Thursday, June 24, 2010

Prayer for Mother Earth

6/23/2010 2:31 PM

I AM the consciousness of the earth Mother coming through at this time of much strife and concern. I AM bleeding internally due to the conscious efforts of those who did not realize the far-reaching implications of their actions. There is a hemorrhaging of my vital fluids that is causing much pain and suffering to those who make their home in my sheltered regions. Much pain and suffering have been caused in the breach of the actions of a few that is threatening to wreck catastrophic injury to many more. It is a time of great sorrow but also great possibility.

The earth can continue to pilfer the treasures of her riches without concern for the fate of future generations and go out with a colossal demonstration of proportions that rival those felt on Atlantis. You can pray and shift the energetic template upon which this teetering of the dominoes that are ready to fall and perhaps divert disaster THIS time. Or you can begin to dismantle a society built upon the myopic vision of limitless resources that are there to be squandered. This is life at the crossroads of civilizations gone past and to come. How many of you still believe in the illusion of limitless resources and that every man for himself is the only way to survive in times of chaos? How many of you have been deluded into believing that one must face the harsh reality of life torn asunder by exploding theories and suppositions? You have before you a dilemma of major proportions,

How many of you believe that anything can be undone with prayers in the moment and business as usual the next? This is the time that humanity is being called to task for decisions by your forefathers that are bearing the fruit of gluttonous seeds planted long ago. The resources of your planet are bountiful beyond measure if only you are able to respect and cherish them and take only what you need. The gluttony of your species is intimately related to the illusions of self that cause you to reach for more and more in order to fill up the deficits of character that have become the norm. While there are a few shining examples to the contrary, most of your species are lost in a fog of illusions that is spinning them deeper and deeper into oblivion.

This is not to say that all is lost, but there is a need for drastic, rapid recalibration of the moral compass of the earth in its totality which naturally includes, men, women and the other inhabitants as well. It will take a concerted effort of all remaining in form to reset priorities and employ new tactics in order to develop a new model upon which to build your new reality. In order to bring together the consciousness of a community based upon higher vibrational experiences it may be necessary to go through a rebirthing process of some magnitude. This is not to say that it will be without difficulty for pain is frequently part of the beauty of life reborn.

For those of you that have the determination to see this through there awaits magnificence beyond all measure when all “get it” and turn their focus on the possibilities of an expanded reality based upon the highest aspects of the Loving experience. Certainly Joy is to be born from the chaos of the present when the cinders of vaporized illusions come crashing down around you, leaving the solitary Light of recognition of the divine. All is indeed perfect in the execution and beautiful when seen through new eyes of recognition. Do not allow the rumblings and explosions of the earth, realigning and reforming to cause a tidal wave of despair that will lead you off track. Eyes on the beauty of the possibilities and allow the collapsing structures to be consumed and sink into the mud. It is a new earth that is being born out of the phoenix of the ashes. You will have time to reassess where you wish to be when the dust settles.

The prayers of the faithful are altering the energetic environment on earth. Whether there are enough that are making the connection and embracing the Light remains to be seen. Let us just say that the prayer has been heard and things are in motion. Continue to move mountains with your faith and KNOW that all is coming together in divine order. All is well despite the clouds and smoke. It is a cleansing and rebirth that is taking place and you are all in the nursery awaiting the new arrival. Soon…I AM


As you transition into the new reality it is wise to keep in mind that this too is a transitory phase. While it may seem that you are living in a state of transcendence, in fact, this will become the new norm in experience. What if there were little to be achieved by pursuing a life of monetary pursuits? How would you redirect your life to achieve both meaning and purpose? What if your ego were to suddenly relinquish its hold on the direction of your life? How might you reorganize your activities in order to embrace this new reality? When all is said and done, what is important in the overall scheme of things and what is merely window dressing provided by the ego in order to decorate the realm of experience/?

It is this that we wish to address today…

As you analyze the events in your life, it is advisable to see which ones call to you at the level of the soul. What greater or higher good might be accomplished by taking one route over another? Can you see a more universal benefit to be derived from taking one course of action over another? When all of the wants and desires of the ego are stripped away, what continues to shine forth as serving the best interest of the whole, rather than its part? As we continue to evolve in common purpose, what decisions seem to benefit that ultimate achievement? This is the direction your soul is directing you.

As edifices to the individual are crumbling around you, there are emerging new ones to take the place of the old. New structures have the signature and integrity of not only excellence of purpose in that they are designed to serve the needs of the collective but also the individuals who make up the body. Unless it is a win/win, it is of the old energy and doomed to crumble as societies are reborn.

The dynamics of a new society are evolving into structures of equanimity as all are forming so as to share the opportunities for achievement. No longer will power and wealth be hoarded by the few but shared in equal opportunity by the many, according to their desires and commitment to underlying beliefs of the cooperative. You may think of capitalism as being the ultimate equalizer since it embraces the concepts of freedom to achieve for all. We might suggest that a new “ism” is forming which recognized the inherent freedom to achieve by all but at the same time balances the welfare of the components of the cooperative in equal balance. It is an organization based upon the new dynamic of cooperation and teamwork that is finding form in the foundations of change that are taking place in your world. You might call it “Omnivision” that is becoming the basis for growth and understanding in your changing world.

As for the structures that will make this possible…We might suggest that while few of the present models measure up to the balance between individual and collective, there are a few that survive. All are being evaluated to see whether they measure up to the challenge. One might recall the Memorex example when the new frequency of vibration was applied and the glass of inflexibility shattered in the presence of the new vibration. That is what is happening in your world today. Inflexible, outmoded structures are shattering, only to be rebuilt in the frequency of Light and Love. It is a transformation that, while painful to the extent to which one is attached to the old, will heal and reform in ways that will cause restructuring of the world in ways never thought possible. While not happening in what we would consider “a twinkling of an eye”, nevertheless when measured in the scope of the history of mankind, the period of time this is taking is infinitesimally small. Such is the greater view of the time continuum.

As to what you might do to “surf the dimensional shift” we might suggest that allowing all needs and structures to dissolve in their importance might be in order. If one is going on a journey of unknown destination, does it make sense to take baggage that might be irrelevant in the undetermined land? The real treasures of your lifetime are found in the knowledge, wisdom and beliefs that serve you, wherever you may venture. All else is excess baggage and you may find that its weight to be crushing over time. The attitude adjustments and clearing out pockets of misguided energy and beliefs should be the only tune-up you require for the journey.

While the ultimate destination will always be Home, there will inevitable be course corrections along the way that will take you on a more circuitous route. Your willingness to keep your eye on the goal but being open to whatever evolves in perfect order will give you the foresight to navigate whatever you encounter along the way. The journey has begun and you are stepping on board for the ride of many lifetimes. Bon Voyage and Godspeed…all is well…


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Along the periphery of experience lie the seeds of new growth and awareness. Those mired in the center of life lived in the tried, true, and predictable are seldom privy to the revolutionary and innovative that takes place outside the norm of experience. As more and more are moving out of the mainstream and looking for new ways of structuring and experiencing their world, new patterns and structures are forming. It is as if an exploding volcano is creating new land masses and islands that will eventually evolve into new centers of learning and inhabitation.

On these newly formed lands are the most fertile fields for growth and understanding. Where no rules exist, there are greater opportunities to create societies that mirror new thought and understanding. These are fertile fields ready to be planted with inspiration worthy of the new paradigm.

As those that have heard the call coalesce into new forms of association, there are groups of like-minded people who understand that this is no longer their father’s world. There is a coming together into new forms and cultures that serve the new dynamics of cooperation and teamwork rather than the worn out structures that bred greed and corruption. This is a new vision of a world based upon the oneness of experience lived out by cooperating elements of individuated souls. All are aware that they are part of the grand adventure that is heralding the dawn of a new era and it is exciting.

At the core of this shift into the new paradigm is the understanding that all are individuated expressions of Loving energy made manifest in order to demonstrate its truth in a world of form. There are those who may not understand the importance or dynamics of what is taking place but nevertheless feel the shift of the energetic template that is bringing all together in common purpose. There are also others who while accepting of the knowledge, have not yet found ways of incorporating it into their lives. They remain with their noses pressed to the windows of experience, unwilling to venture to open the door and become part of the new world. It is to these that we would like to encourage them to integrate their knowledge and understanding and to take the steps forward and embrace the new paradigm.

In order for change to manifest in your world, there must be a willingness for those that have the keys of understanding to arise and help those around them to remove their veils of illusion and accept their own divinity. Along with this acceptance comes the mandate to embrace a higher degree of achievement by putting into form the higher truths and vision of a world governed by Love and Grace. This is the blueprint for the new paradigm and all structure will be based upon this foundation. Things that are not aligned with this new energy will crumble and not withstand the rigors of change.

In order to understand the dynamics of life in this new world it might be advantageous to begin assessing the relationships and structures in your life and see which measure up to this new reality. Which are “last years fashion” and which are classics that will never go out of style because they bear the signature of the master of Love and understanding? If you would alter the world around you, you must begin by altering the building blocks of the new society. Your personal choices to find meaning and purpose within your life will become the foundation for the new earth in the making.

The building blocks of life are reassembling in the firmament of this newly forming territory. It behooves you to choose wisely how you wish to make this whole and create a new world that reflects the ideals, knowledge and substance of greater opportunities for the evolving creation. This is the call to awareness that is going forth to those who have ears to hear. The new earth is forming and you are being invited to be part of the creation. It is time and it is exciting…


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The concept of blessings is one of perceptions. Certainly if one offers blessings to another it is a way of connecting on a higher spiritual level and bestowing or reminding the other of their innate spiritual nature. Again we say perception because the true nature of humanity is one of soul energy expressed in a physical body. If the persona is in actuality a divine presence, it is a matter of acceptance of that true nature and bringing forth into consciousness that which already is in order to bring it into awareness.

The divinity of the human soul is not a concept that is easily accepted by those mired in the illusions of a third-dimensional existence. While we may say we believe that we are created in the image of God, we often look in a mirror and see not the divine, but illusions of imperfection rather than lessons in process. The image of perfection is lost in the ideals of a society that base worth on the illusions of the ego. It is only when we are blessed with a value system that sees beyond the obvious and looks within for reflections of the divine spark that we begin to understand our beauty that shines forth with a radiance that causes others to pale in comparison.

Now we say comparison only because that is how many evaluate what is desirable and what is not. In truth, since each is a unique cell in the body of God, expressing and serving in a unique capacity, it would be like comparing an eye to a fingernail and judging whether one was deemed of worth when in fact they each have their own role to play in the body of wholeness. As one evolves into higher understanding, acceptance of the unique character each brings to the experience has value to the person but also to the whole of the tapestry of experience and judgment is an irrelevant standard on which to base an opinion.

Blessings come in many forms and are merely reminders of the divinity we all posses as part of our holy blueprint. We are blessed by grace in our existence but in many cases are blinded by the values of others and unable to see past their illusions. When we are able to step back and remove the log from our own eyes, we will be able to see more clearly how the apparent difficulties in our lives are resistance to moving into new dimensions of growth and understanding. We are blessed when we make this gigantic leap and are rewarded with the grace of acceptance.

While all of life lived in integrity may not be considered easy, it can be peaceful if that is how you choose to make it. How might you say can "tragedy” contribute to a peaceful existence? We might suggest that it is all how we perceive something as to whether it is tragic or insightful. By stepping back and we might say up and examining a situation from a higher perspective one is often able to observe patterns of resistance that when continually pushed down finally exploded in a dramatic way in order to get our attention.

Many lessons are not easy because we continue to resist but also because we may have chosen to be teachers to others on our karmic path. Lessons and debts from many lifetimes are being played out in rapid succession as we move quickly into the new energetic field. It is time to reconcile the imbalances with others and to move forward with a clean slate of experience.
If one were to take stock of the many blessings in ones life and look beyond the obvious stressful situations in order to discover the deeper meaning of experience, there will inevitably be a preponderance of affirmative experiences that you are processing in the schoolroom of life. Time to give thanks for the many blessings that are unfolding in our lives. All is good…all is God…all is Love. Blessings…


Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The frantic pace that is characteristic of these end times tends to separate those who are caught up in the cycles of activity and those who would tune into the higher voice that is whispering in their ear. As long as you are willing to find your answers in the world around you, rather than within your sphere of knowledge, you will be forever tossed about, listening to the many voices that are shouting for you to follow. It is only when you take back your power and become your own guru that you realize that the answer was there all along but you were too distracted by the din of others to hear your own voice whispering within.

Once you have awakened to the deeper mysteries of life, how do you go about reclaiming control of the rudder? We might suggest that you begin by taking time out to have an inner dialogue with “self” in order to separate what is true for you and what is the false teachings of others. If you have always accepted something as true because you were continually told this by others, is this still the belief that you wish to use as the foundation for your new reality? How have you evolved beyond childish visions of your world into a multidimensional universe with different constants and ever-changing possibilities? It is as if you too have ventured down a rabbit hole of dimensions and are now exploring a new world full of possibilities never before imagined.

Given this new perspective, what might you do differently in your life that is no longer contingent upon the past definitions of reality? What limits have you placed upon your life that are no longer restricting your growth? What have you secretly wanted to experience that others told you was impractical or dangerous? Perhaps this was a projection of their own fears and insecurities rather than a true reflection of the reality of a situation? What are the possible outcomes if you ventured forth? Are you able and willing to deal with whatever consequences might result? Will there be a high probability for growth and understanding that might not be realized from the complacency of the status quo? Are you willing to risk “failure” in order to experience enlightenment? These are the questions you might wish to ask yourself as you step carefully around the traps life is showing you.

Once you have determined to move courageously in new directions, what do you wish to accomplish? The original purpose of the journey may be just the motivation to direct you into new realms of experience. Once you have crossed this threshold, you are free to move unencumbered through a new world of possibilities. The “shoulds” and “oughts” of someone else’s reality no longer hold true in your new world of experience. What others expect is no longer relevant in the world that is defined by your new perception of reality.

While it may appear to have the same form as the world you left behind, you will notice that the rules of interchange between participants no longer are true. If all are following their own inner compass, it is an inner voice that is directing all Home in concert with the others. There should be less and less conflict as the loud voice of the ego quiets and one is able to tune into the inner directive of the soul’s message. It is becoming part of the greater dance of life where all souls are coming together in rhythm and harmony and discovering that they indeed do flow together as one, despite surface differences. These are but interconnecting gears in the machinery of life that are being awakened and called into service for the creation of this new life experience. All is well and perfectly formed to work together.

This new perspective may be seem rather “airy-fairy” at first given the complexity of life lived in the third-dimensional fast lane. As you struggle through the impediments in your mundane lives, try to imagine how things might be different if this were your new reality. The more you can envision your experience morphing into something different, the more you can create the alternate experience. If you are content with the present, that is where you will remain stuck. Sometimes the burr under the saddle must be removed before you can settle in for a smooth ride.

All in life is not as it seems. It takes visionaries but also those willing to follow their inner compass and move in directions that are counterintuitive to the perceived reality to create new experience. Can you hear the still small voice within whispering and guiding you out of the chaos of life and into a brighter realm of possibilities? This is your soul calling. It is time and it is exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy.

The Energy of Truth

The infantile fantasies of your childhood are in some ways giving way to more mature visions of reality but at the same time, the ones that were carried over from previous lives of experience may be continuing as you resume your soul’s journey. The continuum of soul experiences carry on until the self realization of a perfected journey of enlightenment is completed and it is time to return home to the Creator.

How you go about reconciling the “real” from the imagined is all part of your sojourn in the earth school. While Truth is always relative to the level of the understanding of the experiencer, there are certainly universal Truths that are a constant for all and that withstand the scrutiny of examination. Concepts that withstand the nuances of query will unflinching test with the highest vibration and therefore be registered as True.

We might suggest that you first become familiar with the concept of energy frequency or vibration. As you evolve into multidimensional beings, capable of discernment on many levels, you will undoubtedly be confronted with the opportunity to develop skills of discernment relating to evaluating the frequency of Light energy surrounding an object or an idea. Things that calibrate higher on a scale of Truth and Integrity, or are life enhancing rather than life degrading, will carry a higher vibrational frequency. Those that fail to measure up to these higher standards, will not. It is merely a matter of determining the frequency of something to see whether it contributes to the higher purpose of life or does not in order to plot a course of Truth and Integrity.

So how do you go about ascertaining what is energetically True in your lives and what fails to measure up to the highest vibrational standards? There are many methods of measuring vibrational frequencies both mechanical and cognitive. For most, simple methods of kinesiology or dowsing will suffice to test for positive or negative frequencies and perhaps calibration. The use of a pendulum by a skilled tester can offer a wealth of information to those seeking to wade through the possibilities in form.

Kinesiology or muscle testing is another skill that uses the body as an energetic tool of discernment that can validate the positive or negative aspects of an object or a situation under contemplation. Given the clarity and objectivity of the tester, this is a valuable skill that one can use anywhere and at any time without devices of discernment. As more become attuned with the energy of their bodies and opening up to higher sensory abilities such as clairvoyance there are also sensory indicators of positive and negative vibrational patterns that may be perceived and even calibrated with practice.

All will be accurate to the extent that one is able to step aside and objectively allow the energy of the examined to reveal itself without the ego putting a thumb on the scale of discernment. The more one is able to get out of one’s own way and release the need to know or understand a particular outcome, the more accurate will be the testing. Like anything in life, practice and patience will lead to perfection.

Once you are comfortable in receiving information, and calibrating the Truth of an experience, it is then up to you as to how you process the information you receive. What if you receive an answer that is contrary to your perceived vision of reality? It might be wise to try asking questions in different ways in order to see what component of the situation is not measuring up to the standard of Truth and Integrity. When calibrating written material it may be necessary to break it down sentence by sentence or even word by work to see which fails to measure up to the higher vibratory standards of Truth.

In a world of illusion, it is those that are able to see through the smoke and mirrors of deception that will have the visionary integrity of creating a new world of higher purpose. Strengthening your muscles of discernment and allow yourself to see clearly the world around you and you will find that all of your experiences will become transparent to the Truth of the moment. These are like 3-D glasses of discernment that are inviting you into a future of Light and wisdom. Developing the skills and muscles of Truth and discernment will go far in leading you into a new world of possibilities. Your life is as True as you choose to make it. Do you wish to live in the integrity of Truth or the safety and complacency of illusion? Time to step forward and discern the Truth in your life. How exciting!

I AM Brugh Joy