the path to higher consciousness is one way to exercise your muscles of discernment.  If you paused when faced with a dilemma in your life and check in with the gut feelings your body is conveying to you, you will come closer to the reality of the situation than listening to that old trickster, the ego.  Your body can sense the vibratory frequency of Truth. It is up to you to get out of your own way and out of your head in order to perceive this inner messenger.

Just because something has not been proven using “scientific methods” does not mean that it is not true. Since your science may not take into consideration  Truths of a higher frequency that have yet to be “proven”, that may not be the best frame of reference to use when deciding whether something is True or not. If something does not feel right, there is a very good chance that some of the parts are missing or the conclusions are not supported by the facts. A second look is certainly in order.

While everyone certainly tries to put their best foot forward, this may not in fact, be the entire story. Leaving out important pieces in order to get a favorable outcome is an unfortunate aspect of the criminal “justice” system. If the intention were to truly to get together and everyone tell what they believe to be true without having to make the other wrong and only present the corroborating “facts” that support your side of the story the verdicts awarded by juries might be quite different.

So how do you go about ascertaining the path of Truth in your life. We do have a few suggestions:

First, it is important to be a s objective as possible with no attachment to the outcome. This may be the hardest part because we would all like to believe that we can tell the truth from a falsehood and bring with us all of our own prejudices and preconceived notions.

Second, be willing to listen objectively to both sides of a story and to ask questions when things seem ambiguous or contrary to “facts” or beliefs. It is important that you take a neutral position and attempt to draw out the things that color all of the salient facts being presented.

Third, learn to cull the significant from the insignificant facts surrounding the premise. What is a “red herring” and what is a vital bit of information being hidden amongst the minutia being presented? Learn to steer the conversation along a directed path to allow only the most pertinent information to come forth, devoid of the biases and suppositions that have been thrown in to muddy the waters.

What does your “gut” tell you is true and is this supported by the facts presented? If not, what might be missing that might supply the missing pieces that could cast an entirely different light on the situation? Do not downplay your negative feelings and allow others to persuade you, based upon suspect evidence. Your body energy may be reacting to something that does not ring true as presented. Delving deeper and asking questions in different ways while allowing alternate scenarios to float on the unsettled waters until one becomes more seaworthy than the next is another way of discerning truth when there are many worthy possibilities. Generally there will be one option that, unlikely as it may have seemed at first, just happens to fill all of the criteria for Truth and passes the “gut test”.

 This is not a process for the judicial system but is something that is dealt with on a daily basis. Before making “logical” assumptions and decisions in our lives, it might be advisable to get a second opinion on things that seem out of alignment with a higher vision. Is it kind? Is it necessary? Does it benefit all concerned in ways that may not be apparent at first glance? Does it call us to move past our comfort zone and tap resources that are more in alignment with our higher purpose of universal Love? Does this bring people together in Loving ways rather than separate? The higher the vibration of something, the more it will align with these objectives.  If this is a new paradigm unfolding, perhaps these need to be the new ground rules for negotiating the sticky points. All together…

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Patterns of Manifestation

The fulfillment of one’s dreams can best be accomplished by focusing on that dream, not on what is preventing its manifestation. Since energy is the spark that ignites the fire of manifestation, which do you wish to encourage? Now we are not saying one should be oblivious to challenges; merely that obsessing on why something is not going the way one would like may be counterproductive to the professed goal.

So what is the best way of approaching goals and aspirations? Certainly it helps to have fixed intentions about what one wants to achieve. Along with that it would be wise to have thought through the objectives of the endeavor including how you wish to feel as a result of it. What is the purpose and to what end do you wish to accomplish?

Is the achievement of your goals in alignment and as a compliment with others in your association or are you at odds or in competition with each other? In the new paradigm there will be a dovetailing of intentions and purposes as all swim together to the higher, deeper waters. Those swimming against the tide should examine the deeper motives and intentions for alignment with the higher purpose to see if they are scouts in the new paradigm or if they have failed to head some directional course correction along the way. In either case, we would advise to stop and adjust the inner navigation to zero in on the higher aspect of growth and understanding.

Once the navigation is in place, what do you hope to achieve by your efforts?  What new information or understanding do you possess that makes this possible now that wasn’t there before? This is a key to the lock of progress that was missing in your previous efforts to gain entrance. More and more are being given passage to higher realms because they have mastered many struggles with the ego. These gatekeepers have kept most from entering the higher passages until they are willing to drop their arms and move fearlessly forward, in the protection of Love. How have you accomplished this tricky maneuver and are all of the vestiges of this previous existence shed and free of the attachments that go with it?

The retooling of the Light body for the coming age requires that we also put aside our notions of separateness. Realize that our cloak of many colors has many armholes for those in the body of Love that are joining together in higher purpose. Gone is the notion that we must have to carry the burden alone. We are given the opportunity to honor each other with the sharing of the burden/gift of common experience. As we come to terms with what our gifts are in this process, we will see how they fit seamlessly together with others that are part of our soul group. It is not necessary that we be able to demonstrate all of the functions of a body when in fact we are each a specific organ that, when joined with the other complimentary parts, become the holographic pattern of the body of God.

As more and more come into resonance with this radical way of viewing the world, there will be a dropping away of the armaments that keep us separate and in an illusion of fear. If we each having the missing piece that will complete or compliment the other, it behooves us to begin looking for ways to fit these corresponding pieces together. Love is the glue that will hold them steadfast. The mosaic is taking form with each piece that comes together. This is the challenge/promise of the world in transition that is reforming the image of God as expressed in the form of man. Allow your pieces of life to move in synchronicity with others and you will see how the pieces fit together effortlessly.  It is so…