Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Friendship is one of the highest forms of association in the earth school. It is through our friends that we are free to explore the complexities of life without the emotional dramas of romantic encounters. True friends are able to set aside personal agendas and be honest mirrors to the other, allowing the true undistorted reflection to shine through and be amplified.

Now this is not to say that all friendships uphold this ideal. Part of the drama in the earth school results when our friends reflect back to us things we are not ready to address ourselves. We may move from friendship to friendship until we are finally able to discern the patterns in our lives that are causing us to examine these wounded parts that call us to rise above the circumstances and heal this missing part of our emotional body. True friends are able to hold the Light for the other and walk together down this higher path of understanding.

Now not all friendships are based upon healing. There are those that are based upon mutual growth and awareness. Friends allow us to mirror to each other higher concepts and understandings, filling in the missing parts until a fully rounded vision of the situation is shared. We become teachers and pupils of life through the eyes and ears of our friends in experience.

Friends are our families of choice. While we have little choice on this level of our families of origin, in our friendships we are able to align ourselves with those that more readily reflect our true selves at a soul level. We may have many friends, each of whom we have shared lifetimes with and are processing once again either unfinished business or new lessons we require for growth and understanding.

As we have spoken of before, soul families travel together from incarnation to incarnation because they share many energetic connections that find them slipping into familiar roles as alternating teachers and students in the mosaic of life. While karma plays some role in this, it is moreover a soul contract that they have agreed to honor at a soul level that brings them back together as long as is required to flesh out the form of experience until it is integrated into the understanding and awareness of the whole. These partners in life have a deep connection that transcends the surface experience and unites them at the deepest level.

Not all you might consider a friend will share this deep cosmic bond. However, more and more are being drawn together at the soul level where the unfinished business of past incarnations is being brought to the surface for examination. This is the putting the finishing touches on the thesis of life in order to prepare the participants for graduation into the higher realities. It is a coming together in celebration of lessons well learned and achievements yet to come. It is a call to celebrate lives shared together in joy and sorrow and shared revelations of long held understandings.

The depth and breadth of friendships are finding new meaning in these end times. Friendships of a cosmic nature have little resemblance to the superficial associations of previous generations. Those that have been able to open themselves to deeper, more meaningful sharing with those they have called into association as their soul siblings will find that these cosmic friends are able to show us how to put together the remaining pieces of our lives and to find higher purpose and direction when we seem to have lost our way.
It is our friends that are able to examine the back or dark side of our lives and bring into awareness these obscured flaws in the fabric of our lives in order to work together to restore the wholeness of health and awareness. They are the true guardians of our soul for they unflinchingly are helping us move forward into our Light. The magic of friendship is a bond that transcends many incarnations as we weave a tighter fabric of experience with those with whom we have chosen to share our lives.

Time to give thanks and appreciation for the true friends in our lives who are helping us find our way out of the darkness and into a higher vision of where we have come from and where we are going together. Friends are our Light upon the path and the shelter from the storms of life. They are blessed reflections of our soul at work in the experience of life. They are different aspects being reflected to us in awareness through the eyes of others. They are Love in action…

I AM Metatron

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Your Higher Self is Calling

The feelings that help you integrate your heart and your emotional body are also valuable in that they help give direction to your journey. These subtle energy reminders are meant to help you adjust the “GPS” of your life into ways that are in sync with your soul purpose. If you pay attention to the feelings that you have around a person or a situation in your life, you will be able to move effortlessly on the higher path of experience.

Now when we say effortlessly, we do not necessarily mean without drama and adventure. Life lived in the fullness of experience calls us to be in the rapids of the current of experience. It merely means that your craft is not only seaworthy but well suited to handle the storms and obstacles and to navigate around the whirlpools that might suck under a less experienced crew. The effortless part means that the patterns are obvious and you are fully able to handle even the roughest sees by rising above the chaos and turbulence and follow the route you Know to be leading to higher ground.

There is a peace that is inherent in being fully attuned to life. This is what will be required in the weeks and months ahead as unseaworthy institutions and constructions based on false premises begin to shake and fall, only to be rebuilt upon a firmer foundation. This is a cosmic wrecking ball that is selectively restoring higher order to the foundational elements of society in order to correct the inherent imbalances that have taken form through greed, mistrust and illusion. While many built upon a stronger foundation of Loving service may be spared, there will be a necessary restructuring and balancing that must take place in order to redefine the world that you are living in.

While the weather is certainly a harbinger of the erratic nature of turbulence around you, there are other factors that are sorting themselves out as well. The volatile energy patterns are causing people to rethink who they are and the greater purpose of their lives. It is not enough to sit idly by and allow yourselves to be tossed and turned by the whims of nature. Many are awakening to a new day of opportunity and possibilities. It is an awakening after the storm has wrecked havoc and sifting through the debris to find the salvageable, but also envisioning the new life that needs to be constructed out of the rubble.

If you could start today (which you can) rebuilding your life into one of higher purpose and Loving understanding, what would it look like? Suppose there were a clean slate before you (which there is) would you still repeat the outmoded patterns of the past or would you envision a more radiant future of greater meaning and substance, making every effort one of higher vision and clarity? How would you restructure the activities of your life in order to build on the greater understanding of meaning and purpose? If you determine not to let the ego dictate your new agenda, how would this play out in your association with others? How much are you willing to default to the illusions and beliefs of society when you Know that you are the keeper of the Truth of your own wisdom?

Times are calling for all to step up to the plate and find their own inner wisdom. You Know what to be in your highest good if only you can shut out the chatter of a world gone mad and listen to your voice of reason. The extent to which you are willing to head this divine message is dependent upon your ability to live in balance and integrity in your life. You Know the higher path. It is time to step forward and begin the journey of your life in awareness that this is the fast track to understanding and fulfillment. Your Higher Self is calling…It is time…

I AM Metatron

Saturday, February 13, 2010


When you come from Light and Love in all that you do, you create an energetic field around you that attracts to you the people and experiences that resonate with that energy. Now this is not to say that all carry that same frequency, but in some way, they are searching for connections that mirror that understanding. Choosing to interact with those who carry a slightly higher frequency than your own is one way that we continue to grow past the limiting beliefs of our understanding and to rise above the mediocrity of our past experiences.

How do you choose those that you wish to share your most valuable commodity, time, with? We might suggest that you begin to evaluate what is being served and what is gained by each association. How do you enrich each other with your shared wisdom and insights? Do you each contribute to the other’s understanding on a higher level or is it all about trading gossip or rehashing past encounters and experiences? Have you outgrown the friendship or is it dynamic and growing in awareness? Time to evaluate and decide whether you wish to take this to a higher level or close that door in order to open the next.

Now it is in the associations in our lives that we have the greatest possibility for discovery and awareness. Choosing those to interact with that you resonate with is fine if they also are committed to learning and growing together. One of the advantages of intimate partnerships is that they are able to integrate and reflect on new ideas and encounters in a safe, supportive environment, exploring different aspects of the information and helping to process and file away new information. In this case intimacy implies that both partners are serving the other on a higher level of understanding and awareness.

Romantic intimacy requires a deeper level of trust when one is committed to the soul growth and expansion of the other. It is a stripping away of barriers and pretenses in order to merge with the essence of the other to attain a higher level of communion. It is through the eyes of our intimate partners that we find the mirrors of our soul that are calling to us to heal and grow together. What are you willing to reveal to another in order to allow the healing balm of introspection and discovery coalesce into the new skin of awareness?

Part of the journey of awareness comes into form when we allow ourselves to become revealed to a greater audience of aspirants. Being able to express vulnerability and to unmask ourselves, warts and all, to those you would connect with on a larger scale can be the difference between mediocrity and brilliance. The truly great speakers and those that are able to motivate others into action are the ones who are able to connect with their audience in ways that touch a common cord of understanding but also make them feel that they are speaking from within their own inner wisdom and sharing at a soul level.

The more you are able to share your doubts and foibles with others as well as your conclusions and inspirations, the more you empower them to rise above their circumstances and forge a new path of higher understanding. It is after all, not the challenges we have faced in our lives which are merely promptings of our soul into growth and understanding, but how we deal with them in higher truth that determines how high we will rise in our own spiritual journey.

Understanding is seldom a “light bulb” moment but more often a culmination of many pieces of the puzzle of awareness coming together until one is able to make out the grander picture that is forming. In these times we are being called to hasten the process by bringing together more pieces from the archives of previous incarnations that are coming together to flesh out the framework of this lifetime. It is a culmination of many sojourns on earth and beyond that have prepared you for this final leap across the chasm of higher awareness. You will find many missing pieces that you have “forgotten” but are, in fact, part of your cellular patterning that is surfacing just as you require it for integration. You Know things but do not understand how you Know them. It is surfacing for assimilation into your more complete body of Light energy that is the culmination of your experiences in form. Be willing to integrate these new particles of Truth for they represent hard-won lessons of awareness that will serve you well in the coming times. All is perfect and is pointing you on a higher path of discovery. It is time.

I AM Metatron

Conflict Resolution

Frustration occurs when one is unable to find levels of compromise and agreement between what one believes to be true and desirable and that of the world of experience. Since all do not come from identical levels of understanding and acceptance of the true nature of the universe, it is more about finding a common “language” in which to converse. As many around you have bought into a fear-based perception that does not understand the unlimited resources at their disposal, you may find it challenging when dealing with them in a Loving way.

We first might suggest that you begin by finding common areas of agreement. What truths do you share that reflect a higher purpose? By then expanding this to show how you have used these to build upon a Loving foundation and share the ways that you have been able to come to conclusions that reflect your more Loving perspective should help them to evolve their own erroneous thinking patterns. It about retraining the mind to stretch farther and higher, bypassing the old patterns that no longer serve the present reality. This is not your father’s world but has evolved and these are the new rules of engagement.

The more you are able to come from a place of Love and acceptance, honoring the other exactly where they are, the greater will be your chance for success. Finding common truths that are the foundation for growth together is the key. If you cannot speak with one tongue in some way, there is little hope of finding common paths to tread together.

Another important aspect of this is the recognition and appreciation of the other. Everyone needs to be acknowledged for their presence and achievements in order to feel self worth. Many have not evolved past the egocentric world they inhabit and are unable to move into a space of selflessness and unity. Acceptance that this is THEIR reality gives you greater understanding of their mindset and vocabulary in order to both honor the things they hold dear and show them how they might take these building blocks and move fearlessly into an expanded vista of possibilities. Not stretching the truth but expanding their vision into greater levels of possibility.

The key to all of this is being willing to take the time to expand minds and grow together rather than give up in frustration or rage and create walls of intolerance and mistrust. Too often we dismiss these teachable moments when we are being called into greater understanding and growth together. Where there is conflict, there is the opportunity for growth by both parties and opportunities to find Loving solutions to challenging areas of interaction.

Being able to step back/higher and look at the situation and the deeper reasons for the impasse is maturity and understanding taken to a higher level. How is this impasse teaching you and the other to see life from an elevated perspective and to find Loving solutions to “problems” that you have come together to work through? When you allow yourself the luxury of time to ponder and reflect the deeper meaning of this interaction rather than “flying off the handle” and giving an ego-driven response, you are able to graduate to the rank of sage and purveyor of higher wisdom.

Now you Know that Truth is not always welcomed by those who are struggling in the deep waters of illusion. Think of the drowning man who is capable of pulling down the rescuer in an attempt to keep his own head above water. It is imperative that you find ways of offering bits of substance at arms length, slowly calming the misdirected energy of the encounter until both are able to find a rational path. Once both feel heard and appreciated, it is much easier to find a mutual path to walk together.

The coming together in higher purpose will give many opportunities for interaction with those struggling with their old “realities”. It is like walking a mine field, laced with opportunities for conflict and degradation. Those who have seen past the illusions of this tormented world will be able to walk above this terrain, in the world but not part of it until the missteps of others force us down into conflict. Being able to diffuse the ordinance and gather those in harms way into a common path of belief and understanding is an important aspect of not only conflict resolution but growth and understanding. It is time to find ways of coming together as One in the minefield of life. It is time…

I AM Metatron


Finding a direction and purpose in life can be a lifelong pursuit. Just when you feel you have mastered the nuances of the journey, along comes a roadblock that will take you in a new direction. This is merely your soul directing your growth and understanding into new areas for exploration. The status quo is never meant to be the place for the final destination, but merely a stopping place for reflection and integration. The true destination is always ahead, waiting to be explored.

Now the goals of your life as seen from a soul’s perspective are never in terms of monetary or social achievement. When you are plotting the course of your life you are well served to view it as a series of milestones in understanding. Your experiences are meant to challenge you to reach higher and to make the connections you require to get you closer to your final destination. All else is gift wrappings that disguise the true treasure of enlightenment.

Given this, how do you go about sifting through the opportunities that come your way for exploration? We might suggest that along with vibration and feelings you have regarding the choices in your life you might also wish to look at those that seem to serve a broader, more far-reaching purpose. Those that are from a source that connects others on the cosmic grid are necessarily more inclusive because they serve the higher purpose of connection and group dynamics in understanding.

While solitary pursuits are necessary in order to achieve clarity, the next step is finding ways of sharing this basic understanding with those of your association. If all are One and merely different aspects of the common experience, it stands to reason that things that enrich the lives of a single cell will influence not only the surrounding cells but the overall health of the total body. How do your choices in life create a higher vibration of health and harmony that help bring the cellular body of God into divine resonance?

While you might consider your experience to be solitary and meaningless in the overall experience of life being lived in concert with those around you, this is were true change begins. As one breaks away from preestablished patterns and moves into a new form of experience, others will be attracted to follow this new pattern that is forming around this nucleus of inspiration. Those that are resonating at this new frequency will be attracted to this new vibration and will feel attraction and therefore move out of their limiting pattern as well. Thus societies, attitudes and achievements are moved from inertia into growth in new and more positive ways.

So how do you go about changing the limiting patterns of your life? We might suggest that examination of what in your life feels stale or used up might be the first step to take. If you were to discard these no longer relative facets of your life, what might you do differently that would lead you onto a new path of discovery? If your life were a blank slate (which it is) and you were free from all encumbrances and restrictions, how might you restructure it in ways that are more Joyful and challenging?

We say challenge because that is what you are being called to do – something that moves you past what you have known and experienced and into uncharted waters of growth. Without the things that challenge us to push harder and farther, life is one of mediocrity of the known. What new challenges do you wish to bring to your life that calls to you from afar, beckoning you onward? How can you become a seed of growth that will draw to you all you require to become the magnificence of your new aspect of being? Time to step out of the shallows and move into deeper waters where the currents are swift but the channels deep and the opportunities for exploration unlimited. Freedom to ride the waves of possibilities is there if you are willing to move forward into a life of unlimited wonder and Joy. It is time…

I AM Metatron.



While those around you may be stuck in the illusions of the third-dimensional world, we would like to give you a vision of yow you might transcend this reality by altering your perspective and intentions…First we might suggest that you begin with the relationships in your life. If you are mired in the belief that those around you are operating with less than altruistic motives then that will be your experience. If you believe that you are incapable of achieving your desires then that will also be your experiences. For, as you Know, you call to you the experiences that resonate with your vision of reality. However, if you live each day in the wonder and expectation that all will be manifested in perfect resonance with your soul purpose, then that will also be your reality. It is all a matter of intention and perspective.

Now this is not to say that if you “believe” all will turn out rosy, but that it is in fact what you require for your growth and understanding. It allows you to embrace the challenges as well as the opportunities in an atmosphere of appreciation for you Know that the higher good will ultimately be achieved.

It is the fear of the unknown that frequently holds us back from achieving our highest potential. If we are afraid to step forward with our interaction with others and express our truth, then we will be unable to receive the gift of their understanding and appreciation. We must first be able to open the door of courage if we expect to find those who are there to teach us new lessons in Love. This is not to say that the journey will be without the ups and downs of experience for that is how we grow and evolve, but without the first step forward, the journey of discovery will not begin.

The same goes for the other areas of life. Standing under a shelter, waiting for all of the clouds to pass may not be the most effective course if you wish to engage in the maelstrom of life. Getting wet is required for in such you become part of the process and therefore are able to envision the solution. It is the passion that we bring to our experiences that allows us to experience the ecstasy that is possible when we put ourselves out into the flow of life. Mediocre efforts generate mediocre responses. A life fully lived with passion and integrity assures that all of one’s experiences will be soulful and extraordinary.
So how do you extricate yourself from the rut of mediocrity? We might suggest going within and contemplating the things, ideas, or people that stir your soul. What inspires your imagination? What intrigues you to explore and experience more? Who do you feel more alive and engaged in the moment with? Perhaps these are the areas worth exploring.

Finding passion in life can be one of the most glorious experiences, especially if you are able to couple this with motivation to follow this light of inspiration. Finding the things/experiences/people that are the sparks to achievement can be an exhilarating experience. Being able to follow through and step forward in order to receive the gifts your soul is offering you through this experience is a journey of the highest order. Finding the courage to step forward on this soul’s journey is the “knighthood” of achievement you have been striving for.

How will you take the things that you are passionate about and use them as a beacon to direct the focus of your journey and achieve magnificence beyond your imagination? Time to think a little deeper and find the passion in your life in order to transcend the mundane. Time is calling…

I AM Metatron

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Game Plan

When you put yourself out there in the world of experience, it is a signal to others that you are “in the game” of life. Those around you that have heard the opening bell are also fully engaged and ready to “play ball”. How you go about executing the plays of engagement will ultimately be determined by the game plan your soul has encoded that you will fall back on when instinct takes over. The lessons you require are always the prime motivating factor in experience. They are what call you energetically to participation in the game of experience.

Now given the rules of life that are inherent in the dimension of experience you are playing in, there are mitigating factors that can alter your game plan and either send you to the bench to regroup or move you to a higher level. Say you have completed the first quarter of life to perfection and completed all the plays you require for achievement. What is to say that you must continue at that level when you could be promoted to a higher one for advance studies? Given the higher energetic flow of current experience, it is possible to advance several grade levels on the vibrational scale in a lifetime that might have taken many others in previous times. The time is being accelerated but also the level of experience is higher so souls that have achieved the higher level understanding and moved beyond the challenges of fear and egotism are able to move deftly into new and exciting venues of experience.

Now what might challenge you to new adventures once you have arrived in this rarefied state? We might suggest that again you look within to the themes of your life that have a recurring melody that has played over and over in your head throughout your incarnation. This is undoubtedly something your soul has programmed to help you find your way Home. In what ways have these lessons defined the path you have taken and what is the next logical level of experience that is taking you to a more challenging and elevated venue of experience? How have all of the “failures” in your life opened doors of awareness that have now come full circle and allowed you to break through the barriers that you have faced in your life?

When one faces obstacles in life it usually means that you would be wise to step back and evaluate the situation. Is this really the path that is in your highest and best good or merely something that has the fingerprints of the ego all over it? Is there a better, more evolved way of approaching the situation that can lead you higher and more productively toward the goal? Would you be better served in finding another area of pursuit? All valid questions and ones that bare some scrutiny when times get tough and things do not seem to be working out as planned.

While the path of least resistance is not always the wisest choice, things that challenge and obstruct the flow of energy should be signposts that perhaps more thought should be given to understanding the true motivation of your actions and how they might affect the greater mosaic of life. While seemingly valid in the microcosm, the far-reaching affects of the process on the macrocosm of life could prove detrimental to the balance and energy of the whole. Trying to see the larger picture of life and those that are affected by the ripple of our choices is a good way of integrating individual experience into the fabric of the whole.

As more and more are drawn together into a tighter web of expression, you will be able to discern the patterns that are forming and the threads that are weaving themselves into the garments of your life. Shifting colors and frequencies of Light energy that are illuminating the complexity but also the exquisite nature of life lived in concert with higher purpose and those who have chosen to be part of this grand experience unfolding. This is the magic carpet that will take you higher that you are weaving together in concert with those you have chosen for this transformational period of experience. There are no random moments and all is coming together in the fine texture of integration of time, form and Light energy. It is time to see the fulfillment of the process. It is time…

I AM Metatron