Monday, October 14, 2013

Negotiating in the Light

If you are intent upon bring forth the Christ energies in your life, you will find that your journey will be much easier if you allow yourself to step back and disengage yourself from the drama of your world. Upon closer examination, third-dimensional drama is based upon the illusion that you are separate from those around you. This too is part of the illusion. While you do occupy separate manifestations of spirit, it is, in fact, also illusionary. If you can suspend the belief that this is real and put yourself in the position of seeing life through the eyes of your other self, you may have a clearer perspective on the situation that is evolving.

While this may seem a little elementary in its concept, it is in fact a very useful tool for negotiating in higher consciousness. No one is likely to give up an entrenched position unless they can see some benefit. Unless you can see life as they may see it, given their prejudices and conditioning, you will be unable to navigate the fine line where your paths coincide. This does not mean that you need to agree – only that you understand each other’s motivations. There is always a place for negotiations where ideologies overlap. This is where negotiations must begin. If you can agree on these basic concepts, you have a foundation on which to build.

Without getting into specifics, what can you each do to build upon the mutually agreed upon points? Realizing that neither is probably going to get all they have wanted, what are the most important things you wish to see accomplished in this process. In this new paradigm, it is seldom A or B but usually C that needs to be created. Create is the operative word here. A and B are of the old paradigm of win/loose. What can be created in a new box that achieves a different outcome and honors the intentions of both? This will frequently require that you back step a couple of levels to get to the core needs that are wanting to be served. What are the basic requirements of the solution? What are different ways of getting to C that bypass the roadblocks of A and B? It is really a case of dismantling a situation down to the building blocks and reassembling them in a new format that honors all of the parties.

More and more of the stalemates in your present world are a byproduct of a frequency being out of sync. Some have moved into the different frequently and understanding of the fifth dimension while others are stuck in the constraints and reasoning of the old. Rather than succumbing to the old patterns that are clearly not working and outmoded, it is time to apply the wisdom of the new.  This requires new solutions to old problems by forging bands of cooperation of all of the aspects of the whole. If it fails to include all of the components in the solution, examine what you are missing. New forms will be inclusive with no left over or missing parts. Keep searching.

We know this will be frustrating at first since this is a new process and all of the participants are not up to speed but as with anything new, the more you do it, the easier it will become. These are skills that will become invaluable in the new form. Your ability to see the larger picture in situations and to apply the principles of cooperation and teamwork to everyday life will allow you and those in your sphere of influence to move effortlessly into the new world. The more you begin to see this in the light of cooperation rather than through the dark glasses of competition, the brighter will your world will become. Look beyond the “obvious” because the new forms are waiting in the wings to be born. Awaiting your input…



When we think of Charity, we tend to think of giving to those less fortunate. While this is indeed an admirable virtue, we would like to explore this a little deeper. Is the underlying emotion/motivation behind this selfless or is there an undercurrent of pity, guilt, or penance? Before you give of yourself or your abundance to others, we ask you to explore a little deeper as to the motivating factors surrounding your gift.

First, do you believe yourself to be worthy of abundance? Those who have a limited view of themselves may be embarrassed that they are gifted with treasure and feel unworthy both to receive and give. If you feel yourself undeserving, you might begin by examining what nerve of self-worth this triggers. Who or what made you think you were unworthy? Why do you continue to cling on to this assessment? Is it still true? What can you do to prove to yourself and others that you have learned the lesson of self-worth and stepped forward to become a conduit of self-love. You must first love yourself and embrace your own worthiness then pass it on.

With the gift of abundance comes responsibility. How can use this to distribute and invest it wisely so that it’s power is magnified? Are you willing to take the time to do the research, connect with the people and invest your own energy in seeing that this gift does as much good as possible for the greatest number of people? What will this mean as far as taking up your most precious commodity – time? Are you willing to do what is necessary to make this energy available to others on the path? What is the cost/benefit to you?

How do you judge those worthy of receiving? Do you give unquestioning to those who have not managed their own resources wisely or is there a greater responsibility to educate them in ways to leverage this energy? Are you willing to allow them to make their own choices and learn their own lessons? How can you do this consciously in order to provide assistance and at the same time empower others to find their own strength and resources?

What is really meant by pay-it-forward and how can that become the process in the new paradigm. If you live in a world of abundant resources and possibilities, how can you instill this concept into your sphere of influence in ways that will be easily understood and embraced by those on the path and replicated in their lives as well? Each act of Charity you demonstrate plants a seed in others that will grow into the forest of caring that can protect the coming generations. Of all the lessons you can impart to those who follow is this not the Golden Rule of existence that is most important and frequently ignored in our interaction in the world of illusion.

Charity does begin at home when we nourish those we Love without restraint. This plants the seeds and the memories that those in our care will take with them as the go into a world of darkness. The more these seeds of Light are shared, the brighter your world will become. Be a beacon to others through the Charity you express to all you meet. It is like the loaves and fishes, the more you give away, the more you retain.  Of this we suggest that you be fruitful and multiply this kindness to others. And so it is…



Your world is in turmoil because it is morphing into the new paradigm. In order for this to occur it is necessary to discard the vestiges of the old that are not in resonance with the new. The more you cling to the old forms, the more difficult this will be. The more you allow fear to be your companion, the longer this will take to transform. Fear is like glue that attaches you to the past where faith allow you to move forward. Trust. Have faith that all is going to divine plan.

As for what this might look like in your world…There will be those who will act in fear because they cling to the past that they believe they understand. They will continue to act rashly and in fact flail against the waters of change until they learn to calm themselves and swim with the tide. Be a liferaft for others and you will be able to calmly direct them into the flow.

There will be others who do not understand the new paradigm and what the deeper meaning of change is revealing. Again, being a lighthouse means that you can illuminate the path for others and help interpret the signposts along the way. Hold their hand.

Prepare for the next phase. If all change is directing us onto a path of merging tributaries, what are the common goals of all participants and how can we work together to achieve them? All solutions will ultimately be based on a win-win model rather than the obsolete fear-based paradigm. The adversarial systems in government and finance are crumbling in order to make way for the new paradigm of cooperation and mutual sustainability. Begin to examine all of the structures in your life that you thought to be built on bedrock and see how they measure up to the new environment of cooperation. If they do not contain that energy we might suggest that you step away because they are destined to crumble in the earthquake of change that is taking place.

So how do we begin to rebuild after the shaking stops? Begin by finding your center and calming your thoughts. You are safely held in the hand of God and all is well. Find a space in which to express the gratitude that you finally “get it” and others will soon also. Allow your center of Loving awareness to extend to those around you and then to the multitudes who are holding hands with those. We are all One in this experience we call life. What can we do in the coming days, months, millennia that will create an experience of Loving awareness and harmony for all? Hold tight – do not release your grip on this family of Love for this is your lifeline to Peace and transformation.

Your new earth is being reborn as we speak out of the ashes of change. Welcome this and all to come as you are breaking through the shell of limitation and stretching into a new world of possibilities. Pay it forward by sharing your wealth, knowledge and understanding with those who are following behind. Do not allow fears of the unknown to paralyze the process. This is a new world being born.  Embrace it.  All is well.




If you were to step back far enough you could see the energy swirling around the events in your life. You would notice the intense energy around the issues of money and the reaction people have to it.  If you were to then look at a society that is based upon a currency of Love, how different would be your experience? While we are not inferring that there is anything wrong with money or the things it buys; just suggesting that this may not be the best yardstick upon which to measure success.

If you were to move into a paradigm where instead of money, the currency of exchange was based upon kindness and charity, how would that affect the things you value? If suddenly all cash became worthless, what would you use as a basis for exchange? What do you value and what do you have or provide that others might value? What is worth your time and effort and what is not? Ultimately you are rich if you are content and do not feel the need to have more of the things you value.

In a cashless society, who are those that are the happiest? Does being wealthy mean having lots of things? more friends? or more joy? How would you know it if you were wealthy? Would health be something that would play a part of this? How about people who love and cherish you and you them? Does being wealthy mean you have less frustration in your life? Does it mean you are able to do the things you enjoy without having to equate money with the labor? Would your waiting hours be filled with distraction or purpose? If money were no longer a concern what might you most want to do to fulfill that secret desire? Do you need someone to share the joy or you happy just being true to yourself?

Your new world that is coming into form will little resemble that of your father’s. The values and objectives have changed as well as the mechanics. Many reached a destination and found the fulfillment lacking because it was not satisfying at a soul level. There was no “there” there because it was based upon an illusion and had no substance. The new world of your creation is being formed on a new framework. Think integrity, substance, and meaning. Enough of the cotton candy dreams that distract from the more substantive pursuits.

What vision is calling to be fulfilled, what personal goal is shining ever brighter, and what love is longing to be expressed? This is the dawning of a new world of possibilities. Your true wealth will be measured by how much you are able to throw aside the old yardsticks of measurement and embrace the possibilities taking form? All is being reflected in the eyes of others if you are willing to look closely and not be distracted by the irrelevant. Go deep and do not settle for the easy. You will not be disappointed. You are wealthy beyond your wildest dreams if you are willing to let go and allow it to manifest through the alchemy of gratitude. Be grateful…



Things are moving at the speed of Light and many of you are feeling as if you are holding on for your life. In fact it is all part of the process of transforming your world into the frequency of Light. While many edifices are gone, others remain and are shuddering as the winds of change blow in and through them. All is moving in divine order and the process will continue for a short time more until things can recalibrate.

As for the world you will experience when you step off this express vehicle we can only say “We are not in Kansas anymore”. That is to say nothing will resemble the world you left behind. Money will no longer be the motivating premise of much of your activity or the point around which all activity rotates. If this is so, what might your emerging world look like? If you no longer made choices in life based upon the affordability of them, what might become the new measurement on which to gage worth? If you had to place a new value upon the scales of balance, what would that be?

If the things under consideration concern security, what does that nebulous concept mean to you? If you no longer must rely upon a certain amount of income to feel secure, what now is required to produce a feeling of security? If you have compromised your character for monetary reasons in order to feel secure, how does this new-found wealth alter that equation? What do you “pay” to others in order to maintain a feeling of security? Is this because you feel physically threatened or are not secure in your own inner Knowing and have abdicated this responsibility and turned it over to others? Inner Peace comes when we understand that no amount of money can guarantee our security if we do not trust our innate ability to create a safe space within to access this higher power. Be Safe.

What is the price tag on Loving relationships? All of the money in the world cannot purchase Love if we have locked our heart to others. Nothing is more of a priceless treasure than knowing within the heart of another is a mirror with your face in it.  The true value of all experience can be measured on a yardstick of Love. Without Love, we are merely shadows searching for substance. All of the wealth in the world cannot compensate for the hole that is created when we carelessly shut the door on the Loves in our life. Deep within is the spark waiting to be rekindled by the Love of another whether or not they come with monetary gifts.

Charity can be used to demonstrate Love to those around us. We can choose to shower others with wealth but that may not buy their Love. We can endear ourselves to other by investing our wealth in things that touch their soul by the insightful way we SEE their need and step forward to fill it, unselfishly. We can give of our self or our treasure to make the life of others less painful and more purposeful and enrich them and ourselves in the process. When money becomes an afterthought and not the purpose of our giving we remove this as the motivating factor in our exchange of energy.

Money is the currency of exchange in your world, for now. If you would transform your paradigm, consider how truly worthless it really is for your ultimate growth and happiness. While it is not “wrong” to desire and have nice things, truly some of the nicest things to have are those that money cannot buy. How do you intend to invest your monetary resources to grow a new paradigm of Loving awareness? This is how the world is re-valued. I AM

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rock, Paper, Scissors

The friction you feel with those around you is merely indicative of the purging of the old in preparation for the new. It is similar to a cathartic physical event that necessitates the regurgitating of the residue of toxic material in order to cleanse and purify the system for the new. Treat yourselves gently. This will soon pass and you will begin the road to recovery.

As for what this might look like we might suggest:

Be of good cheer. Your environment will conform to your attitude. If you anticipate problems and negativity, guess what you will get? The universe is getting better and better at creating a world based upon our beliefs. Were it ever so?

Believe you are capable of living the life of your intentions. Does what comes out of your mouth reflect your deep inner beliefs? No wonder there is confusion and unfulfilled expectations when you cannot even get on the same page with yourself! Be true to your word and utter only what you truly believe. Until we are honest with ourselves, little is likely to transpire on the outer planes that will be reflective of this.

How limited is your field of vision? Do you have trouble seeing anything beyond the narrow experience of the past? If time, money and resources were no object, what would you use your divine resources to create? Who would you bring along for the adventure? What would be the benefit to the greater good of this succeeding? That should be the focus of your efforts. All else will fall into place.

What would you like to see others accomplish? How can you help them to make that so? If you were on a nominating committee for those to be on the ascension express, who might you think would be most qualified to make the journey? What might you do to assist their effort?

How can you rearrange your life and priorities to move through this time of challenge in order to maximize your own effectiveness? If you were all-knowing what do you see that others might miss that would give you a leg up on the process? You have a unique view of life from your spot on the “elephant”. What do you observe that others may have missed that could be the missing piece in their puzzle. It is time to come together and begin sharing notes. This is a group endeavor and the more you are willing to collaborate with others on the path, the sooner all will see the way into the new paradigm. Rock, paper, scissors…


Game On

If you feel you have been led down a path of darkness in your world, how do you go back and begin to emerge from the shadow? We might suggest that you first begin to retrace the path that took you in this direction. At what point did your journey begin to veer away from what you Knew to be True and right? Where did you begin to cut corners that began the house of cards because you were not on solid ground? Structures constructed without a firm foundation of Truth are destined to crumble when the winds of change inevitably come.

As to what you might wish to do in this time of turmoil both within and without we have a few suggestions.

First, is there a remaining fragment of the original foundation on which to build? After clearing away the debris of the storm with honesty and forgiveness as well as taking responsibility for the fiasco, what remains of the original intent of the project? Is this something that still calls to you on a soul level to be completed? What do you know now that you did not know then that might make this feasible? Is it still a viable idea?

If things still are aligned with the higher purpose, what must be done differently in order to achieve better results? Where did the train begin to veer off the tracks by an imbalance of I instead of we? What can be done to re-stabilize the load by shifting the cargo to honor the needs of all the passengers? What needs to change to conform with the mandate of the new paradigm of One?

Do you have the energy and motivation to do this yourself? Who can you engage to join you on the journey? How can you make this a process of growth and understanding that will allow all to come together on a higher platform? You know the pitfalls but also the possibilities. How can you use this insider knowledge from the trenches to guide others around the potholes? Are you willing to share your own process and use this wounding as an opportunity to heal not only yourself but others from the injuries of the past and grow stronger?

When things do not go according to plan, it is frequently because of a design weakness that did not take into account evolving situations. As people come into their awakening, there will be more opportunities to rebuild the framework of your lives on a higher precipice. Do not assume that it is always business as usual or you will cease to grow and wither. Would it not be better to assume that the participants are evolving and marching to a more evolved drummer and plan life accordingly? By setting the bar higher with all of those you encounter, you encourage all to put on their best and step higher into achieving excellence together. This is time to show up as the beings of Light you are and remove all of the trappings that would suggest otherwise. Game on…